I speak to allot of people whom are currently using AAS on a day to day basis. Though I try to guide them as much as I can (I am in no way an expert) they all don't seem to know the first thing about steroids. For instance- my friends uncle called me up over the summer with asking why he did not see gains during his last cycle. He had concerns that his stuff was fake. And so I ask him what his cycle was... 10 weeks of deca @ "half a syringe" a week. That's it. Another friend of mine does not know what PCT stands for. He shoots at the right dosage but nontheless runs very dangerous and incomplete cycles. Most kids at my local gym are doing the same thing. Not to mention many of them are still in their teens.
What risks are these people running. More importantly when will the sides show up? These people have the mentality that if they are feeling good after the cycle then they are doing evrything right.
And as for my friends uncle, what happened? I believe he got lucky and was using fake gear. Tells me nothing happened. He should have shut down hard correct? Thank!