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Thread: will 10mg dbol shut you down

  1. #1
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    will 10mg dbol shut you down

    Just as the title says, will 10mg ed shut you down?

    I was trying to use it as a bridge along side of my peptides between cycles.

    Also when would it be best to start after PCT?

    I am a firm believer in time on +pct = time off, I am not sure how this will hinder that rule.

  2. #2
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    Yes...even low dose Dbol will shut you down.

  3. #3
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    The info forum on the front page of this web site states (even a dose of 100 mg of deca can shut you down)

    So I would agree with Lunk

    Why not just bridge with test?

  4. #4
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    Sorry Misread your post I have no info on Dbol My bad !!!!

  5. #5
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    But I still agree with LUNK FYI

  6. #6
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    I was thinking of running d-bol to bridge, but I went with test instead.

    From what I understand you would run the d-bol with PCT meds to bridge.

    The test just sounded like a better idea, but I don't know and never got a straight answer on here.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Yes...even low dose Dbol will shut you down.
    Ive read this many places myself, I just couldnt come to terms such a low dose will completely turn off everything, unless it yields levels above what we produce naturally..

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Ive read this many places myself, I just couldnt come to terms such a low dose will completely turn off everything, unless it yields levels above what we produce naturally..
    Thats not how it works...just like very low dose test, it doesn't require the compound to produce greater than natty levels in order for your HPTA to be shutdown. It sends a message to your testes to stop production!

    other than test, the only compound I would consider using as a bridge would be Var. Var at low doses can be suppresive but not cause a complete shutdown of your HPTA!

  9. #9
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Thats not how it works...just like very low dose test, it doesn't require the compound to produce greater than natty levels in order for your HPTA to be shutdown. It sends a message to your testes to stop production!

    other than test, the only compound I would consider using as a bridge would be Var. Var at low doses can be suppresive but not cause a complete shutdown of your HPTA!
    Very low dose dbol is suppressive as well. It doesnt completely shut you down. Much has to do with the active life of compound as well remember.
    That being said Im kind of an ÿour either "on or off" believer- bridging is kind of inaccurate imo.

  10. #10
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    I don't know the answer to your question and I think it might be somewhat different for each person. But on the Dianabol profile, the author recommends 10mg of dbol per day as an option for bridging. Below, I cut and pasted the link and the selected info from that page.

    "In order to successfully bridge between cycles (and this means using a low dose of AAS, in this case dbol), you need to recover your natural hormonal levels to pre-cycle levels or to within acceptable parameters, and then you start your next cycle. The idea here is that you wont lose any gains, but rather a low dose of an AAS will help you maintain them. Typically, you'd use around 10mgs/day of dbol and combine it with an aggressive Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) course of Nolvadex (and/or Clomid) and HCG. This would give you full androgen replacement from the Dbol and a shot at recovering your natural hormonal levels via the other stuff you are taking. Remember, the 100mg/day dose of dbol in the study we looked at earlier did not suppress Test, LH, or FSH to a degree that would make recovery impossible and certainly not with 1/10th that dose in conjunction with an aggressive PCT."

  11. #11
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    Cool, thanks lunk. Thats the info I was looking for.

    If this is the case why do people even bridge? wouldn't it be the same technically as cruise n blast?

    Var i have read is great!

    Maybe ill use the var instead. Thanks Buddy!
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 01-28-2013 at 09:44 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    I don't know the answer to your question and I think it might be somewhat different for each person. But on the Dianabol profile, the author recommends 10mg of dbol per day as an option for bridging. Below, I cut and pasted the link and the selected info from that page.

    "In order to successfully bridge between cycles (and this means using a low dose of AAS, in this case dbol), you need to recover your natural hormonal levels to pre-cycle levels or to within acceptable parameters, and then you start your next cycle. The idea here is that you wont lose any gains, but rather a low dose of an AAS will help you maintain them. Typically, you'd use around 10mgs/day of dbol and combine it with an aggressive Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) course of Nolvadex (and/or Clomid) and HCG. This would give you full androgen replacement from the Dbol and a shot at recovering your natural hormonal levels via the other stuff you are taking. Remember, the 100mg/day dose of dbol in the study we looked at earlier did not suppress Test, LH, or FSH to a degree that would make recovery impossible and certainly not with 1/10th that dose in conjunction with an aggressive PCT."
    Great info!!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Very low dose dbol is suppressive as well. It doesnt completely shut you down. Much has to do with the active life of compound as well remember.
    That being said Im kind of an ÿour either "on or off" believer- bridging is kind of inaccurate imo.
    I may just stay off, these peps are keeping me the same weight as during cycle...

    at first i was worried id loose a % of my normal gains, I am out of PCT and still weigh in the same. I may reconsider.......

