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Man, you guys know your stuff, butiexpected as much. Ok, here is what I have.
2 10ml 200mg/ml Test Cyp
1 10ml 300mg/ml Deca
1 5000iu 1000iu/ml HCG
HCG is not mixed yet.
Tell me what I need to do? It seems everyone is telling me to up the dose,
On Wednesday my friend pinned me in the left delt with
200mg Test
150mg Deca
He told me to repeat this every 5 days, and start HCG as PCT on last Pin.
I'm assuming, by y'all's seemingly educated advice that this is wrong...
Sorry if someone already answered, but I do better if someone says "Look man, DO THIS..." Lol.
Can I post pics? I took some so I could always tell what I had.