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Thread: HCG and Clenbuterol - Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    HCG and Clenbuterol - Questions

    OK two separate questions:
    1) I literally have heard and have run HCG in both of these fashions. What/why do you prefer? 1) HCG throughout test cycle (250iu every other day), a week after ending start PCT of Clomid then Nolva. OR 2) Just run your cycle then a week after the end of the cycle you do 2000iu HCG daily for 5 days, 1000 IU for 10 days, clomid for all 15 days and Nolva throughout PCT

    2) Goal is to bulk, then lean out - where in the cycle do you feel Clen fits best - Last few weeks of cycle, full cycle, PCT, or after PCT? I'd like to squeeze in a keto diet with the clen too...maybe thats pushing it. :-)

    All experienced opinions wanted!

    Oh - 33 years old, lifting for about 10 years, BF is higher than i want right now b/c I was sick. Will have to strip it off before I start my cycle. I can provide the full cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Anyone? Anyone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    What do you plan on running through your cycle? Can't advise on PCT or anything like that if we don't know what your cycle is. Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you'll want to run the HCG at 250iu twice a week. This is because HCG has a half life of something like 2-4 days depending on IM vs Subq injections. It would be a waste to pin it at such high doses every day.
    As far as the clen, it also depends on what you plan on running. But with clen it is to my knowledge two weeks on then at least two weeks off is usual. Although I've never used it myself.
    Looking forward to more information so your question will actually be answered

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ok. Cycle is test cyp 300mg/week, anastrozole .5 mg e3d, hcg 250iu 2xweek, albuterol 4mg day, ilbe using my sermorilin/ghrp starting the last week of cycle through pct, and beyond.

    Thanks again

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