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Thread: This is not the place to be a prieast

  1. #1

    This is not the place to be a prieast

    I think what's going on here is wrong. I know its critical that we sway young guys from using steroids; I understand the importance of this, I really do. But come on man, this is hipocracy in its truest form. People don't come here to get moral advice, they come here to get serious advice on anabolic steroids, supplements, and the biological factors that come with them. How would you like it if you went to blockbuster to get a flick and the teenager in the front says, "oh I'm sorry sir, but I see you have kids there, how about a more age appropriate movie?"(how about I decide what my kids can see, thank you very much). More often than not we don't even answer their question, then what happens? Their still going to juice, only difference is now there going to do without the knowledge and experience of someone who may actually know what there talking about. The news, teachers, parents, coach, school, and society has tried to tell them otherwise and and stigmatize steroids and they are STILL interested. I understand if you tell them listen I don't recommend using roids right now but if your going to, this is how to properly do it. Not even that we give just eat more man

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    You can give all the kids you know false Information and leave them with a life time of hurt if you really want to but it's not going to happen here. They have all the Information at their fingertips on proper ways to run it and so on. No one here in their right mind is going to give that advice!
    Last edited by Soar; 01-31-2013 at 09:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Soar
    You can give all the kids you know false I formation and leave them with a life time of hurt if you really want to but it's not going to happen here. They have all the I formation at their fingertips on proper ways to run it and so on. No one here in their right mind is going to give that advice!
    Information at their fingertips where? By your own admission not here. If they can't get straight answers on how to run a cycle here because of there age then where? What's the cutoff age anyway 18,19,20,21,22,23?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe View Post
    I think what's going on here is wrong. I know its critical that we sway young guys from using steroids; I understand the importance of this, I really do. But come on man, this is hipocracy in its truest form. People don't come here to get moral advice, they come here to get serious advice on anabolic steroids, supplements, and the biological factors that come with them. How would you like it if you went to blockbuster to get a flick and the teenager in the front says, "oh I'm sorry sir, but I see you have kids there, how about a more age appropriate movie?"(how about I decide what my kids can see, thank you very much). More often than not we don't even answer their question, then what happens? Their still going to juice, only difference is now there going to do without the knowledge and experience of someone who may actually know what there talking about. The news, teachers, parents, coach, school, and society has tried to tell them otherwise and and stigmatize steroids and they are STILL interested. I understand if you tell them listen I don't recommend using roids right now but if your going to, this is how to properly do it. Not even that we give just eat more man
    Advising a young guy to NOT use steroids is serious advice. Laying out a cycle for them would be giving them bad advice.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong

    Advising a young guy to NOT use steroids is serious advice. Laying out a cycle for them would be giving them bad advice.
    It's the best advise ANYBODY could get, but just like you have decided to go against that advice so do many of them and we can't just wave their right and justify us using something they can't because of age.....they can die in war for us at 18 but not get information on running a cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe View Post

    Information at their fingertips where? By your own admission not here. If they can't get straight answers on how to run a cycle here because of there age then where? What's the cutoff age anyway 18,19,20,21,22,23?
    Ever used google? Once given the warning that they could hurt them selves the final decision is up to them. Same as signing up to go to war, there's no draft I don't see them being held by gunpoint!

  7. #7
    For the sake of progressive thinking I think we should challenge our position on this manner...remember, when Freud came out with his theories people thought he was a pervert, now we know he's genius

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Soar

    Ever used google? Once given the warning that they could hurt them selves the final decision is up to them. Same as signing up to go to war, there's no draft I don't see them being held by gunpoint!
    And then they decide to go ahead and run a cycle they come here and get told: "no, your too young"

  9. #9
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    Mar 2006
    There are enough stickies on this site for anybody to put together a cycle and PCT without ever having to post. There is also enough stickies and threads extolling the virtue of holding off until a certain age.

    We are a responsible site, we do not recommend cycles for the young in view of greater future potential problems than those of a certain age. It's hardly hypocritical for a 40 year old to inform an 18 year old of these issue, is it?!

