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  1. #1
    kame2wrecK is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    Test Prop/NPP/Tbol

    Hello fellas.. First post here looking foward to learning more and hearing others experiences with what my next cycle will be coming up in march. This will be my 3rd cycle, have ran test E, tren , test prop, and tren in the past. This will be my first time running NPP and tbol
    Stats: 5'8 188lbs 12%bf
    1-12 test prop 100mg eod
    1-12 npp 100mg eod
    1-5 tBol 60mg ed
    Support supps
    Aromasi 12.5mg e3d
    Caber .5mg e3d
    Hcg 500iu a week until Pct
    I wanna build as much lean muscle as i can while keeping my bf low hopefully maintain it at 12 amd maybe drop it to like 10..!
    I would like to know if anyone has ran similar to this a d what ur experiences have been

  2. #2
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    looks good, whats your pct plan? for me id prob cut the tbol away and save it for another time. npp is awsome. id also change to 50mg ed, but thats just me.

    for losing fat and gaining muscle that all comes down to diet..

  3. #3
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    also thought id add ive ran prop npp a few times and its my fav combo. ive never run it for 12 weeks but i cant see to much issue with it just have a strong pct plan

  4. #4
    kame2wrecK is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527
    looks good, whats your pct plan? for me id prob cut the tbol away and save it for another time. npp is awsome. id also change to 50mg ed, but thats just me.

    for losing fat and gaining muscle that all comes down to diet..
    Certainly.. Diet and cardio in check
    I havent tried tbol but have researched and read its great for lean dry gain in replacement of dbol . Also have 2 full bottle of anavar thinking of adding in some at 70mg a week starting week 8
    500iu 2x a week
    Clomid 50/50/50/25/25
    And natty test booster

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  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You have quite the history for only 3 cycles! People usually start with the weaker cycles then work up.You are doing things in reverse.

  6. #6
    kame2wrecK is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    You have quite the history for only 3 cycles! People usually start with the weaker cycles then work up.You are doing things in reverse.
    Im 28 right now.. At 26 First aas cycle was a 16 week test e 500mg/week and eq 400mg week
    At 27 did 10week test prop 100mg, tren A 75mg eod and anavar with the best results so far.
    I am 28 now have done most of my research and proper pct and have recovered from everything so far. Prior to starting this i will be having blood work done and see how fully ive recovered from te previous cycle i ran. Been training natty for almost 3 months now after pct and kept approx 80% of my gains and maintained myself at 12%. Ive always wanted to try deca but would prefer a short ester this first time around to see how my body reacts to the compounds.

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  7. #7
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kame2wrecK View Post

    Im 28 right now.. At 26 First aas cycle was a 16 week test e 500mg/week and eq 400mg week
    At 27 did 10week test prop 100mg, tren A 75mg eod and anavar with the best results so far.
    I am 28 now have done most of my research and proper pct and have recovered from everything so far. Prior to starting this i will be having blood work done and see how fully ive recovered from te previous cycle i ran. Been training natty for almost 3 months now after pct and kept approx 80% of my gains and maintained myself at 12%. Ive always wanted to try deca but would prefer a short ester this first time around to see how my body reacts to the compounds.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum
    How do you know you recovered fine? Bloodwork?

    And pct needs work man.

    Hcg during cycle.

  8. #8
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How do you know you recovered fine? Bloodwork?

    And pct needs work man.

    Edit hcg , re-read it.

  9. #9
    kame2wrecK is offline New Member
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    bloodwork from the previous time had a complete physical checked out lipids, cmp, cbc, fsh, thyroid panel, lh, estadiol, total test, ekg. I have an appt. in this upcoming week for this years physical. If all turns out good i will be starting this planned cycle in march. If not well i will put it aside for some more time to allow my body to recover. As far as Pct ive always ran hcg /clomid/ usually some OTC test boosters like testoprim, unleashed. I have been feeling great so far even after im on any type of supps. But if u have an opinion or suggestion on another pct im all ears. I always like to learn better ways to achieve ur personal goals in a safer and healthier way

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