  14. #14
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    IF I were to bridge, and I dont, I am a TRT patient, I would only use Proviron. It just seems like the absolut mildest compound out there, and is a little bit anabolic, but not super supressive. Ive seen where it can actually be used during PCT with benefits, although I dont trust youtube videos of goons saying this.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    IF I were to bridge, and I dont, I am a TRT patient, I would only use Proviron. It just seems like the absolut mildest compound out there, and is a little bit anabolic, but not super supressive. Ive seen where it can actually be used during PCT with benefits, although I dont trust youtube videos of goons saying this.
    i was reading alot today on how proviron would be a great bridge. ( i just fear of loosing my hair ) lol

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup

    Very low dose dbol is suppressive as well. It doesnt completely shut you down. Much has to do with the active life of compound as well remember.
    That being said Im kind of an ÿour either "on or off" believer- bridging is kind of inaccurate imo.
    I agree here. Any androgens you put into your body will cause suppression. Will it completely shut you down? Maybe mabe not but it makes no sense to run dbol as a bridge with no test since it will cause your natty testosterone production to be suppressed. You are much better to come off and pct.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    i was reading alot today on how proviron would be a great bridge. ( i just fear of loosing my hair ) lol
    You would be surprised how wrong those articles could be about Proviron...

  18. #18
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    I personally would like to know more about Proviron. It really seems like a great addition to any cycle due to its potent effects on libido. IT seems like a very interesting compound.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    You would be surprised how wrong those articles could be about Proviron...
    as in how? i would like to know? as in how it helps?

  20. #20
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    well im going with var or nothing i think.......... prolly nothing.. peps keeping my body weight up

  21. #21
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    Proviron is useless in my opinion. I didnt used to think so years ago...but i do now. I really feel it is literally useless for our purposes .

  22. #22
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    ^ I agree. Quite a weak compound.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Proviron is useless in my opinion. I didnt used to think so years ago...but i do now. I really feel it is literally useless for our purposes .
    In growth, probably. However, I dont know much other than outdated info. I do feel there is a use for this AAS for the purpose of sex drive, as I have heard it can really set it off if the libido is low.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    I personally would like to know more about Proviron. It really seems like a great addition to any cycle due to its potent effects on libido. IT seems like a very interesting compound.
    We have discussed how useless Proviron is and why numerous times on this very board and some of these discussions are very recent. I personally don't have the motivation or the time to go over this every time a member wants to bless Proviron.
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 01-29-2013 at 02:35 AM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    In growth, probably. However, I dont know much other than outdated info. I do feel there is a use for this AAS for the purpose of sex drive, as I have heard it can really set it off if the libido is low.
    Proviron is a weak oral DHT. Why would you assume that it would increase libido? If pure Test doesn't increase libido for someone during a cycle, how is it that Proviron is capable of doing this instead?

    Moreover, we have a wonderful non-steroidal compound called Cialis as far as libido is concerned, which has zero side effects and bunch of good and healthy effects for males.
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 01-29-2013 at 02:34 AM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc View Post
    I don't know the answer to your question and I think it might be somewhat different for each person. But on the Dianabol profile, the author recommends 10mg of dbol per day as an option for bridging. Below, I cut and pasted the link and the selected info from that page.

    "In order to successfully bridge between cycles (and this means using a low dose of AAS, in this case dbol), you need to recover your natural hormonal levels to pre-cycle levels or to within acceptable parameters, and then you start your next cycle. The idea here is that you wont lose any gains, but rather a low dose of an AAS will help you maintain them. Typically, you'd use around 10mgs/day of dbol and combine it with an aggressive Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) course of Nolvadex (and/or Clomid) and HCG. This would give you full androgen replacement from the Dbol and a shot at recovering your natural hormonal levels via the other stuff you are taking. Remember, the 100mg/day dose of dbol in the study we looked at earlier did not suppress Test, LH, or FSH to a degree that would make recovery impossible and certainly not with 1/10th that dose in conjunction with an aggressive PCT."
    Very informative nice one doc.

  27. #27
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    alot of people bridge with d-bol ,i would say its the most common bridge at 10/20 mg per day with pct.i believe the idea here is that the pct gear will raise the test enough to counter the suppresivness of the low dose of d-bol so you retain size

  28. #28
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    ^^^ Bridging is also a terrible idea, BTW.

    One should either make a choice between whether he will become a TRT patient for life or run proper PCT protocols where neither AAS nor HCG are involved.

  29. #29
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    i agree ! ive never done,but know plenty who do and say they recover fine. everyone is different.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    ^^^ Bridging is also a terrible idea, BTW.

    One should either make a choice between whether he will become a TRT patient for life or run proper PCT protocols where neither AAS nor HCG are involved.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    i agree ! ive never done,but know plenty who do and say they recover fine. everyone is different.
    Although I agree with the ''everyone is different'' part of your post, I would like to bring a fact to your attention: those plenty of people that you know most likely don't run BW, do they?

