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  1. #1
    THEjuiceISloose73 is offline Associate Member
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    Question Sustanon 350 Questions HELP PLZ

    So I have a friend who is about to go on to a sustanon 350 cycle. Personally I didn't even know sust came in 350mg/ml and if that sounds bogus by any means please let me know.
    He is 26, 185 pounds, and 6'3'' and has had 1 previous cycle about 4-5 years ago. He has lifted for over 10 years but wants to try a small cycle of sustanon

    I was wondering what would a good dosage per week would be for him? If it was test e or p the most I would advise him on using is 500mg/week for 10 weeks total of 5000mg for the cycle then time off..... but with sustanon I don't know as much since it has 4 compounds in it and if it needs to be tapered at the start or end at all?????
    How many times a week should he poke?????
    How bad are the sides effects from sustanon?????
    What length of a cycle should he do for better results I said 10-12 weeks and he was thinking 8 weeks?????

    Any advice about sust would be appreciated

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Your friend has been lifting for 10 years and he's still a bean pole? He needs to hit up the Nutritional Forum and learn how to eat properly before he begins any other AAS cycle, otherwise he'll likely lose all of his gains...and money.

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Personally, I don't like sust. crazy mix of short and long esthers that makes it difficult to maintain consistant blood plasma levels. pick a single esther and stick with it, unless you are mixing to front/back load. and sust is too friggin expensive too.

  4. #4
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Hey man!

    ^^^agree with guys! Your FRIEND (love these threads ) is 6"3 and 185pounds, he don't have a base to cycle, he needs to start EATING and working his A$$ out.

    At that height he should be at least 210-220 before considering AAS!

    Tell him good luck

  5. #5
    THEjuiceISloose73 is offline Associate Member
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    But I didn't ask for your personal opinion about my friend, I asked for cycle information...
    For a little more information he has about 6% body fat and was a professional basketball player in EU for the last few years and is in better shape then probably 95% of the population...
    Just because you 2 meat heads think everyone wants to be 250 pounds doesn't mean its true. If he was 210-220 before a cycle he wouldn't even be able to dribble a ball anymore when he finished one. He is looking to go from like 185 to 205 at the most. He is a hardgainer with a fast metabolism has trained since he was 15. As I mentioned he cycled once when he was younger(21), but when he did it was test p at 500mg/week for 10 weeks. Now he has a good deal on some sust 350 and is going to do it. I'm just looking for some information to help him get the best results while maintaining that he does it safely. So any information of how much sust at 350mg/ml he should use and how often would be greatly appreciated. I wasn't sure but since he hasn't done it in 5 years and only did 500mg a week of test p when he did. I was thinking he should do .75ml twice a week giving him 262.5mg of test every 3.5 days for a total of 525mg of test a week. Any information about sust cycles would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by THEjuiceISloose73; 01-28-2013 at 01:40 AM.

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Nice attitude, bound to get lots if help now!

    Why don't you have your 'friend' sign up himself?. You can give him all the steroids in the world but if his diet is off he's wasting money and risking his health as he will gain nothing or lose anything he does gain as soon as he comes off.

    No doubt he has also looked into HCG , AI's and a PCT.

  7. #7
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    Try another forum, u just f@cked up with ur last post.

  8. #8
    Psaletta's Avatar
    Psaletta is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEjuiceISloose73
    But I didn't ask for your personal opinion about my friend, I asked for cycle information...
    For a little more information he has about 6% body fat and was a professional basketball player in EU for the last few years and is in better shape then probably 95% of the population...
    Just because you 2 meat heads think everyone wants to be 250 pounds doesn't mean its true. If he was 210-220 before a cycle he wouldn't even be able to dribble a ball anymore when he finished one. He is looking to go from like 185 to 205 at the most. He is a hardgainer with a fast metabolism has trained since he was 15. As I mentioned he cycled once when he was younger(21), but when he did it was test p at 500mg/week for 10 weeks. Now he has a good deal on some sust 350 and is going to do it. I'm just looking for some information to help him get the best results while maintaining that he does it safely. So any information of how much sust at 350mg/ml he should use and how often would be greatly appreciated. I wasn't sure but since he hasn't done it in 5 years and only did 500mg a week of test p when he did. I was thinking he should do .75ml twice a week giving him 262.5mg of test every 3.5 days for a total of 525mg of test a week. Any information about sust cycles would be greatly appreciated.
    Wow. I'm on a sust350 cycle right now and was going to go through the ins and outs.. Pin times for proper levels etc.. But with that bull shit attitude no way. Look man, you can't go running your mouth to a bunch of grown men and expect to get much out of it. Good luck!

