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Thread: Progress!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island


    Whats up guys --- just wanted to thank everyone that helped with this last cycle - I am having great results!

    my cycle is as follows:

    Week 1 - 12 Anavar 100mgs on gym days - 50 mg on other days
    Week 2 - 12 Test E 500 weekly
    Week 1 - 18 HCG 500mcg weekly
    Week 1 - 18 Armidex .50 every other day
    Clomid for Pct

    And normally I take 1cc on B12 everyday (off on weekends) and i take between 2 & 4 ius of Riptropin everyday (off weekends)

    Im on week 4 I guess (between 4 & 5) and I cant believe how much strength I have. I cant wait to go to the gym really is a great feeling!
    I feel like this summer I will be in the best shape ever in my feels goood!

    Ill post the results at the end...
    Last edited by DigitalGorilla; 01-30-2013 at 02:24 AM. Reason: test e, anavar, riptropin, hcg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Sounds like you enjoying you cycle!

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    thanks bro! its my 3rd cycle technically - but this time around I took out all dairy, most carbs, and I stopped all red meat .....and my results this time around are just amazing me..... Now im gonna start training to do the Rugged Maniac now Ill see how my endurance holds up!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Good luck man. Just curious on why ur gonna wait six wks to start pct?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I also remember advising you on that your BF% should be at around 12% before you began this cycle. Although now you edited your initial post under this threat, I have to say it wasn't a very smart thing to start your cycle at 24% BF.

    There are many other things that are simply wrong with your cycle...

    12 Weeks of Anavar use, for instance. Are you aware of the fact that orals peak at about week 6 and there is only about 10% or so of more room for them to allow for gains for another 2 weeks after that? When you run ANY oral for 12 weeks, you are basically putting extra strain on your body and thinning your wallet, especially in the case of Anavar. Don't even start with how mild Anavar is, it is hepatotoxic just as any other oral and this remains a fact at the end of the day.

    Your Arimidex dosage is also unnecessarily high for this cycle. Test E is the only aromatizing compound in this cycle and you are running it at only 500mg EW, which means you won't need more than 0.25mg of Arimidex EOD. Was it too hard to purchase a 3$ pill cutter and cut the 1mg tabs in 4 equal pieces or were you too afraid of gyno formation?

    You also seem not to have a clue about the biological life of Test E. Test E has a biological life of approx. 14 days, meaning that it completely exits your system 14 days after your last injection, which is also why you ought to start your PCT at the end of week 14, not 18. Why wait for 6 weeks to start PCT after your last injection, unless you are deliberately trying to loose your gains and go through a much slower and overall poor HPTA recovery?

    Oh boy, your PCT is wrong too! Where is the Nolvadex man, why don't you already have in on hand?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    first off. I never said when i was starting pct .... i just said CLOMID FOR PCT.....
    2nd my Armidex is right on - cause i normally have high estro. and .25 every other day on my first cycle wasnt enuff
    3rd - i started my first cycle at 41% bf.....and with cycles ive lost over 120 lbs.

    please read next time

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    and about the pill cutter -- yes its too hard - since I have 2mg armidex ....cutting them 4 ways makes them fall apart

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I thought maybe OP was gonna End Load with some heavy HCG after his last pin, but i wouldnt wait that long to start PCT.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    **** this im not wasting my time, Good luck OP. Start ur pct 2 weeks after last pin to help recover faster.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    instead of being arrogant and obnoxious to EVERYONE - you should take your time and read posts - and realize you dont know everything. I wont argue these points you made - but ill tell you one thing....the guys doing strong man - they take aas no?? Ever seen one under 12% bf? lol of course not ---- and the Mayo clinic just released a study saying the healthiest body fat % is between 18 and 22 % --- gooogle it....

    the only thing I will agree with is the var losing steam after 6 weeks first two cycles I did 5 weeks each --- this one I want to try it the long haul and see the differnce
    Last edited by DigitalGorilla; 01-30-2013 at 02:58 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    yea again im not sure where I said I was waiting 6 weeks but - yea 2 weeks then Pct starts....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    first off. I never said when i was starting pct .... i just said CLOMID FOR PCT.....
    2nd my Armidex is right on - cause i normally have high estro. and .25 every other day on my first cycle wasnt enuff
    3rd - i started my first cycle at 41% bf.....and with cycles ive lost over 120 lbs.

    please read next time
    You would have been better off with a rather appropriate response to my cycle criticism. I was one of the ''guys'' who helped you the most then, now I am criticizing you for having come up with a shitty cycle plan. So what, are you upset over this? Grow up...

    I think it is rather you who need to read more carefully. It is clearly stated in your cycle layout above that you are planning to run an extra 6 weeks of HCG and Arimidex after your last Test injection. Now you are telling me that you never said when you were starting PCT. Is there another compound that you are currently on we need to know about? Because your cognitive abilities seem to bit off at the moment.

    In the last analysis, it is just a bad idea to run an oral for 12 weeks, especially at your current dose. Moreover, a PCT protocol that doesn't involve Nolvadex is just as bad. I am not even going to comment on your choice of having started a cycle at 41% BF. Were you a woman before you started cycling, dude? My GF has 18% BF and she thinks she is fat. You shouldn't have any business with AAS, simple and plain truth and I don't care if this breaks you and comes back to me in the form of bitching and moaning. It is what it is.

    Good luck to you recovering from this cycle, Mr. careful reader.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    i was 375 lbs....and honestly I could care less what you have to say ...... -
    ive changed my life for the better - im happy - thats what matters. Not to mention Im 100% healthier than before --- so obviously nothing can change my mind on that!

    have a good night
    Last edited by DigitalGorilla; 01-30-2013 at 03:03 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    i was 375 lbs....and honestly I could care less what you have to say ...... -
    ive changed my life for the better - im happy - thats what matters. Not to mention Im 100% healthier than before --- so obviously nothing can change my mind on that!

    have a good night
    Good, because you won't be getting any advise from a single knowledgeable member or a vet on this forum after having depicted your disastrous approach to AAS use especially considering the fact that decent advice regarding nutrition and proper cycle layout were generously handed to you by us on this very board.

    How do you know that you are 100% healthier than before? Did you run any BW since you have started your cycle? Do you even know what a BW stands for or what you should be specifically having them look for in your BW? Sure now you feel better due to the abundance of synthetic male hormones in your system but I can almost guarantee you that you'll end up with a box of milk chocolate on your lap and find yourself watching TV once this cycle is over. Your Test crash (assuming this is also a strange concept to you, huh?) will be worse than the Test crash that an avarage juicer experiences and for all the valid reasons.

    You can keep editing your posts but can't keep running from the truth or the inevitable end. You are about to learn about this the hard way and it will teach you well my friend.

    It is almost noon here so good night to you...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    I wont have any problem getting advice from anyone - thanks for your replys tho. Have a good night

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    And - just for the record - this is my 3rd cycle issues what so ever. But again thanks for the replys.....

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