    We give informed information. Sometimes our members get frustrated because the 18 year old is taking words of wisdom from his dealer or 18 year mates. They don't give informed information.

    We like to think we care.

  10. #10
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    You cant be that stupid. No one here is giving moral advice. They say your too young because of medical reasons and potentially higher risk of permanent damage. If a 4 year old wanted to use a gun would you teach him how to load it?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rv8G30 View Post
    You cant be that stupid. No one here is giving moral advice. They say your too young because of medical reasons and potentially higher risk of permanent damage. If a 4 year old wanted to use a gun would you teach him how to load it?
    ^ this. No ones going to give immoral advice, were merely pointing them in the right direction

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by SteM
    There are enough stickies on this site for anybody to put together a cycle and PCT without ever having to post. There is also enough stickies and threads extolling the virtue of holding off until a certain age.

    We are a responsible site, we do not recommend cycles for the young in view of greater future potential problems than those of a certain age. It's hardly hypocritical for a 40 year old to inform an 18 year old of these issue, is it?!

    We give informed information. Sometimes our members get frustrated because the 18 year old is taking words of wisdom from his dealer or 18 year mates. They don't give informed information.

    We like to think we care.
    Firstly I should like to say that we can not take away their right/option to post a personalized question of their. They could very easily lie and put that they are 30 when they are really 18(as I suspect this happens frequently to satisfy our age biasness). I have no problem with a 40 year old advising a 18 year old against steroids, in fact I consider this a moral obligation, but I also consider answering his question just as much a moral obligation. If they insist, we should answer them.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Rv8G30
    You cant be that stupid. No one here is giving moral advice. They say your too young because of medical reasons and potentially higher risk of permanent damage. If a 4 year old wanted to use a gun would you teach him how to load it?
    I'm sorry but this conversation a tad bit over your head

  14. #14
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    I don't really see too many threads turn into flaming or trolling a young guy for asking... Unless he's being a total tool and deserves it anyway. Besides, I could put together almost any cycle properly just by browsing and reading what's in the forum already. Yes, I'm going to tell someone under 21 to wait. No, I won't be a hypocrite and tell them do do things I wasn't willing to do myself.
    If you really don't want to listen all the info is here already. I would encourage others to continue to give sound advice to those underage and at risk of doin themselves damage. As long as you aren't giving advice you. Yourself would ignore then I don't see any issue...

  15. #15
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    And you're only 160lb... It sounds like you may have been told to go eat some food so not you're all butt hurt?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe

    Firstly I should like to say that we can not take away their right/option to post a personalized question of their. They could very easily lie and put that they are 30 when they are really 18(as I suspect this happens frequently to satisfy our age biasness). I have no problem with a 40 year old advising a 18 year old against steroids, in fact I consider this a moral obligation, but I also consider answering his question just as much a moral obligation. If they insist, we should answer them.
    And some people do answer their questions. They all get directed to various stickies too. So they can, and do, make their own minds up. I would much rather they come and post their personalised question so they they can be properly directed. But I'm not going to direct somebody into possible early, lifelong TRT or worse.

    Can I ask, why does it bother you so much?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn
    I don't really see too many threads turn into flaming or trolling a young guy for asking... Unless he's being a total tool and deserves it anyway. Besides, I could put together almost any cycle properly just by browsing and reading what's in the forum already. Yes, I'm going to tell someone under 21 to wait. No, I won't be a hypocrite and tell them do do things I wasn't willing to do myself.
    If you really don't want to listen all the info is here already. I would encourage others to continue to give sound advice to those underage and at risk of doin themselves damage. As long as you aren't giving advice you. Yourself would ignore then I don't see any issue...
    Yeah man I just want people to get their answers; the warning of the dangers should be automatic with these young guys, but afterwords the answer. Like I have seen example where the guy is like dbol or test, and the only answer he got was drink protein...tell them not to take roids but then let him know you would prefer test

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Soar
    And you're only 160lb... It sounds like you may have been told to go eat some food so not you're all butt hurt?
    I have not been told to go eat more...I'm actually a runner and 160 to 170 is right where I like it....sounds like you had a weak point on your first reply and now on your second reply its irrelevant to the subject but thank you anyways

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe View Post

    I have not been told to go eat more...I'm actually a runner and 160 to 170 is right where I like it....sounds like you had a weak point on your first reply and now on your second reply its irrelevant to the subject but thank you anyways
    This seems like another weak effort by a troll to get attention. This thread is moronic and has no place here. And yes at 160 pounds you have no business playing with AAS.

