Originally Posted by
Phd wannabe
I think what's going on here is wrong. I know its critical that we sway young guys from using steroids; I understand the importance of this, I really do. But come on man, this is hipocracy in its truest form. People don't come here to get moral advice, they come here to get serious advice on anabolic steroids, supplements, and the biological factors that come with them. How would you like it if you went to blockbuster to get a flick and the teenager in the front says, "oh I'm sorry sir, but I see you have kids there, how about a more age appropriate movie?"(how about I decide what my kids can see, thank you very much). More often than not we don't even answer their question, then what happens? Their still going to juice, only difference is now there going to do without the knowledge and experience of someone who may actually know what there talking about. The news, teachers, parents, coach, school, and society has tried to tell them otherwise and and stigmatize steroids and they are STILL interested. I understand if you tell them listen I don't recommend using roids right now but if your going to, this is how to properly do it. Not even that we give them....no just eat more man