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  1. #1
    kyleez038 is offline New Member
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    question on anavar

    So, I've been reading quite a bit on here and i've come up with many contradicting things on anavar . I've heard 100mg a day for 8 - 12 weeks and it's possible to gain muscle and lose quite a bit of fat. I've heard run it alone i've also heard always run it with test.

    What would be a basic starter dose to not run with test. Currently my diet is pretty strict but i'm lacking a bit on the cardio (i know obvious problem.) I'm looking to try and clean up some of the fat I have. I float around 206lbs and i'm 5'10. I'm not looking to get a ton bigger. I've been working out pretty steady since the beginning of 2010. I started out as a fat lump of shit around 220lbs and I couldn't do a pullup. I posted a profile picture and i've gained quite a bit of muscle since then.

    Any comments or suggestion on anavar as a standalone? Thanks

  2. #2
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
    >Good Luck< is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyleez038
    So, I've been reading quite a bit on here and i've come up with many contradicting things on anavar . I've heard 100mg a day for 8 - 12 weeks and it's possible to gain muscle and lose quite a bit of fat. I've heard run it alone i've also heard always run it with test.

    What would be a basic starter dose to not run with test. Currently my diet is pretty strict but i'm lacking a bit on the cardio (i know obvious problem.) I'm looking to try and clean up some of the fat I have. I float around 206lbs and i'm 5'10. I'm not looking to get a ton bigger. I've been working out pretty steady since the beginning of 2010. I started out as a fat lump of shit around 220lbs and I couldn't do a pullup. I posted a profile picture and i've gained quite a bit of muscle since then.

    Any comments or suggestion on anavar as a standalone? Thanks
    You should never use any aas without test base. Always

  3. #3
    kyleez038 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013
    What would be a good test choice, amount, and time to run with it?

  4. #4
    diabolicsoul is offline Associate Member
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    How old are you? BF%?

    You should always run test with any compound. And seeing this would be your first cycle. It should be test only. No var. To see how react to it, etc.

    Your profile states that your 32. Research some beginner cycles, there's a good thread on beginner cycles, ill try and find it for you.

    But in all honesty, You've only been training for 2ish years. It would do you better if you would wait and continue to train 1-2 more years naturally and see how far you can go. You said you aren't looking to get a ton bigger.

  5. #5
    ma_fighter's Avatar
    ma_fighter is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyleez038 View Post
    So, I've been reading quite a bit on here and i've come up with many contradicting things on anavar . I've heard 100mg a day for 8 - 12 weeks and it's possible to gain muscle and lose quite a bit of fat. I've heard run it alone i've also heard always run it with test.

    What would be a basic starter dose to not run with test. Currently my diet is pretty strict but i'm lacking a bit on the cardio (i know obvious problem.) I'm looking to try and clean up some of the fat I have. I float around 206lbs and i'm 5'10. I'm not looking to get a ton bigger. I've been working out pretty steady since the beginning of 2010. I started out as a fat lump of shit around 220lbs and I couldn't do a pullup. I posted a profile picture and i've gained quite a bit of muscle since then.

    Any comments or suggestion on anavar as a standalone? Thanks

    It is ALL in the way you eat! If you cant eat clean enough to drop down now, you'll only end up gaining that fat, which you may or may not loose during a cycle, back on again as soon as you stop.
    Really, its about changing your lifestyle

    Have a look at my avatar, 256lbs to that in a bit over a year, clean, no cycles, no drugs, I just changed the way i EAT...
    I had absolutely NO success in getting rid of the flab till I realized that I had to make a permanent change to my lifestyle, forever change my relation to food and snacks.

    I know this is not what you want to hear, you want the easy fix, but it is the truth.

    Your symptom is: you're fat, but the problem is the way and/or what you eat. So, why try to fix the symptom when the problem remains? That's just stupid, but that's also the way we humans work.. we're comfortable doing what were doing, so we dont want to change.


  6. #6
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyleez038
    What would be a good test choice, amount, and time to run with it?
    I agree with the statement about running test alone. You will find that the effects for test only cycle can give you what you want and playing it safe is always best. It sounds like you want to cut. Have you figured out your tdee? How is your diet? If they are in check, this will dictate your results. I can help you with your cycle in the mean time but understand that your results are mostly diet dependent.

    I would run a simple 10 week test only cycle. Cyp or test e. I lean towards test e for no real reason other than quicker pct time.

    Week 1-10 test enan @ 500mg weekly
    - you'll want to inject every 3.5 day so because I work days, I inject Sunday morning 9am and Wednesday night at 9pm.

    You should include HCG @ 250iu 24 hours before each shot. Run this up until your pct even tho you stop taking the test for 2 weeks before pct.

    You'll need an AI as well. I recommend arimidex @.25 every other day starting with your first shot and ending day before your start pct. I personally wait 1 week (day of 3rd shot) to start my AI but this is a personal preference.

    Start PCT 14 days after last pin of test e and run it for 4 weeks.

    Nolvadex 20mg daily for 4 weeks
    Clomid 50mg daily for 4 weeks
    -some may say you should double dose tour pct for first 2 weeks but I disagree because pct meds have sides to, and they suck balls

    Remember, if your diet isn't straight, you dont know what to expect. You could get fat, you could get skinny, you could get sick....

  7. #7
    kyleez038 is offline New Member
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    My diet pretty much consists of

    5ish egg whites + bananna + whey protein morning
    then gym

    then creatine mono + whey post workout

    lunch 2 cans tuna/canned chicken + 2 tbsp mustard + 1 tbsp miracle whip on whole wheat wrap

    3:00ish - two greek yogurts

    Dinner - Vegatables + brown rice + chicken/beef/fish

    8:00pm cottage cheese

    10:00pm casein protein

    This is what it basically consists of i've been doing this diet for about three weeks with wednesday dinners with my girlfriend out for a cheat dinner any suggestions on this?

    Supplements consist of:

    Whey protein
    casein protein
    fish oil
    Noxivol 2x daily
    bpi a-hd and bpi solid (taking this out in a couple weeks i've found it useless)
    B complex

    Any suggestions to this as well? This weekend i'm going to grab some oxy elite pro

  8. #8
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    Where are your carbs for breakfast?

  9. #9
    cj111's Avatar
    cj111 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Drop the casein and trib and spend the money on some vegetables and some oatmeal for breakfast, food is a lot better than supplements imo.

  10. #10
    MisterD is offline Junior Member
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    I think hes counting the banana as carbs...

    Replace the banana with good old fasion oatmeal..

  11. #11
    kyleez038 is offline New Member
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    Yeah the bananna is the morning carbs and for before workout ...ill throw in some oatmeal

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