Dear friends
After months of research I have came up with my final first cycle which will the test only and off-course i am here for your valuable opinion about my cycle. Also I have few questions at the end if you guys can shad a light on those too, I would really appreciate the help and expert opinion and suggestions of yours.
So lets start!
First thing first please see my bio.
Sex: male
Age: 30
Height: 181
Weight: 176
Bf: 15% (going to drop at least 2% more before my cycle)
Weight lifting experience: regular last 3 years
Cycle history: non
Physical condition: healthy
Allergies: non
Previous problem: Acne for 4 years when young.
My last BW came up fine, everything was good except a minor level of high Cholesterol (one point above normal). Which I am pretty sure mow after 2 months it should be fine but I will go for my BW again prior to start my cycle and if its still a point above I will work on it before going on cycle. I can justify my slightly high Cholesterol 2 months ago as I came back from a month holidays and wasn't on my own diet plan. So I assume it should be fine by now. But still I will need to do BW. Lets assume it's ok now which it should be.
Workout routine:
Days a week: 6 days a week
Intensity level: high
Diet plan:
Meals: 7
Cals: 3300 calories a day
Supplements: whey protein, casein before bed.
Not a big fan of supplements as I prefer food more but I like whey protein.
Now Lets have a look at my cycle. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.
Main Cycle
Cycle Duration: 12 weeks
Testosterone Enanthate: 500MG EW (250MG Monday, 250MG Thursday)
HCG: 500iu EW (250iu Sunday, 250iu Wednesday)
Adex: 0.25MG EOD (AI Purposes)
------- Cycle Ends
HCG: 500iu EW (250iu Sunday, 250iu Wednesday) - 3 more pins after cycle finishes (same routine Sunday and Wednesday, means my test injection will be on Friday so I will pin HCG Sunday as usual, then Wednesday and then Sunday again, then from Sunday to Sunday there is nothing, then on Monday I start PCT)
2 Weeks after last Test-E
PCT - Post Cycle Therapy
PCT Duration: 4 Weeks (every day dose)
Week 1: Clomid 50MG and Nolva 40MG
Week 2: Clomid 50MG and Nolva 40MG
Week 3: Clomid 50MG and Nolva 20MG
Week 4: Clomid 50MG and Nolva 20MG
------- PCT Ends
0. Cycle: How's my cycle?
1. Acne: as I pointed before I had acne in past. What are the chances of acne in my cycle?
2. Flu: I alway have a bad flu whenever I have it, test flu is a term I am seeing more often now, what are the chances of test flu in my cycle?
3. Sickness: when I have flu or fever it goes up 102 normal and put me on bed for at least a week. No work, no workouts, no food nothing. In this case what should I do. A. Carry on with my cycle with less food and no exercise? B. terminate my cycle?
4. Same question if doctor puts me on antibiotics what I am supposed to do?
5. In case of termination do I need to run PCT? Even if cycle was 1 or two weeks old? If yes then how long PCT should be in this exceptional case?
6. When exactly during the cycle, PTC and after finishing I am going to go on low libido and less erection? I mean from the start till the end when I will be impotent for sex?
Your help is highly regarded.