Hi I'm a 25 year old male been training for just over a year nd was wondering what would b best for my first cycle for bulking up any help appreciated thanks
Hi I'm a 25 year old male been training for just over a year nd was wondering what would b best for my first cycle for bulking up any help appreciated thanks
Hey man!
One year of natty training is not enough to start juicing!
You need a base, and that mean at least 5years of working your A$$ off!
You really need a solid base of diet and training to build on. That would usually be more than a year of experience IMO
A solid foundation is definitely needed, but why? What would happen if someone with no experience started juicing?
Potential tendon damage, unbalanced growth and inability to maximize the potential of the steroid use... For starters...Originally Posted by Iron-56
Read our stickies plunty of great information that will aid you on this topic.
You would injure yourself due to lifting too much weight. You would lose gains off cycle due to not knowing how to diet and train properly. Plus its much safer and simpler to stay natural whilst you can still make good gains.Originally Posted by Iron-56
Reading the stickies has helped me out a lot here, I suggest just reading, but all your questions will be answered, they are great on this site.
Understanding that everyone will tell you that you need a couple (close to 10) years of natural training, Ill be the first one to say.
IF, and thats a big "IF," you've decided to start using AAS, which I would say to wait until you're at least 30; and if you're totally set to **** what everyone tells. Which is your perogative, Do a very basic cycle. Something along the lines of :
400mg/wk test
Now if you want to follow advice, just wait it out. If not, read on PCT, training, diet, workouts, and ask lots of questions. AGAIN. ASK lots of questions. You'll be repeatedly told not to do it, but if thats your decision, we'll try and give you the best possible advice.
At 25, your body is producing test at levels that us "old guys" would kill to have normally. But take at least the next month reading everything about PCT (how many times can I repeat PCT; its whats going to make future cycles possible, as well as guaranteeing your health). Ultimately, we're here to make sure that you stay healthy and strong enough to do another cycle.
Keep it simple, dont over do it. No one your age needs anywhere close to a gram of test a week to grow.
just an "old guys (38 years young)" advice!
What's your diet like, with a good diet and Nat training I made massive gains, but then broke my knee and ankle in a basketball game, got fat and lazy, now I'm back into it with a vengeance hence adding deca to my test cycle which is not recommend for first injectable cycle.
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Build a solid base before you consider AAS..no question.
A soild base is key, I am new but I agree. I am 26 turning 27 and I want to run a light test cycle but for competive reasons. I think if you arent competing then natural is the way to go atleast until you reash ages where natural test drops.
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