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  1. #1
    NPCKarl is offline New Member
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    28 weeks out cycle, critique nicely please

    Hello I am going to be on for the 28 weeks up until my NPC show. I am 25 and have been cycling for a few years now. Height 5,10. weight 200 ecto, bf 9%.
    Past cycles are..
    1st cycle: wk1-3.5 test 400
    nolva pct

    2nd: w1-7 test 400
    w1-5 deca 300
    clomid and letro pct

    3rd: precontest cycle
    Best Blend 500(Boldenone Undecylenate 200 mg. Test E 100 mg. Test C 100 mg. Trenbolone E 100 mg.)
    I used the whole 10mls in 5 weeks, ran wintrol 100 eod the last 3 weeks along with prop 100 eod the last 2 weeks.
    pct clomid and letro and natty boosters

    4th: week 1-10: tren e 400mg/wk
    1-10: sust 250, 500mg/wk
    2-4: dbol 50mg ed
    3-5 anadrol 100mg ed
    12-14 winstrol 100 eod
    12-14 prop 100 eod
    11-14 dbol 50mg ed
    11-14 anadrol 100mg ed
    hcg on cycle, pct clomid and letro and natty boosters

    Now for my 5th cycle, this will be the longest yet and I am risking it for the rewards of my show. I did good my last/first show 1st place.

    Wk. 1-20 Test E 600mg/wk
    Wk. 1-20 Test C 125mg/wk
    Wk. 1-18 Deca 550mg/wk
    Wk. 21-25 Test E 500mg/wk(should it be less like a test cruise?)
    Wk. 21.5-27.5 Tren Ace 100-125mg eod
    Wk. 26-28 test prop 100 eod
    Wk. 26-28 Winstrol 50mg ed or 100mg eod(spike before show)

    Letro for estrogen control and at end of prep I will drop all water with it at 2.5mged, and water pills.
    Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off during last 8 weeks which are diet weeks. the first 18,20 weeks is bulking

    Those are my plans, some stuff I need help planning is: Anavar weeks 26-28. HCG doses on cycle. PCT recommendations for after this cycle clomid and letro. Kickstarting with injectable anadrol 2 vials of 25mg per ml 10mls ea.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Thats a long cycle.

    What are your goals here? Youre bulking the first 20 and then cutting the last 8 i assume?

    Why are you including an AI during PCT?

    Test E and Cyp are almost identical, one atom difference i believe. Why use both at the same time?

    Var during your proposed wks is a waste. Tren @ 125mg EOD will overshadow any Var effects. Run your Tren Ace up to wk 28.

    hCG @ 250iu 2/wk beginning wk 2 or 3 will be fine. Monitor and increase to 3/wk if necessary (750iu/wk)

    PCT should be a bit aggressive imho. Clomid 100/75/75/50/50 Nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20. No letro during PCT.

  3. #3
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Mickey seem to the advice you need. Listen to it, as he is known to help steer people in the right direction here and keep them as safe as possible. I would like to chime in (my opinion) and tell you what I would do, as far as compounds. I know you are doing this for more than a hobby, and this is no way for the average joe to use AAS. But I would like to see you simplify it a bit. There is so many compounds used at different times, that my thought is, there would be alot of over shadowing, and alot more risk without anymore reward. Such as the first part, for instance. I would go with a high test only and keep the estrogen low. The second part, Keeping the "bulking " mindset, High test(or you could lower it a bit and ramp up deca a tad), low-moderate deca and leep the estrogen in check. And then just progress throughout each stage of the cycle, by adding a different primary AAS, along with an additional "helper".

    I am not a pro, nor am I a competitor (yet!), but for me, and from listening to guys like Mickey, it just makes sence to grow into your dose, and into your different compounds. More is not always better. And the risk is usually a bit lower with close to, it not the same results. Just something to think about.

  4. #4
    NPCKarl is offline New Member
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    Mickey, Thank you for your critique on it, you gave me a great experienced opinion I was looking for, maybe you can give me more.

    My goals are to combine my off season bulk cycle with my season prep cycle to skip the need to pct inbetween and just take a long time off after. Last year I did my diet in 7 weeks, I won but I would've preferred more time so I want to diet at least 8-10 weeks depending how much fat I need to lose. It shouldn't be much with all the gear cuz im ecto/meso. I like letro in pct because I get estrogen rebound when coming off, and it stimulated the testes to produce more of its own testosterone as well as my growth hormones.

    The reason I have both is because my test e is dosed at 300, and I have a random test c dosed at 250. Im going to do 2ml test e 300/wk equaling test 600 and with .5ml/wk test c it puts my test at 725. I wanted my test about there at least more than 600, because I was going to run deca at 550, and Il need higher test. I haven't tried deca that high before so I want to avoid any chance of deca d. I also will take .5mg prami ed.

    I thought var would give my body a special look that can stack with these other compounds for a sicker cut look. but I know more isn't better especially when Im already using tren , wasn't sure if it could help. I will run the tren that long thanks

    hcg and intense pct was the stuff I needed the most guiding because of how hard this cycle is. Il do that hcg and pct protocol thanks
    Last edited by NPCKarl; 01-30-2013 at 12:06 AM.

