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Thread: Interesting PIP info. and PIP Question on Test 400mg/ML

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Eastern Seaboard

    Interesting PIP info. and PIP Question on Test 400mg/ML

    Here's some interesting info. on high concerntration gear PIP PAIN from a username by the name of Swm (something or another...sorry--I forgot his exact user name but he's a "productive member"):

    "High concentration gear has more suspended hormone in a relatively small amount of oil. Oil is absorbed by the body at a fairly standard rate. The reason pharmaceutical companies suspend hormones like test cyp at 200 is because by the time the oil is absorbed, so has the hormone. In your case the oil is absorbed and some of the raw hormone material is left behind sitting in the muscle tissue without any oil to suspend itself in. Hormone powders are crystalline in nature. You have tiny crystal fragments in your muscle tissue after a few days once the oil has dissipated. That's where the pain often comes from. Not always but in your case of test 400, I'd bet on it."

    The above was a very good answer on why my PIP pain doesn't come upon penetration of the PIN or shortly thereafter, but why the PIP PAIN comes about 4 days later.

    I'm using Test 400mg/Ml which obviously is high-concentration gear.

    I am injecting slow.

    I am only using .6 ML which amounts to 250 mgs/Testosterone @ every 3 days for a total of 500 mgs/week till I taper down.

    Yet, after a recent glute injection 5 days ago Which was my 1st self-injection in that area, I loved it! No pain upon penetration of the PIN, no pain 3 days later...THEN:


    I cant' I turn over to my right side when I sleep--the side I pinned the glute,

    I need to say "ow" even though sayin that doesn't help physically, but probably helps pyschologically.

    i am applying Tiger Balm and Arnica Cream .

    My question is one you just have to please confirm or ratify "This PIP PAIN IS something I DO NOT have to worrry about..I've heard horror stories of the PIP Pain in the glute area which basically leaves after a while...So, So *Even if the area is slightly warm, and pinkish...unless I feel hot and cold or have a fever...I'm okay...NO INfection.

    tHE above quoted explains WHY the PIP Pain appears nearly 5 days after the PIN from high concentration gear.

    Again: I am only using .6 mL which amounts to 250 mgs still I have lumps and real bad pain on my PIN sites...and also pinkish marks on my site injections.

    I'm never buying high-concentration gear again. It defeats the purpose of A.A.S. when ur delts, pecs, glutes (all of which are areas I PIN) are in pain or pink and cannot be worked out or trained to their MAX.

    tHANks for ur input...and ur thoughts...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Eastern Seaboard
    Oh. I forgot 2 say: im pinning pecs, delts with 1 inch pins & glutes with 1.5 inch pins just as recommended.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Eastern Seaboard
    87 views & no replies other than my own additions?

    Is there a doc in the house? or a good bro scientist?

    here's the question again since I'm worried soon it'll be sleep time here in California in about 5 hours (it's 6 pm) AND I'M NOT LOOKIN FORWARD TO THE PAIN:

    My question is one you just have to please confirm or ratify "This PIP PAIN IS something I DO NOT have to worrry about..I've heard horror stories of the PIP Pain in the glute area which basically leaves after a while...So, So *Even if the area is slightly warm, and pinkish...unless I feel hot and cold or have a fever...I'm okay...NO INfection.

    Can I get a "nothing to worry about"???

    It'll go away?

    Any high concentration gear PIP experienced bro''s out there care to add?

    If I was nauseus or throwing up or felt hot and cold which is rare here where I live right now in the Winter time in Southern California.

    Dudes, I'm freaking out...This is the worst PIP I've ever felt, pain cos I put pressure on my ass when I sleep on my side.

    It's been 3 days/nights of glute pain, more noticeable at night when I sleep and try to turn over on my right side.
    Thanks, in advance, for any constructive advice.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MakeUpLostTimeFast View Post
    87 views & no replies other than my own additions?

