Will test kill my cardio and endurance? Since I am a crossfitter I need to keep my endurance and cardio up. I read that test e increases RBC.
Will test kill my cardio and endurance? Since I am a crossfitter I need to keep my endurance and cardio up. I read that test e increases RBC.
nope. Unless it's suspension. That would make you walk funny.
This was already discussed in your previous threat which is still active on this board, BTW.
When I advised you that your first cycle should be a Test only cycle, I also indicated that a Test only cycle at a beginners dose wouldn't mess with your cardio.
I am starting to get the feeling that you are almost in a constant state of panic considering that this will be your first experience with AAS. This is certainly not a good state of mind for you to carry into the cycle, typical minor sides during your cycle, if they may occur, will simply magnify the amount of panic and stress you had initially.
sorry to say but knowing first hand test does affect your endurance the longer the ester the worse, id stick to prop if i was you, it will.affect your crossfit less though then proper endurance training, with prop and cross fit you might see gains, with e or c it will hinder your proformance
I "think" test does affect endurance. I CrossFit 5-days a week and am on weekly testosterone replacement injections. In the beginning I noticed and increase in endurance attributable to the testosterone and increased RBC. When my dose increased to 130mg weekly I felt a decrease in endurance. I suspect I have too much RBC and I am not transporting oxygen as efficiently. Seem to be hitting the anaerobic threshold sooner.
Yeah man, I have been running 500mg of test a week and my cardio is fine. Just lift heavy, train hard and you should be fine. It doesnt make a difference what ester it is. What is going to make a difference is if you are not focusing on your mobility and slacking on your conditioning.
It all depends on if you keep up your same cardio routine and you'll see for yourself. I know my 5K was under 19min before cycling and 8wks in I just ran a 23:45.... Be that 25 added lbs or running much less to lift much more or both. You'll see for yourself as you go
its the water weight, anyone serious about there cardio wants to aviod any extra weight that has no bennifit. it should be noted im talking about min standard cycle doseage so 500mg + a week.
im talking from personal experiance but it obviously also depends on how serious you take your cardio
Elevated estrogen is what usually causes excess water retention and can be controlled with an aromatase inhibitor. Test is test regardless of the ester....ie the ester doesn't change or determine the nature of the hormone, only the rate at which it's released.
yes i agree though you have to admit you do get a lot more water retention with long esters then short, isnt this true?
maybe im looking at this from too high of a level, if you only do cardio to keep fat off and maintain a basic level of fitness you will proberbly only notice slight losses in endurance (talking about proper endurance training) though if you are at a high level ie pro or semi pro athelte you will notice signifcantly more losses in endurance and imo from first hand experiance more loses with the longer esters.
jmo try for yourself.
My experience is no, it isn't true. Diet determines water retention. If you run long ester gear and convince yourself you are bulking and eat like you are bulking you might retain more water and gain more fat. If you are running short esters and do a more lean diet or even cut, guess what? You won't gain much fat nor retain water. Esters are comprised of carbon. They slow the release of the parent compound. Nothing more or less. I've had numerous rants about this where I go into more detail, but its late and I've been up since 0400.Originally Posted by Charger527
Test is the same for me regardless of ester - completely estrogen related. I do tend to have a more bloated look on deca compared to npp but don't have a great explanation as to why....
Turk I am nervious about this but I get your point snd I will just keep my cardio going strong. Thanks for the reassurance.
I do a min of 30 mins cardio daily before I lift. Test has n impact on it for me. If anything doing the cardio gives me energy to lift. I even quit all oreworkouts
yeah but you wont see mma guys taking test e, bah anyway im obviously out numbered all i can say is im talking from personal experiance and i have to maintain a.high level of cardio fitness when i mean high i mean level 18 beep test high
anyway if your income isnt connected to your cardio try it yourself :-)
I have always had improved cardio while on Test E.
Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 01-31-2013 at 02:01 AM.
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