  20. #20
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Newbies come here for advice from experienced bodybuilders we give the correct advice for that individuals stats. We dont suddenly change our opinions or views all because some kid wont listen to the correct advice, that would be stupid wouldnt it. Just like you was told not to cycle at 160lbs at 5ft 11" you need to sort your diet out -thats the correct advice.....

    You have to remember we have been using steroids longer than you have been alive and your the one asking for the best advice, if you dont listen thats your choice but you will learn just

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Soar

    This seems like another weak effort by a troll to get attention. This thread is moronic and has no place here. And yes at 160 pounds you have no business playing with AAS.
    I think this thread is anything but far as attention goes I don't even know what your trying to say really.. "160 pounds have no business playing with AAS" look here fatty I'm not interested in buying a pencil from you cup

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe View Post

    I think this thread is anything but far as attention goes I don't even know what your trying to say really.. "160 pounds have no business playing with AAS" look here fatty I'm not interested in buying a pencil from you cup
    Lol take it for what it is.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Newbies come here for advice from experienced bodybuilders we give the correct advice for that individuals stats. We dont suddenly change our opinions or views all because some kid wont listen to the correct advice, that would be stupid wouldnt it. Just like you was told not to cycle at 160lbs at 5ft 11" you need to sort your diet out -thats the correct advice.....

    You have to remember we have been using steroids longer than you have been alive and your the one asking for the best advice, if you dont listen thats your choice but you will learn just
    At this point you are assuming sir....I was never told not to cycle, I'm within the accepted age and weight range to use steroids...

  24. #24
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe View Post
    At this point you are assuming sir....I was never told not to cycle, I'm within the accepted age and weight range to use steroids...
    I never mentioned your age but at 5ft11" and 160lbs you shouldnt be using steroids, infact I am not going to carry on trying to explain the reasons why because I can see I am wasting my time and effort. You carry on and one day you will learn

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe

    At this point you are assuming sir....I was never told not to cycle, I'm within the accepted age and weight range to use steroids...
    Oh my! Age yes!

    Weight? No

    Diet? Not with your ridiculous weight gainer.

    Besides you are a runner and happy at your weight so why would you want to cycle?

    Visited the nutrition forum?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe View Post
    I think what's going on here is wrong. I know its critical that we sway young guys from using steroids; I understand the importance of this, I really do. But come on man, this is hipocracy in its truest form. People don't come here to get moral advice ...
    This is where I completely lost interest in your thread and stopped reading.

    When we come across with youngsters and tell them NOT to start messing with AAS yet, this advise is certainly NOT rooted in morality. In other words, it is NOT a morally concerned advise. It is a purely rational advice with roots in human anatomy.

    Thus, there is absolutely nothing ironic about it. There is no hipocracy about it either. You simply got it all wrong.

  27. #27
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    I agree that it is appropriate to sway the younger age group away from AAS use for the time being. At the same time, I agree that many of them will probably do it anyway no matter what we say. That is why I try to give some general info and responses to their questions while discouraging them from using AAS. I think the OP poses an interesting dilemma to which I don't have the correct answer. I think it best to continue to kindly encourage them to delay their AAS use with specific reasons. At the same time I think we should be offering to help them start their quest for AAS knowledge so in a few years they will be very well educated when they start their cycle. If they use the info to cycle early, like others have said the info is all over the place anyway.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Great thread, and as a young user I agree completely.