    Is there a doc in the house? or a good bro scientist?

    here's the question again since I'm worried soon it'll be sleep time here in California in about 5 hours (it's 6 pm) AND I'M NOT LOOKIN FORWARD TO THE PAIN:

    My question is one you just have to please confirm or ratify "This PIP PAIN IS something I DO NOT have to worrry about..I've heard horror stories of the PIP Pain in the glute area which basically leaves after a while...So, So *Even if the area is slightly warm, and pinkish...unless I feel hot and cold or have a fever...I'm okay...NO INfection.

    Can I get a "nothing to worry about"???

    It'll go away?

    Any high concentration gear PIP experienced bro''s out there care to add?

    If I was nauseus or throwing up or felt hot and cold which is rare here where I live right now in the Winter time in Southern California.

    Dudes, I'm freaking out...This is the worst PIP I've ever felt, pain cos I put pressure on my ass when I sleep on my side.

    It's been 3 days/nights of glute pain, more noticeable at night when I sleep and try to turn over on my right side.
    Thanks, in advance, for any constructive advice.....
    High conc test is high conc test no matter the injection amount

    For example at 400mg/mL, and say for the sake of example, the concentration is 2:1 test to oil
    even if u drop the dosage to 200mg injection the concentration of compound to oil is still gonna be the same 2:1 ratio just less of each. So therefore in both cases the oil will absorb before the test, ie crystals left in ur muscle. Thats why ur getting the pain even if low injection dosage with the same high concentration compound. Hope that made sense.

    If the area is warm to touch and getting red, its an inflammatory response to something foreign detected in your body. Not an infection but the response by ur body is that as if u had an infection. It also could be an infection because an infection will have the same symptoms. So u cant tell without going to a doc.

    I injected test prop in my calf one time and it was red and swollen and warm to touch. Thought itd go away but it didnt, went to the hospital 6 days later, doc did ultrasound and put me on antibiotics. If it doesnt go away in 2-3 days or pain doesn't decrease, go to hospital or doc.

    Some pain is normal and usually gone in 3-4 days but if its there for a week or more then u got something to worry about

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Eastern Seaboard
    [QUOTE=Schwarzenegger;6360921]High conc test is high conc test no matter the injection amount

    For example at 400mg/mL, and say for the sake of example, the concentration is 2:1 test to oil
    even if u drop the dosage to 200mg injection the concentration of compound to oil is still gonna be the same 2:1 ratio just less of each. So therefore in both cases the oil will absorb before the test, ie crystals left in ur muscle. Thats why ur getting the pain even if low injection dosage with the same high concentration compound. Hope that made sense.

    If the area is warm to touch and getting red, its an inflammatory response to something foreign detected in your body. Not an infection but the response by ur body is that as if u had an infection. It also could be an infection because an infection will have the same symptoms. So u cant tell without going to a doc.

    I injected test prop in my calf one time and it was red and swollen and warm to touch. Thought itd go away but it didnt, went to the hospital 6 days later, doc did ultrasound and put me on antibiotics. If it doesnt go away in 2-3 days or pain doesn't decrease, go to hospital or doc.

    Thanks a lot! Very, very thorough...yes it made sense regarding getting lots of PIP even at a lower dosage

    I will wait exactly 7 days before I go to a doctor.

    since I don't have any chills, no hot & cold symptoms and my forehead does not feel warm...I will just endure the pain a little longer.

    I can't believe they sell junk like this---high concentration gear...honestly it should be's like selling Oral Tren tabs which mess up the liver big time because they want to cater to the kids afraid of pinning themselves...i guess there are people out there (everywhere) only concerned about making a buck.\

    I will never use high-conc gear ever again...and I highly do NOT RECOMMEND ANYone to get high conc gear...

    Thanks, again, dude---I really hope you get REWARDED THREE-FOLD FOR YOUR EFFORTS IN HELPING ME!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    As the other guy stated, if it isn't hot/warm to the touch its likely nothing to worry about. Infections I have seen, dealing with friends issues in the past (never had a infection myself thank god), they seem to come on fairly quickly. If you injected a bacteria into your tissue I would suspect you'd notice an issue within a day or two at most. But this type of pain is also very common with the use of excessive solvents in the manufacture of steroids.

