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  1. #1
    MaxJDruso is offline New Member
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    Jan 2013

    First cycle questions.

    This will be the first time I've ever ran anything. I started at 125 pounds and have climbed to 175 over 3 years of lifting around 8%-10% bf right now. I've always been naturally lean due to being ecto. I've finally manning up and going to start running test prop probably around 600 a week. I'm going to use 1.5 inch 25 gauge needles. I'm going to take anastrozle while running it. and for my pct going to use novadex, and clomid. Here is the things I'm unsure about. I model and body size isn't a big deal, but puffyness in my face could big of an affect will it make face wise with puffyness? I know acne is different for everyone, but I'm just prone to a little bacne and I'm hoping it won't get crazy anywhere else. Last question is, a lot of my friends have ran and are telling me to run hcg while on it for my balls to drop...but I was wondering other peoples opinions about that. I know some of these may be dumb questions but I know this is the best site for answers so I'm here to learn. Thank you so much!

  2. #2
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    25 gauge too small....youll be pinning for hours

    use 21 gauge

  3. #3
    Scottyb13's Avatar
    Scottyb13 is offline Associate Member
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    Yes use 22 or 21... Yes run HcG and AI on cycle and have pct ready with clomid and nolva.. Go to stickies and search for good first cycle.. 175 is still a little light.AAS needs a solid base. How's your diet? Cal intake?

  4. #4
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah listen to Scotty about running the AI right away especially with short acting esters like prop...I'm in my second week of prop/dbol /cyp and I held off on running my AI and as a result, I am incredibly bloated, and holding a ton of water...face is puffy as hell.

    As for the acne...everyone is diff, but I was like you with a little on my back and shoulders, but when I cycle it gets really, really bad. However It doesnt get too out of control if I keep my skin dry by tanning and I use face wash and creme with 10% benzoyl peroxide which is over the counter.

    My first cycle I didn't do anything about my acne and it got worse and worse to the point nothing would work, so I went on acutane

    Just stay on top of it, and use the benz peroxide to keep the skin just dry enough before it peels, by applying the creme as often as needed. If you do it right, you can manage it and only get a pimple here and there.

  5. #5
    MaxJDruso is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys I really appreciate it. My diet is solid, I eat clean for the most part but eating dirty doesnt really affect me. I hover between 1900-2300 a day. well I heard I wouldnt get to bloated from just running test but I wasnt 100% sure. I heard dbol is the one that puffs you up due to the water retention. and I was trying to avoid the hcg because injecting that below my belly button is gonna freak me the **** out...but if it has to be done it has to be done. and thanks for the acne advice...Im on pills and that same stuff from my dermatologist so il just keep sticking on it and trying to control it.

  6. #6
    MaxJDruso is offline New Member
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    Idk how to tag people yet...but I wrote on this thread again. thanks!

  7. #7
    MaxJDruso is offline New Member
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    thanks man!

  8. #8
    Scottyb13's Avatar
    Scottyb13 is offline Associate Member
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    Now to the real question.... Have you read up on side effects AAS can have being so young?? With not having a completely full developed endocrine that's not still up and down? Might want to scroll up and search for the young and steroids think its called

  9. #9
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  10. #10
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxJDruso View Post
    This will be the first time I've ever ran anything. I started at 125 pounds and have climbed to 175 over 3 years of lifting around 8%-10% bf right now. I've always been naturally lean due to being ecto. I've finally manning up and going to start running test prop probably around 600 a week. I'm going to use 1.5 inch 25 gauge needles. I'm going to take anastrozle while running it. and for my pct going to use novadex, and clomid. Here is the things I'm unsure about. I model and body size isn't a big deal, but puffyness in my face could big of an affect will it make face wise with puffyness? I know acne is different for everyone, but I'm just prone to a little bacne and I'm hoping it won't get crazy anywhere else. Last question is, a lot of my friends have ran and are telling me to run hcg while on it for my balls to drop...but I was wondering other peoples opinions about that. I know some of these may be dumb questions but I know this is the best site for answers so I'm here to learn. Thank you so much!
    1.5" 25g is fine. In fact its the go-to gauge for glutes, unless youre lean. Everything else for me 23g 1"

    How tall are you?

    How old are you?

    What is your complete cycle? Lay it out so we can take a look at it. You may have other areas that could use some tweaking.

  11. #11
    Novyman is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2011
    Really 25 gauge is the go-to gauge?

    I'm prescribed 21 gauge for my TRT injections and have been instructed to inject in my quads ....I'm also prescribed 18 gauge to draw out of the vial

  12. #12
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Novyman View Post
    Really 25 gauge is the go-to gauge FOR GLUTES?

    I'm prescribed 21 gauge for my TRT injections and have been instructed to inject in my quads ....I'm also prescribed 18 gauge to draw out of the vial
    You forgot the last part.

    And i also use 18 to draw.

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