  9. #9
    THEjuiceISloose73 is offline Associate Member
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    Running my mouth? I called two guys meat heads who didn't do anything but criticize my post from the start. Just because someone is younger doesn't mean you have any sort of maturity over them and it's not my fault you have people sitting around waiting to jump on anyone's post who isn't the perfect role model to go on steriods . I think you guys need to loosen up a bit.

  10. #10
    cyounger100's Avatar
    cyounger100 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco View Post
    Hey man!

    ^^^agree with guys! Your FRIEND (love these threads ) is 6"3 and 185pounds, he don't have a base to cycle, he needs to start EATING and working his A$$ out.

    At that height he should be at least 210-220 before considering AAS!

    Tell him good luck
    i am 6 ft 1 and didnt start injecting anything till i hit 225 lbs at 6 ft3 185 he is a bag of bones if he cant spend the time too gain naturally he has no buisness using AAS

  11. #11
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyounger100

    i am 6 ft 1 and didnt start injecting anything till i hit 225 lbs at 6 ft3 185 he is a bag of bones if he cant spend the time too gain naturally he has no buisness using AAS
    You know, some people come to forums with question, but have their own truth and wants to hear just positive things. Asking stuff, but already knows what the "right answer is"

    Sad that this forum has so many very experienced and knowledgeable members but they still need to learn the harder way, on their own mistakes!

    BTW cant stop looking at that juicy Brazilian BUTT on your avi!
    Last edited by Gaspaco; 01-28-2013 at 05:28 AM.

  12. #12
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by THEjuiceISloose73
    Running my mouth? I called two guys meat heads who didn't do anything but criticize my post from the start. Just because someone is younger doesn't mean you have any sort of maturity over them and it's not my fault you have people sitting around waiting to jump on anyone's post who isn't the perfect role model to go on steriods. I think you guys need to loosen up a bit.
    Nobody has called you names but you call them?!?!!!!

    The advice 'he' needs is already in this thread. Diet!

  13. #13
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Yes sust350 is real. Actueally was used in my last cycle. 500mgs for 12wks is a good start. Still need AI, HCG , and PCT.

    Yes I understand people who are lighter in weight and use aas. Sports is a different world.

  14. #14
    THEjuiceISloose73 is offline Associate Member
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    Gaspaco, If you could put a sentence together that made sense, someone might listen to you. Never mind you joined this forum what 4 months ago and your already jumping on peoples posts criticizing when you probably don't have a clue about AAS.

    As for Cyounger if you would read the full post before replying you would realize your answer does not apply for some people, such as professional basketball players.

    As for Stem I believe the first and third reply criticize my post before they asked anything about the situation. My friend could care less about having an account and posting on this forum but I started researching this stuff when I was 17, so he came to me with a few questions. Personally I didn't cycle till I was 21 which was a bit early(should have waited till 24-25), but it's way longer then most people who research for a week and then start poking themselves. I came on here not for myself but for a friend who is going to do them either way and ya diet might be what he needs, but I can't physically stop him from doing it. So, I might as well make sure he does it in the safest manner possible. I know plenty about AAS just not much about sust and wanted a bit of info on the one drug. Thanks T-dogg, as for any other reply's don't bother I got the info I needed elsewhere.
    Last edited by THEjuiceISloose73; 02-01-2013 at 02:11 AM.

  15. #15
    lvnlife420 is offline New Member
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    Hey I just picked up sust 350. First cycle. Would like some good info. Please.

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lvnlife420 View Post
    Hey I just picked up sust 350. First cycle. Would like some good info. Please.
    Please start your own thread. Describe what you need ("some good info" is extremely vague).

    Provide some background. Stats (age, height, body fat %), nutrition plan (planned caloric intake and macro ratios), and your training history.

    Sustanon is a poor choice for a first cycle.


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