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  1. #1
    Otter2 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    After much confusion and contemplation...please critique

    This will be my 1st cycle ever.

    30 years old
    5'10 170lbs
    ~10% body fat
    decent diet, not great, but the best it can be with my work schedule.
    I am in decent overall shape, just somewhat small.
    Goal is to add some size and increase strength. I have seemingly been unable to gain ANY size over the past 6 months and am somewhat frustrated to be honest.

    12 week cycle
    Weeks 1-12 Test E 250mg twice weekly
    Weeks 1-4 Dbol 40mg ED
    Weeks 1-12 Aromasin 10mg ED
    Weeks 1-12 HCG 400ui twice weekly

    Week 15 Nolvadex 40mg / Clomid 100mg
    Week 16 Nolvadex 40mg / Clomid 100mg
    Week 17 Nolvadex 20mg / Clomid 50mg
    Week 18 Nolvadex 20mg / Clomid 50mg

    I have a undergrad degree in biochemistry, so maybe I am trying to hard to keep my body balanced. But, the reason I decided to use the AI during my cycle is to guard against increased Estrogen more than to prevent side effects. I have read a couple papers regarding correlation b/w Estrogen and cancer. So even if I am asymptomatic, I want to guard against any carcinogenic effect of prolonged high estrogen levels.

    The AI is subject to change depending upon blood tests at 4 and 9 weeks.

    Input is appreciated...
    Last edited by Otter2; 01-29-2013 at 08:20 PM.

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro you can take all the aas you want.But if your diet isnt right you will lose anything you gain.Thats if you gain anything.You are too light for your need to learn how to eat there is no way around it.Hit the diet section and post your diet with macros.

  3. #3
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome, that said everyone will ask what your diet is like? This 1st factor in gaining also do you a solid foundation? how long have you been in the gym what do your w/o consist of how often that sort of thing, mwe ask so we know if you are ready to cycle? so how about some more info?

  4. #4
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    your just wasting your money bro................... diet and training should be dead on before starting a cycle.

  5. #5
    Otter2 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Bro you can take all the aas you want.But if your diet isnt right you will lose anything you gain.Thats if you gain anything.You are too light for your need to learn how to eat there is no way around it.Hit the diet section and post your diet with macros.
    Thanks, I appreciate the input. Like I said, my diet is not bad by any means. 60% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fat is a rough goal for each week, about 2500 cal/day as tracked by my phone app.

  6. #6
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    He beat to the punch.

  7. #7
    Otter2 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 555mjolnir View Post
    Welcome, that said everyone will ask what your diet is like? This 1st factor in gaining also do you a solid foundation? how long have you been in the gym what do your w/o consist of how often that sort of thing, mwe ask so we know if you are ready to cycle? so how about some more info?
    sure, for the past 4 months. I I hit weights M,W,F and Cardio T,R, every other Sat. See above for diet. I worked out a lot after high school and through college until around 23. Didn't work out for about 5 years. Began lightly working out again at 28 and got serious again at 29 years old.

    I just remember how easy it was to gain size in high school/college..guess that is what sucks about getting old

    edit: forgot how old I was as I am about to get a year older lol
    Last edited by Otter2; 01-29-2013 at 08:32 PM.

  8. #8
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    I am glad to hear you've got back in the the gym.... I know how it is wanting more as fast as possible, but you may get exactly that more ( more injuries includded).... I think you should dial in diet but also you just need more time in the gym, bones and connective tissue just aren't strong enough after 3-4 months in the gym Your lifting techniques may not be their either I don't know you so its hard to say. I do know that bone density and soft tissue take a lot longer and there is going to be "growing pains" w/o AAS, it's just the nature of the beast.... AAS can make you gain muscle but don't do squat for connecting tissue or bone density. There's lots of help here so use it and listen is my best suggestion, start in diet and nutrition and look around these guys got a wealth of info and this is a great tool but like all tools they work when used properly same with AAS, wrong tool wrong job = poor craftsmanship, right? Ask, listen, learn and craft a great life! good luck.

  9. #9
    Emerald's Avatar
    Emerald is offline Associate Member
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    let me offer a slightly different point of view. Im on my ist cycle, just finished actually after 12 weeks of 500mg test e. I hadn't a clue about the importance of a high protein diet and multiple meals each and everyday. But, after I started my appetite went insane. I was constantly ravenous and it took care of itself. I added 18lbs in 2 months. That being said, if your prepare your diet before hand your gains will be over the moon. Also, important to use just test ist cycle so any sides will be identified. If you take multiple roids and have sides you won't know which AAS caused the issue .

  10. #10
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otter2 View Post
    This will be my 1st cycle ever.

    30 years old
    5'10 170lbs
    ~10% body fat
    decent diet, not great, but the best it can be with my work schedule.
    I am in decent overall shape, just somewhat small.
    Goal is to add some size and increase strength. I have seemingly been unable to gain ANY size over the past 6 months and am somewhat frustrated to be honest.

