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Thread: 45 quad injury deca

  1. #1

    45 quad injury deca

    G'day , I will keep this as short as I can , I have trolled through pages & pages of forms and web information about various anabolics and there benefits of rebuilding muscle condition .
    The big picture is I broke R leg 10yo ( neck of femur, plate in, cut R quad from hip area to almost knee ) no gym for a while , lots of rehab ect , eventually got to back racing bikes, had some pain issues so the plate was removed 5yo,
    Back to the gym but right quad not as big as as left ,
    Got smashed in the R knee 18 months ago,, medial, lateral ligaments over stretched , ACL still goodish . found that it aggravated a bone spur that had grown from the original break & had to be removed , ( third time quadriceps was opened up under surgery)

    Been back to the gym for 6 months, top half of me is strong but I carnt get
    R leg going its now noticeably smaller , A doctor prescribed me deca 50ml only shot for the first 3 week period to see if there was any reaction ,and increasing to 100ml for next 3 week period . from what I have read this maybe not enough ,
    Doc chose Deca because I am 45yo , blood is good ,85kg ,B/P spot on, resting heart rate 52-55 bpm .body fat under 12% , Diet strict , don't drink , been organic for years ,(getting bit of a gut due to not running anymore )
    Do I really need 500ml a week of test E (primoteston ect , mainly because it in the same chemist next to Deca ) for any results ., Im up to speed on the PCT but doubt need it atm..
    Done hard physical work all my life now my body is weak on one side , feel like im beating my head against the wall talking to Doctors any ideas .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Deca really helped me with joint relief. I start with 400 mg then after 6 weeks I dropped it down to like 200 and only used it for joint relief. It worked great at 200mg. I read your thread kinda quick I'm not sure at what mg deca will shut down your test but if your taking any mg of deca that's worth while I would take test with it

  3. #3

    Oher treatment .

    Would HGH be of the same benefit, t o rebuild muscle tissue...

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