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  1. #1
    vikingblood's Avatar
    vikingblood is offline Associate Member
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    pinning techniques

    So I have read about pinning and the differnt spots but I have read about the needle types used or how far in the needle goes. Also pinning HCG is it the same same?

  2. #2
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    HCG is going to be a subcutaneous injection using a insulin syringe. Typically into belly fat or love handles.

    Attachment 132716

    Attachment 132717

    As for the depths of your injections it depends on the spot you're injecting. Subcutaneous is up top ^ for intramuscular injections the length is normally 1"(or 5/8" if you're extremely lean) for most muscles and 1 1/2" for the glut. Normally 23-25 gauge.
    Last edited by Soar; 01-29-2013 at 12:14 AM.

  3. #3
    vikingblood's Avatar
    vikingblood is offline Associate Member
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    So say the quad I use a 1" pin and glute 1.5" pin. Now how far do I insert it, not the whole inch, right?

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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  5. #5
    TFlifting is offline New Member
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    Insert almost the entire way in, most people to be on the safe side leave a very tiny bit out incase it breaks off (never happened to anyone I know or even come close) I don't understand this since pins are quite flexible but better to be safe than sorry. As for size I use 1" 25 gauge for quad injects, don't feel a thing. You can also ice the area before hand to make sure its a painless injection and change the needle after you draw the oil

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