    12 week cycle
    Weeks 1-12 Test E 250mg twice weekly
    Weeks 1-4 Dbol 40mg ED
    Weeks 1-12 Aromasin 10mg ED
    Weeks 1-12 HCG 400ui twice weekly

    Week 15 Nolvadex 40mg / Clomid 100mg
    Week 16 Nolvadex 40mg / Clomid 100mg
    Week 17 Nolvadex 20mg / Clomid 50mg
    Week 18 Nolvadex 20mg / Clomid 50mg

    I have a undergrad degree in biochemistry, so maybe I am trying to hard to keep my body balanced. But, the reason I decided to use the AI during my cycle is to guard against increased Estrogen more than to prevent side effects. I have read a couple papers regarding correlation b/w Estrogen and cancer. So even if I am asymptomatic, I want to guard against any carcinogenic effect of prolonged high estrogen levels.

    The AI is subject to change depending upon blood tests at 4 and 9 weeks.

    Input is appreciated...
    Sound like a smart man, and welcome! Keep tinkering with this and reading the stickys and then re-work and post it up. Clomid should be added to PCT, and AI, as you said, should be ran the entirely. You'll get it man.

  11. #11
    Otter2 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 555mjolnir View Post
    I am glad to hear you've got back in the the gym.... I know how it is wanting more as fast as possible, but you may get exactly that more ( more injuries includded).... I think you should dial in diet but also you just need more time in the gym, bones and connective tissue just aren't strong enough after 3-4 months in the gym Your lifting techniques may not be their either I don't know you so its hard to say. I do know that bone density and soft tissue take a lot longer and there is going to be "growing pains" w/o AAS, it's just the nature of the beast.... AAS can make you gain muscle but don't do squat for connecting tissue or bone density. There's lots of help here so use it and listen is my best suggestion, start in diet and nutrition and look around these guys got a wealth of info and this is a great tool but like all tools they work when used properly same with AAS, wrong tool wrong job = poor craftsmanship, right? Ask, listen, learn and craft a great life! good luck.
    Well, I will definitely fine tune the diet over the next several months. I'm sure it will take me that long to find a source anyway. I will probably up mu calorie/protein intake and see if that helps me to gain some size. Once the diet is in check, does everything else look like this would be a decent 1st cycle? I could drop the dbol as one poster said.

  12. #12
    555mjolnir's Avatar
    555mjolnir is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald View Post
    let me offer a slightly different point of view. Im on my ist cycle, just finished actually after 12 weeks of 500mg test e. I hadn't a clue about the importance of a high protein diet and multiple meals each and everyday. But, after I started my appetite went insane. I was constantly ravenous and it took care of itself. I added 18lbs in 2 months. That being said, if your prepare your diet before hand your gains will be over the moon. Also, important to use just test ist cycle so any sides will be identified. If you take multiple roids and have sides you won't know which AAS caused the issue .
    I not trying to argue Emerald but in reading this and doing the math this fellow is in the gym 3 days a week eating 375 g of protein a day and unable to gain wieight???? You think that he is really eatting like that and not gaining ? You say you've been in the gym since 1979 that's six more years than this guys been alive, and he's been working regular for four months? Is this enough time for tendons to strengthen unload? Or is there any possibility that he ends up a crash test dummy with sever injuries doing to much to fast? Just asking? People always want more muscle are they ready to do it safely I hope so or he's in for torn biceps and or tendons hernias in disc's all sorts of thing can happen to a guy still learning w/o gear adding it can add to problems.... Not trying to offend just my .02 but his diet is first flag to me 375g of protein and no gain? He's not eatting like that or not working hard enough like I said my opinion that's all.

  13. #13
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otter2 View Post
    Thanks, I appreciate the input. Like I said, my diet is not bad by any means. 60% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fat is a rough goal for each week, about 2500 cal/day as tracked by my phone app.
    So why do you weigh as much as a little kid then?You want advice I am giving it to you.All you got to do is listen and apply it.You are to light for your size YOU NEED TO BUILD A BASE NATTY.LEAVE AAS ALONE! or do as you plz and stay small.

  14. #14
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    2500 is maintenance calories for you. Add 500 cals. Your fats are to low and should be approx 20%. And you need carbs to grow, up them not your protein.

    Go to the nutrition forum and read the lean bulking sticky by GBrice.

  15. #15
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Like. Songdong says diet is the key. I'm your size and 30 lbs heavier and over 50 with low body fat about 12% diet is what made the difference once I got it right I gained muscle and lost bodyfat it it took some time.

  16. #16
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    id keep it simple,, drop the hcg

  17. #17
    senorrebo is offline Associate Member
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    Editing my comment as I hadn't read your stats when I posted. Listen to what everyone else is telling you.

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