    That being said, I did end up getting some solid advice, here and other forums, before I began my lifestyle change last year.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    I never mentioned your age but at 5ft11" and 160lbs you shouldnt be using steroids, infact I am not going to carry on trying to explain the reasons why because I can see I am wasting my time and effort. You carry on and one day you will learn
    You did mention my age when you said "we have been using steroids longer than you been alive" so I just wanted to correct you is ideal to use steroids at 160 to get rough gainer in to the 200's, what you are using steroids for is for your own cause...perhaps building MORE muscle on person that does not have any issues gaining muscle...carry on

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by SteM

    Oh my! Age yes!

    Weight? No

    Diet? Not with your ridiculous weight gainer.

    Besides you are a runner and happy at your weight so why would you want to cycle?

    Visited the nutrition forum?
    There is more in my diet than a weight gainer, and this thread is not about me cycling but thank you anyways

  31. #31
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    If you want a Ph.D, you should learn how to spell first - it's priest, not "prieast"

    If you read the comments here carefully, you'd realize the predominant concern of this Forum is the health and well being of the membership. For you to question that or simply not understand, indicates your maturity is underdeveloped - similar to your body composition. I believe you have a lot of learning and understanding ahead of you. And in order to fully absorb the message here, your education level has to improve.

    I wish you all the best in your journey to achieve a Ph.D. In the meantime, AAS is not in your immediate future.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer

    This is where I completely lost interest in your thread and stopped reading.

    When we come across with youngsters and tell them NOT to start messing with AAS yet, this advise is certainly NOT rooted in morality. In other words, it is NOT a morally concerned advise. It is a purely rational advice with roots in human anatomy.

    Thus, there is absolutely nothing ironic about it. There is no hipocracy about it either. You simply got it all wrong.
    I lost interest where you said this not rooted in morality, sorry

  33. #33
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    At least learn how to spell priest. . .

    New tat m300? Geez, your back is wider than the the hood on my car. Monster!

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicDoc
    I agree that it is appropriate to sway the younger age group away from AAS use for the time being. At the same time, I agree that many of them will probably do it anyway no matter what we say. That is why I try to give some general info and responses to their questions while discouraging them from using AAS. I think the OP poses an interesting dilemma to which I don't have the correct answer. I think it best to continue to kindly encourage them to delay their AAS use with specific reasons. At the same time I think we should be offering to help them start their quest for AAS knowledge so in a few years they will be very well educated when they start their cycle. If they use the info to cycle early, like others have said the info is all over the place anyway.
    Thank you

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Papa-pwn
    Great thread, and as a young user I agree completely.

    That being said, I did end up getting some solid advice, here and other forums, before I began my lifestyle change last year.
    Thanks for sharing

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    If you want a Ph.D, you should learn how to spell first - it's priest, not "prieast"

    If you read the comments here carefully, you'd realize the predominant concern of this Forum is the health and well being of the membership. For you to question that or simply not understand, indicates your maturity is underdeveloped - similar to your body composition. I believe you have a lot of learning and understanding ahead of you. And in order to fully absorb the message here, your education level has to improve.

    I wish you all the best in your journey to achieve a Ph.D. In the meantime, AAS is not in your immediate future.
    I'm in the doctorate program for psychology so I know all about phd and psyd and owing $150 for's rude to start your replay in that manner, it really is, I would like to add that I don't care for how you interpret me...thank anyways man

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    At least learn how to spell priest. . .

    New tat m300? Geez, your back is wider than the the hood on my car. Monster!
    At least try to find a way to be less rude about pointing out others mistakes

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe View Post
    I'm in the doctorate program for psychology so I know all about phd and psyd and owing $150 for's rude to start your replay in that manner, it really is, I would like to add that I don't care for how you interpret me...thank anyways man
    Doctorate program for 150$?? It sure shows bud. Spend that education wisely..

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Doctorate program for 150$?? It sure shows bud. Spend that education wisely..
    I guess your just one of those guys, ok man $150,000.00 there happy?...I would bet all of it that you dont want to share what you do.... A future Doc against a.....

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phd wannabe

    I guess your just one of those guys, ok man $150,000.00 there happy?...I would bet all of it that you dont want to share what you do.... A future Doc against a.....
    And here we go with a little immaturity

    My dads bigger than your dad.

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