Hey, I'm planning on stacking Nandrolone with Test and an AI. I picked Nandrolone because I've been having issues with my biceps tendons and unfortunately because of my crappy mc'job taking an extended rest is not really an option. So I just want to up my recovery ability and make my ligaments more heavy duty. I guess I do want some size gains as well. I'm 5'7 170 pounds and 23 years old. I know I'm pretty young but I've been dealing with this crap for like a year now and the physical therapist is simply too damn pricy and so far what she's recommended has been pretty ineffective for getting it taken care of.
Anyway, I think I want to start out with 200mg a week on the deca. What would be a good dose of test with that level of deca to keep my test levels normal?
Also, I'm having trouble picking an AI because I read that they tend to give you joint problems, which is exactly the opposite of what I'm trying to do.
Also, I'm not worried about libido being killed because I'm not getting any action anyway .