I just got on my 3rd vialiof tren a Sunday. The ones before gavenme horrible sides and good gains in the gym. Went from 180lbs to 207lbs in 6 weeks. Anyway, so I started my 3rd vial of tren p Sunday and fortthe first time ever I got tren cough. I'm more tired than before. I can't sleep at all now. Crazy night sweats. It seemed as if my side iincreased tremendously comparedto the ffirst two vials
My girl even said Sunday night shehhasn'tbeen sable to sleep since becauseI keep hitting her sand pushing her throughoutthe bnight. I find that weird since I don't remember it.
Anyway so you think this vial could be overdosed, or my cell other vials prior was underdosed?
Btw this is my second tren cycle and never experienced sides like these.