Hey so I plan on starting my 6th cycle In about a month. I have my tren, test e, and adex on hand waiting for my pins, hcg, nova n clomid also going to run a clen keto 4-6 week cut before I start which I should have this upcoming week.
So here's my question, I've only ran test e and cyp (for my for my test) I was wondering about prop what do you all think about it, I don't really like waiting the 4 weeks it takes the test to see results but obviously will. I can get some prop n save the E for another cycle or something else($$) or should I just grab so,e dbol? But I'll be running tren 100 eod and isn't it a bad idea to mix dbol and tren?
Oh ya I'm 25 about to be 26 in a month, have ran test E and cyp, deca, dbol, tren prior. lifting hard core for like 6 years diet has been strict for about 3, I'm 220 waiting a lean bulk about 12-14bf right now