So while all my friends are out drinking and the gal is at a concert what better way to spend a Friday night on the forms. I am going to be using this as a log for the current cycle I am on and maybe get a little help from you guys to optimize it along the way. I am one week into the following cycle.
Tren Ace 100mg EOD=350mg week
Test Prop 42mg EOD=150mg week
Prami started dosing at .3 ED currently
Liquidex .25mg EOD
I am working out 5 times a week.
Monday-chest & back:
Incline DB Bench SS with Wide Lat Pulldowns 4x8-12
DB bench SS with Bent over rows 3x8-12
Incline Flies SS with close grip cable rows 3x8-12
Chest Dips SS with weighted hyperextensions 3x10-15
Tuesday- Biceps and Triceps:
BB curls 4x8-12
21's 3 sets
Preacher Curls 3x10 * after completing each set then drop weight to half and do 8 more reps
Skull Crushers SS with close grip Bench 3x8-12 then failure for the close grip with same weight
One hand Cable Press down 4x8-12
Wednesday- Legs:
Squats 4x8-12
Lunges 3x8-12
Leg Press 3x8-12
Leg Extensions 3x8-12
Leg Curls 3x8-12
Machine Standing Calf Raises 4xfailure
Thursday- Shoulders:
Shoulder Press 4x8-12
Lateral Raises SS with Upright Rows 3x10
Front Raises 3x10
Rear delt raises 3x10
Face Pulls 3x10
Shrugs Machine side then front 3x20
Saturday-Full Body Exhaust
Dead lifts 3x8-12
Squats 3x8-12
Weighted Pull Ups 3x8-12
Clean and Press 3x8-12
Sunday: OFF
Diet is 3300 cals a day. This is 300 cals above maintenance
75g Fat
325g Protein
325g Carbs
Sample Diet
Meal 1: Shake(milk, egg whites, whey protein, banana, oats)
Meal 2: Subway Foot Long Club with Sweet Tea and whole grain chips
Meal 3: Post workout 2 scoops whey and 70grams dextrose
Meal 4: Some lean meat with veggies maybe some pasta if behind on carbs
Meal 5: Cottage Cheese
Whey Protein
Extend BCAA's
Animal Pak
Fish Oil
Vitamin D
Green Tea