    If it is just the high concentration type pain due to the raw hormone sitting in your muscle tissue you have nothing to worry about. Your body will absorb and utilize the hormone in a few days and the pain will be gone. I do wonder if this could cause more issues with scar tissue down the road. But that's just speculation on my part.

    Hot to the touch? Get to a doctor. A oral course of antibiotics is usually able to get this under control. Not hot to the touch? Ride it out and you'll be feeling better soon. Personally, the only time I've used high concentration gear was when I was running extreme cycles and wanted to cut down on the volume if oil I was injecting. If you are running 2 grams of test at 200mg/ml that's ten ml. At 500mg/ml that's only four ml. With the dose you are running I would either buy lower dosed gear or dilute it myself. You need to read up on sterility and filtering or you will end up with an infection. But personally I wouldn't run high concentration gear unless it was something I had to do. 200-250mg/ml gear is just too damn smooth shooting to go with higher concentrations. Good luck.
    Last edited by swm1972; 01-27-2013 at 05:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    What'd is this ratio bullshit about?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic
    What'd is this ratio bullshit about?
    I don't have a clue what you are asking....

    Try rephrasing?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MakeUpLostTimeFast View Post
    Here's some interesting info. on high concerntration gear PIP PAIN from a username by the name of Swm (something or another...sorry--I forgot his exact user name but he's a "productive member"):

    "High concentration gear has more suspended hormone in a relatively small amount of oil. Oil is absorbed by the body at a fairly standard rate. The reason pharmaceutical companies suspend hormones like test cyp at 200 is because by the time the oil is absorbed, so has the hormone. In your case the oil is absorbed and some of the raw hormone material is left behind sitting in the muscle tissue without any oil to suspend itself in. Hormone powders are crystalline in nature. You have tiny crystal fragments in your muscle tissue after a few days once the oil has dissipated. That's where the pain often comes from. Not always but in your case of test 400, I'd bet on it."

    The above was a very good answer on why my PIP pain doesn't come upon penetration of the PIN or shortly thereafter, but why the PIP PAIN comes about 4 days later.

    I'm using Test 400mg/Ml which obviously is high-concentration gear.

    I am injecting slow.

    I am only using .6 ML which amounts to 250 mgs/Testosterone @ every 3 days for a total of 500 mgs/week till I taper down.

    Yet, after a recent glute injection 5 days ago Which was my 1st self-injection in that area, I loved it! No pain upon penetration of the PIN, no pain 3 days later...THEN:


    I cant' I turn over to my right side when I sleep--the side I pinned the glute,

    I need to say "ow" even though sayin that doesn't help physically, but probably helps pyschologically.

    i am applying Tiger Balm and Arnica Cream .

    My question is one you just have to please confirm or ratify "This PIP PAIN IS something I DO NOT have to worrry about..I've heard horror stories of the PIP Pain in the glute area which basically leaves after a while...So, So *Even if the area is slightly warm, and pinkish...unless I feel hot and cold or have a fever...I'm okay...NO INfection.

    tHE above quoted explains WHY the PIP Pain appears nearly 5 days after the PIN from high concentration gear.

    Again: I am only using .6 mL which amounts to 250 mgs still I have lumps and real bad pain on my PIN sites...and also pinkish marks on my site injections.

    I'm never buying high-concentration gear again. It defeats the purpose of A.A.S. when ur delts, pecs, glutes (all of which are areas I PIN) are in pain or pink and cannot be worked out or trained to their MAX.

    tHANks for ur input...and ur thoughts...
    I posted something like this in the guy who just got banned and posted about getting an abscess....

    #1 400 mg/ ml usually is under dosed.....#2 it is a good chance you have bunk gear....

    Pharm grade test is usually 250 mg/ ml....Even good test for ugl is typically made 250mg/ ml.....So anyone getting test at 300mg/ ml and up are probably getting under dosed gear which means they are probably cheap which also means it increasing your chances of getting BUNK gear...Infections and vice versa..

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