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Thread: How to determine dosage?

  1. #1

    How to determine dosage?

    Hey, I'm planning on stacking Nandrolone with Test and an AI. I picked Nandrolone because I've been having issues with my biceps tendons and unfortunately because of my crappy mc'job taking an extended rest is not really an option. So I just want to up my recovery ability and make my ligaments more heavy duty. I guess I do want some size gains as well. I'm 5'7 170 pounds and 23 years old. I know I'm pretty young but I've been dealing with this crap for like a year now and the physical therapist is simply too damn pricy and so far what she's recommended has been pretty ineffective for getting it taken care of.

    Anyway, I think I want to start out with 200mg a week on the deca. What would be a good dose of test with that level of deca to keep my test levels normal?

    Also, I'm having trouble picking an AI because I read that they tend to give you joint problems, which is exactly the opposite of what I'm trying to do.

    Also, I'm not worried about libido being killed because I'm not getting any action anyway .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Deca for joints is a short term thing and won't last forever. If you're worried about pain I'd talk to your doctor and take that approach.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    You tried omega oils etc rather than taking steroids?

  4. #4
    No I haven't. But I've been popping ibuprofen twice a day and it isn't helping because my job simply does not give me enough time to recover. My boss is usually willing to give me a week off of certain duties that cause it. But right when it starts feeling like it's healing, he puts me back on those duties for a day and doesn't take no for an answer and suddenly my arms are ****ed again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    AAS make your muscles grow stronger NOT your tendons! That is one of reasons why everyone is telling the younger to get a solid foundation first, it is not uncommon to get sore tendons as they grow stronger. It is also not impossible using AAS that your muscles become stronger than you tendons causing injuries including torn tendons. If you think that a hard day of work hurts your arms, wait til you tear a tendon and be down for months!!! Just my .02 but be careful bud.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    If you control e2 you won't get bother with you joints the ai it's self dosn't give you sore joints.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Use .25mg arimidex EOD to conteract the estrogen conversion which comes from excessive test. For a short cycle 4-8 weeks there should not be a problem getting natural test back to normal with a good PCT. ie arimedex .25 ED, tamox 100mg for a week and nolva for a week then keep the arimidex for another week or so.


  8. #8
    Thanks Chuck. And thank you to everybody else for your advice too. Anyway, I just quit my job so I have plenty of time to rest up now. Still want to do the cycle. Thanks for the help.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnymoist View Post
    Thanks Chuck. And thank you to everybody else for your advice too. Anyway, I just quit my job so I have plenty of time to rest up now. Still want to do the cycle. Thanks for the help.
    Just trying to help friend. Tell me what exactly u r using and dosage. It will be a help in telling you what to expect and what you should do for PCT after the cycle.


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