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  1. #1
    joe_19 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Question cycle help-existing gyno-tren,test,pct help.

    ok so ive been travelling around australia for about a year now im 23, when i first landed i weighed about 80kilos/12stone4pounds empty stomach, i know weigh about 70 kilos pretty lean want more size diets in check

    last cycle history test prop 300mg p/w tren ace 300mg p/w, dbol 30mg per day for the first 4 weeks and winny 50mg per day for the last 4 weeks. gains were awesome pumps awesome no major sides until after pct, pct was nolva chlomid 60/60 40/40 40/40 20/20 for 4 weeks following, so tren shuts you down pretty damn hard as ive experienced my pct clearly wasnt enough hents the gyno i now have, i have tried to get rid of it using letro forma stanazol with no success and cant really afford surgery as im on a working visa here in australia 10k the doctor has said to get it removed. so living with it is the only option for the moment...

    cycle im planning-

    test-300 mg prop a week
    tren 500 mg actate per week
    4 weeks of anadrol at the beggining
    4 weeks of winnie orals at the end(last 4 weeks)

    so i guess the question is

    my pct nolva hcg ?? do i need an AI while on cycle or pct ?

    is that pct good enough ?

    thinking of using a peptide ? not sure if this helps boost gains or not ?

    i need help constructing this because i cant seem to find full answers, any help is great, thanks . joe_19

  2. #2
    joe_19 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    so what ive learned so far

    - always keep tren higher than test, using high test always holds more sides
    -tren is 4 or 5 times stronger than test
    - my gyno was caused through progesterone levels
    - never use nolva with HCG
    -armedex is a rubbish AI to use on cycle

    this is one of the reasons i need information, what are peoples experiences with this cycle in particular,

    workout consists of

    mon chest
    tue back
    wed legs
    thurs shoulders
    fri arms
    sat cardio

    diet is

    Meal 1 – 6 raw egg whites , 2 cups (6 oz) of Oatmeal with greek yogert

    Meal 2 – Chicken Breast (boiled) Broccoli and Brown Rice

    Meal 3 – 200g (7 oz) Tuna chunks in spring water and Wholemeal Pasta

    Workout followed by a Whey Protein shake

    Meal 4 – steak and sweet potato/past or brown rice

    Meal 5 – smoothie (celery,capsicum,cucumber,apple,kiwi) - (green smoothy 5 of 5 fruit and veg a day + lowers oestrogen)

    Meal 6 – tuna or chicken breast

    Meal 7 – 1 cup (6.8 oz) of no fat Cottage Cheese 10 minutes before bed

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