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Thread: 3rd cycle tren questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    3rd cycle tren questions

    Hi guys, long time lurker first time poster.

    im going to fill the obvious before i post questions.
    i have run 2 cycles previously which are as follows:
    2x test e 500mg/ wk 10 weeks gained 10kg of mass from each and kept 9kg(18kg total) from both cycles.

    these were all bulking cycles and im now sitting at 105kg at about 15%bf.
    aesthetics are not my goal strength is.

    dead is at 210kg 1rm
    bench is 125kg 1rm
    squat is only 145kg 1rm(sad i know i have weak legs but theyre big naturally)
    military press is 75kg 2rep

    25 years of age been lifting about 3 years seriously and another year before that without a proper diet or training.
    now before i get told tren is harsh i know this, i have never run a steroid before looking into it to an extreme amount. the reason im planning to use it is because of availability and how effective it is. i WILL be taking all measures possible to prevent side effects and have everything on hand already to combat sides:

    now im planning my cycle like this:
    week 1-10 test e 500mg/week
    week 1-8 tren ace 75mg eod
    Adex 0.5mg EOD
    Prami .25mg E3D with last meal, increasing to 0.5 eod if sides get bad
    hcg 500iu 2x per week

    hcg 500iu ed for 10 days after last test e pin before pct
    clomid 100/100/50/50/50 unsure when to start before during or after hcg.
    was also going to run nolva 40/40/20/20 but ive read this a bit of overkill.(thoughts on adding it in anyway?)

    now my questions are:
    when to start hcg? do i blast it after the last test pin for 500iu every day? or wait 2 weeks use hcg then once hcg is finished start pct?
    should i run both nolva and clomid? or one of the other? ive read nolva has adverse side effects against hcg?
    is this a safe cycle with the dose of tren i plan on using or would you use different?
    is this pct going to be effective enough?

    i would have preffered to use prop but there is no good prop around and the test e is pharma grade.

    This will be like a strength retention/cut cycle(obviously no steroid cuts, diet does, but tren does help and i have no availability to var,stana or clen). i want to cut down to a lower bf% so i can continue to bulk up and get stronger without becoming a walking baloon. plus i would like to compete end of this year and at a lower weight class.

    Diet will be a clean deficit with high protein moderate carbs moderate fats. lifting 4x per week (2 on 1 off) with 15 mins cardio pre and post workout solid state.

    thanks for the help guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    1. You are not experienced enough as a lifter to mess with Tren yet. Chances are, not only you will get plenty of sides from it but there is a good chance you will be injured due to sudden increments in strength and muscle mass.

    2. By looking at your cycle history, I can say that Test alone has worked for your very well. Why not continue to experiment with Test E maybe at a higher dose this time and for 12 weeks as opposed to 10? You should realize that Test alone at higher doses is much safer than moderate amounts of Test combined with even a low dose of Tren and Test allows you to do attain your goals as long as nutrition and training are adjusted accordingly, without a question.

    3. You may not need to blast HCG during post-cycle phase if you have used it throughout the cycle at 500iu E3D. I wouldn't bother with blasting it unless there has occured significant testicular atrophy during the cycle, which I doubt would be the case with the high-end dose of HCG employment as an OCT agent.

    4. You should stop HCG injections about 4 days before the first day of PCT so that the compound has cleared itself off of your system.

    5. You will need to run both Clomid and Nolvadex. Both for 4 weeks is enough. Unless you involve Tren in this cycle, you won't need to run them at the suggested doses and durations as you laid out above.

    6. Use either Arimidex or Aromasin for estrogen management during your cycle and run it up until PCT.

    7. If you front-load your Test E and run it for 12 weeks at 750mg, you will get plenty of gains regarding both strength and muscle-mass.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    thanks for the reply mate, good advice there.
    i have the tren already so il just hold onto it for now and try source some more good test. i may be able to get a hold of dbols aswell. i do have 20 weeks worth of good test but good stuff is hard to come by where im from, alot is shit which is why i bought bulk but i was planning to use the other 20ml at the end of the year but i will try look for more.

    the reason i wanted to run the tren was because i wanted a stronger kick than just test but unfortunately the only other injectable i can get is tren(otherwise i wouldnt even think of using it). but yeah il hold off for now till i have better cycling experience.
    would a low dose dbol kickstart be good to start? say 35mg?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I am not a fan of orals so I often advise against their use. Most people, however, simply ignore all the unfavorable health effects of orals and merely concentrate on the benefit of being able to chugging them with water before they are headed to the gym and be happy over the fact that they now have to deal with less IM injections. This is bad logic to me. This being said, you don't need to kick-start a cycle with an oral as long as you front-load your heavy ester AAS. If you do, 35mg of Dbol won't do much of anything.

    Since you have access to pharm grade Test E, I would get as many vials as I could and just run Test E only cycles for a while. My first 4 cycles were Test only cycles and I had great results. I stated to mess with secondary compound as early as when I did my 5th cycle but now looking back, I wish I didn't, simply because I didn't need to. You would be surprised how much you can attain with 750mg of Test E in 12 weeks...

    Again, messing with Tren as early as your 3rd cycle is a lot like getting off of a go-car and getting on an F-1. You'll most likely crash and hurt yourself.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    ok cool, thanks for the help. il steer clear of the dbols haha. yeah il give 750mg test a go and see what happens:P

    Also just another question with the tren(i forgot to ask in my first post and cant find any info regarding this question anywhere) should i run it after the test kick in(as the test takes 4 weeks) or does this not matter and i could run it in the first pin with the test?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Save the tren for later when the gains slow down.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBB View Post
    Also just another question with the tren(i forgot to ask in my first post and cant find any info regarding this question anywhere) should i run it after the test kick in(as the test takes 4 weeks) or does this not matter and i could run it in the first pin with the test?
    No. You start pinning both at the same time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    ok thanks.

    im getting a hold of 20ml more test as we speak so will run the 750mg/wk as you laid out above. nolva and clomid for pct 100/100/50/50, 40/40/20/20 and adex at 0.5mg eod as i usually do.
    il continue to "bulk" up and increase strength again, it will only be a 10 week cycle though. would you reccomend the use of hcg during cycle 250iu 2x per wk? or would that be overkill?
    Last edited by BigBB; 01-28-2013 at 01:02 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Try front loading Test E if you are determined to finish this cycle at week 10, you will be more satisfied with your cycle this way.

    HCG 250iu E3D certainly not an overkill. On the contrary, it is what we advise here.

    Arimidex could be used at 0.25mg EOD.

    You are good to go.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    awesome, thanks for your help mate.

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