  5. #5
    Soar's Avatar
    Soar is offline Productive Member
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    Welcome! Sounds like a very intense cycle.. Good luck on the show!

  6. #6
    Brick's Avatar
    Brick is offline Member
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    Not trying to high jack but...

    When it comes to the Tren and the var. why not run the Tren and the var at the same time? Are trens effects that strong that the var is essentially a waste of money?

  7. #7
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by NPCKarl View Post
    Mickey, Thank you for your critique on it, you gave me a great experienced opinion I was looking for, maybe you can give me more.

    My goals are to combine my off season bulk cycle with my season prep cycle to skip the need to pct inbetween and just take a long time off after. Not sure if you have ever done this before, but i can tell you its VERY difficult. You diet is very important as you know. But when bulking and cutting consecutively, its extremely important that your macros are on target ALL the time. Last year I did my diet in 7 weeks, I won but I would've preferred more time so I want to diet at least 8-10 weeks depending how much fat I need to lose. It shouldn't be much with all the gear cuz im ecto/meso. I like letro in pct because I get estrogen rebound when coming off, and it stimulated the testes to produce more of its own testosterone as well as my growth hormones. Huh??? Have i missed something about Letrozole ??? I understand the estrogen rebound, but i would hazard a guess thats because you didn't control it properly on cycle. In fact thats 99% of the reason why guys experience the dreaded E2 rebound. Not giving you grief, just pointing out a fact. Its difficult at best to control Estrogen even with bloodwork! If i were you, I would switch over to Aromasin (Stane). Its a suicide inhibitor, not a competitor. You may find this AI a better choice for controlling Estrogen.

    The reason I have both is because my test e is dosed at 300, and I have a random test c dosed at 250. Im going to do 2ml test e 300/wk equaling test 600 and with .5ml/wk test c it puts my test at 725. I wanted my test about there at least more than 600, because I was going to run deca at 550, and Il need higher test. I haven't tried deca that high before so I want to avoid any chance of deca d. I also will take .5mg prami ed. Fair enough.

    I thought var would give my body a special look that can stack with these other compounds for a sicker cut look. This is diet dependent, not drug related. but I know more isn't better especially when Im already using tren , wasn't sure if it could help. I will run the tren that long thanks

    hcg and intense pct was the stuff I needed the most guiding because of how hard this cycle is. Il do that hcg and pct protocol thanks Your welcome.

  8. #8
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I havnt read the responses but I'll just offer up what I would probably do. Keep in mind I havnt competed yet.

    I would run a higher dose of test until week 20 or so. Then I would switch to test prop and throw in tren ace from wk 20-28. Tren is great for size..... I swear I've put size on during a caloric deficit. I love it but try to limit its use. It's not like test which I have no problem being on year round. Trt.

    I would utilize a test/tren/mast/var combo for my last 8 weeks before the show. Prior to that I'd use whatever has worked for you in the past. If you like deca and you respond well to it then go for it. I'm a fan of orals so I'd do 30 days on and 30 days off until the show. With exception to the 8 weeks of var at the end.

    Now keep in mind..... This would be my approach. I know what I'm comfortable with and what's worked for me before. This doesn't mean you should doit.....

    It would benefit you to reach out to fireguy or BG as they both have competition experience.

    Good luck,
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Great advice from all above so you don't need mine. The choice is yours but I agree that more complicated does not make it more productive. Consider complete BW prior to this cycle so you know where you stand now and where you hope to return to.

  10. #10
    NPCKarl is offline New Member
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    Mick: I count my macros everyday to keep my weight gain adjusted, I have very different macros depending on goal and I always transition slowly between bulk to maintenance, to cut. Ok well with the letro, its just something that has worked for me when other stuff didn't. First cycle I got gyno because I wasn't informed right. Took it away with letro and im used to it now. eventually I will taper off it.

    Hazard: Your saying higher test than 725? I can do first 10wks at 800, and 2nd ten weeks at 850. and then keep deca at 550. I want to stop the deca at week 18 because I think its good to be off deca atleast 2 months before the show to be able to adjust diet prep better. I watch my body as it diets to know what to do a lot. I would run orals 4wks on 4 wks off but theyre kind of expensive in comparison to vials. So il see how it goes, but you do recommend the var at the end? Last years show I put on muscle in the diet too haha
    What can you say about running turinabol cycle in my cycle?

  11. #11
    NPCKarl is offline New Member
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    Should I add dianabol in cycles of 4 weeks? like 2 or 3, 4 week cycles of dianabol 50-75mg?
    I haven't tried turinabol yet, can I try that? Does dbol stack well with tbol at same time, say 50mg of ea
    or I could do 4 weeks dbol, 4 weeks off orals, 4 weeks tbol. just wondering if I can get some oral gains in here. Since my last cycle had oral start and oral end with adrol dbol stack

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