  31. #31
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    not sure.blood work is key!!!!!!!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Proviron is a weak oral DHT. Why would you assume that it would increase libido? If pure Test doesn't increase libido for someone during a cycle, how is it that Proviron is capable of doing this instead?

    Moreover, we have a wonderful non-steroidal compound called Cialis as far as libido is concerned, which has zero side effects and bunch of good and healthy effects for males.
    Zero side effects? I agree it's a mild compound and most men don't have any issues but I wouldn't call it something that's side effect free. If you go to the cialis website, they list all the possible side effects, most aren't a big deal but there are some that are potentially concerning for some men.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    not sure.blood work is key!!!!!!!
    Exactly! How can one know whether he recovered to the fullest extent without running multiple blood works?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Just as the title says, will 10mg ed shut you down?

    I was trying to use it as a bridge along side of my peptides between cycles.

    Also when would it be best to start after PCT?

    I am a firm believer in time on +pct = time off, I am not sure how this will hinder that rule.
    I'm a little confused. If you're a firm believer in time off/time off protocol how does bridging fit in with that?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    Zero side effects? I agree it's a mild compound and most men don't have any issues but I wouldn't call it something that's side effect free. If you go to the cialis website, they list all the possible side effects, most aren't a big deal but there are some that are potentially concerning for some men.
    Potential side effects are typically listed under every pharmaceutical as well as non-pharmaceutical compounds.

    Oh trust me, I have been to the website before and did much reading on Cialis that concerned many trials. Even when volunteers went up to 500mg within 24hr, which is 25 times the recommended daily dose, they did very well.

    Tell me a single compound on this planet where researches will actually allow you to volunteer for going 25 times over the recommended daily dose and consequentially everybody happens to do just fine?

    As I have said before, there is a very good reason that almost every male MD is on this compound throughout the year. After 7 years of medical school + another 2-3 years in specializing, one would assume they know something about Cialis use.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    In growth, probably. However, I dont know much other than outdated info. I do feel there is a use for this AAS for the purpose of sex drive, as I have heard it can really set it off if the libido is low.
    It reduces shbg for around 2 weeks total-then shbg levels return to where they were pre administration even if you continue using the proviron. For some this may lead to a temporary (like 2 week) increase in libido. For others it will do the opposite as androgens already lower shbg and lowering them more with a dht like proviron - making the levels too low - will crush libido.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Potential side effects are typically listed under every pharmaceutical as well as non-pharmaceutical compounds.

    Oh trust me, I have been to the website before and did much reading on Cialis that concerned many trials. Even when volunteers went up to 500mg within 24hr, which is 25 times the recommended daily dose, they did very well.

    Tell me a single compound on this planet where researches will actually allow you to volunteer for going 25 times over the recommended daily dose and consequentially everybody happens to do just fine?

    As I have said before, there is a very good reason that almost every male MD is on this compound throughout the year. After 7 years of medical school + another 2-3 years in specializing, one would assume they know something about Cialis use.
    I understand what you're saying. It was just the side effect free comment that messed with me...I do agree though that it's very side effect friendly.

    As for your remark "Tell me a single compound on this planet where researches will actually allow you to volunteer for going 25 times over the recommended daily dose and consequentially everybody happens to do just fine?" There are several studies out there using actual anabolic steroids in very large doses, well beyond therapeutic levels that show similar well responding results but they're generally ignored....even on this board.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    It reduces shbg for around 2 weeks total-then shbg levels return to where they were pre administration even if you continue using the proviron. For some this may lead to a temporary (like 2 week) increase in libido. For others it will do the opposite as androgens already lower shbg and lowering them more with a dht like proviron - making the levels too low - will crush libido.
    Thaks Jimmy! I am not a proponent of proviron, I was just curious as to exactly what it was good for. The article I have read seem way outdated, and some even said it could effectively be used during PCT. I wont take it personally, as there are far better things out there for a much better price. Proviron, I have found, to be as expensive as anavar sometimes. Just not worth it. I was just curious as to why it can potentially raise libido, and you answered it like a pro! Thanks alot.

    Turkish, I agree that cialis is about the best thing on the market. For anything that ails me to be honest. I would chose it over AAS if I actually had to pick. It is indeed, by far the best pre-workout available as well!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Thaks Jimmy! I am not a proponent of proviron, I was just curious as to exactly what it was good for. The article I have read seem way outdated, and some even said it could effectively be used during PCT. I wont take it personally, as there are far better things out there for a much better price. Proviron, I have found, to be as expensive as anavar sometimes. Just not worth it. I was just curious as to why it can potentially raise libido, and you answered it like a pro! Thanks alot.
    Np man...

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Just as the title says, will 10mg ed shut you down?

    I was trying to use it as a bridge along side of my peptides between cycles.

    Also when would it be best to start after PCT?

    I am a firm believer in time on +pct = time off, I am not sure how this will hinder that rule.
    I think its a BAD idea to use any amount of AAS during off time as a bridge. It will hinder HPTA recovery.

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