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Thread: whats the worst that can happen??? first cycle be honest

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Hopefully someone else will stick around to help WHEN he ****s himself up. I'm done with the short sighted, uneducated, punks who think they know better than guys who have been lifting longer than their immature underdeveloped skinny asses have been alive. He thinks he knows best, let him ruin himself.

    When his gains fade and he can't get it up and the girls are laughing at him, someone else here can lend him a hand.
    OP, I take whatever the senior and more experience people say very seriously. Don't take it the wrong way, these guys don't get paid to share their experience and knowledge with us, their just good decent people trying to help us all out. At the end of the day you can do whatever it is you want to do, no one can stop you. But when you post something on a forum and ask for advise and feedback then take the feedback seriously or don't even bother posting it.

    Anyway good luck to you, hope nothing bad happens to you. But take your time to educate yourself and learn about what each compound does for you (negative and positive). Also understand what combining these compounds will do for you (negative and positive).

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Sure no problem. In the future I'll tell them to do whatever the hell they want. It's not my life so why should I give two shits?

    Always a pleasure Metal.
    I wasn't attacking your comments. Not at all. I do see things a little differently than you and some of the other guys on here but that's not an attack, that's simply a differing view. I do understand a lot of people guard their thoughts on the matter and often take a differing opinion or way of thinking as an attack. I used to myself somewhat. But in the end it's just steroids, and while discussing them and learning about them is important it's hardly the most important thing in the world and I rarely get my feathers ruffled over it anymore.

    Like I said, I see things a little differently than you but that's not an attack on you or anything like that.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    While hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia are cholesterol related, they are not the same thing.
    Slightly yes but both lead to the same cardiovascular strain.

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