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Thread: Powdered Testosterone?

  1. #1

    Powdered Testosterone?

    Is there such thing?
    I'm 18, I weigh 140 lbs I'm 5'8" I have a huge bicep [curling 30lbs reps] [45max] and I'm working on my triceps in weightlifting class [130 reps] [145 max]. The thing is, I want to be more defined, I wanted to know if there is a powdered testosterone boost that I can mix with oatmeal or peanut butter, that would help me like a protein drink but to a more serious extent.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    You're only 18. and you only weigh 140 pounds.

    The best thing you could do is to work on your diet and optimize it.

    And from your post, it looks like your only interested on arms, so I assume you need to work on your whole training routine as well.

    Post up all the foods you ate yesterday and a typical weekly training schedule.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    double post.

  4. #4
    I have never seen a powdered form if testosterone before. However, at your age, I can appreciate that you are trying to improve yourself but if you start messing around with AAS now, you are going to have a ruined body by the time you are 30. This advice is unrelated, but the best piece of advice I can give, is to focus on a perfect diet first. By perfect, I mean go to the nutrition forum and learn how to build a diet for cutting, or bulking or whatever your goal is. Before you even think about using any AAS supplementation, you need to learn how to eat and how to lift. I would hate to see you come back here at 22 years of age asking about TRT because your HPTA doesn't work anymore.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Ever looked into tribulus? I dontknow much about it other than it issupposed to be anatural test booster, but I couldnt tell you how safe it is at your age. Tried creatine or a good stimulating pre-workout?
    To answer your question. Test does come in powder, but unfortunatley it is shipped to pharmacutical labs, where they make injectable testosterone for men who are prescribed it due to problems. It would be pretty usless to try to use powdered form.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Be careful rubbing it when it gets big it can make a mess. and mixing with PB is best bet.

    Sorry I could not resist. don't hate me too much

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