Here's some interesting info. on high concerntration gear PIP PAIN from a username by the name of Swm (something or another...sorry--I forgot his exact user name but he's a "productive member"):
"High concentration gear has more suspended hormone in a relatively small amount of oil. Oil is absorbed by the body at a fairly standard rate. The reason pharmaceutical companies suspend hormones like test cyp at 200 is because by the time the oil is absorbed, so has the hormone. In your case the oil is absorbed and some of the raw hormone material is left behind sitting in the muscle tissue without any oil to suspend itself in. Hormone powders are crystalline in nature. You have tiny crystal fragments in your muscle tissue after a few days once the oil has dissipated. That's where the pain often comes from. Not always but in your case of test 400, I'd bet on it."
The above was a very good answer on why my PIP pain doesn't come upon penetration of the PIN or shortly thereafter, but why the PIP PAIN comes about 4 days later.
I'm using Test 400mg/Ml which obviously is high-concentration gear.
I am injecting slow.
I am only using .6 ML which amounts to 250 mgs/Testosterone @ every 3 days for a total of 500 mgs/week till I taper down.
Yet, after a recent glute injection 5 days ago Which was my 1st self-injection in that area, I loved it! No pain upon penetration of the PIN, no pain 3 days later...THEN:
I cant' I turn over to my right side when I sleep--the side I pinned the glute,
I need to say "ow" even though sayin that doesn't help physically, but probably helps pyschologically.
i am applying Tiger Balm and Arnica Cream .
My question is one you just have to please confirm or ratify "This PIP PAIN IS something I DO NOT have to worrry about..I've heard horror stories of the PIP Pain in the glute area which basically leaves after a while...So, So *Even if the area is slightly warm, and pinkish...unless I feel hot and cold or have a fever...I'm okay...NO INfection.
tHE above quoted explains WHY the PIP Pain appears nearly 5 days after the PIN from high concentration gear.
Again: I am only using .6 mL which amounts to 250 mgs still I have lumps and real bad pain on my PIN sites...and also pinkish marks on my site injections.
I'm never buying high-concentration gear again. It defeats the purpose of A.A.S. when ur delts, pecs, glutes (all of which are areas I PIN) are in pain or pink and cannot be worked out or trained to their MAX.
tHANks for ur input...and ur thoughts...