What's your experience with this compound? I've heard many mixed opinions, some people compare it to Tren others to gay s*x...
How was your 1st time running Anavar + test? What did you notice with higher/ lower dosages?
What's your experience with this compound? I've heard many mixed opinions, some people compare it to Tren others to gay s*x...
How was your 1st time running Anavar + test? What did you notice with higher/ lower dosages?
Forgot to mentioned in my poll, best anavar dosage for men.
Either way, women don't have the right to vote do they?
I like 80-100mg, but I think a lot determines on your height and weight.
this is of interest to me![]()
I've ran quite a few var cycles, my first var + test cyp was this past summer. Very good results, I started at 50ed but than I upped it to 75ed but best results was at 100ed spaced 10-12 hrs apart. I love var, I was on a cutting cycle used the test to conserve muscle even though I ended up 15 lbs lbm, but I cut from about 33% bf down to 22%. And I know, about the risks cycling at that high bf but I know my body and what it can take and can't. I believe it can be done safely if done properly. And it was 12 week cycle, I kick started it with the var for 7 weeks.
I'm looking to hear specific differences between say what 60mg vs 80mg vs 100mg would do to you in terms of results and just general feeling.
Really depends on what you're doing also.
As you so boldly told another member, my friend kronik420- YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS USING AAS!
Why would you feel it's a good idea to bash someone else for their use because they "don't have a bodybuilders physique" when you yourself hasn't reached the age of full maturity, yet still intend to use aas? Let me guess-
1. You've reached your genetic potential
2. You're more mature than all the other 21 year olds
3. You're done growing so you don't care
I can keep listing the excuses guys under 25 use... But I'll stop there.. Next time before flaming someone else, consider your own situation and make sure it's perfect before opening your trap. There's much more to say about you than kronik420, kiddo. Get over yourself and try to be a positive force in this community.
Im currently running 50mg ed of var with my cycle............... 10 days in, I have noticed extreme pumps during workouts, as far a strenght, Hard to tell what the var is doing considering the other compounds Im running..... My plan was to run the var 7 weeks past the end of my cycle, to see if it would help maintain my gains from the cycle, as well as helpout with the extra water rentition......Strongley considering uping my dose to 75mg ed and then 100mg ed at the end of my current cycle
I have enough to run @80mg for 60 days. Look forward to that![]()
You are correct. This flame-job is 21! Balls barely even dropped yet and he's giving advice to others. Oh well, looking forward to the "my d!ck doesn't work" thread in the futureOriginally Posted by xTato
Last edited by >Good Luck<; 02-02-2013 at 11:19 AM.
I've read some post of young people having problem post-cycle and all I can say about it is that normally the one who had problem over 20 didn't do a proper cycle and once they followed the advice of the people here they recovered pretty fast.
Of course, I'm not talking about farther problem. But in the case of immediate problem, it do not seems to affect lots of 20+ years old men.
Of course again, I do not know every single young man who used aas.
But I personaly think that after 20-21 we do not have our word to say about there descision as long as he know what he is doing and what he is risking.
And the opinion of a 24 YO men with 4 cycle under his belt worth as much as a 50YO with as many cycle.
Young do not mean idiot nor irresponsable. It's only a number(even if I agree that lot of young man are stubborn and act dangerously for themselfs). Try not to judge someone about his age and more about what he say.
In all do respect, and I do say this with the best intentions... You don't know what you're saying.Originally Posted by qscgugcsq
Let me explain... You know the hypothalamus pituitary testicular axis (hpta) does not care how much you train, how tall you are or who you know that has done steroids... It cares about doing it's job. Producing and regulating hormones important men. Even when we are done getting taller, usually by 18 or so- we still have a lot of developing to do. Especially in the HPTA. When anyone uses exogenous testosterone, or any steroid for that matter, it interferes with our HPTA. We often refer to this as "shutting down". The reason why those under 25 are at a greater risk of long term damage is because before this age our HPTA is still developing and interrupting this process can be very hard on it. For some, they will never recover. The truth is, you don't know the damage you cause until it's too late. So age is not just a number unless you're talking about going on a date or perhaps something else not health related.
If you feel that the age is not important to someone deciding to use steroids, maybe your advice is best kept to your self. No offense. It's just because around here we try to advise people on making healthy decisions for the long term... But after that is done, you are right, it's up to them to decide. But I don't condone such behavior, and many around here don't either. That's why I give my .02 without hesitation.
And of course, you are also 19! I guess you don't care about long term consequence yet either because you don't have to think that far ahead... You're still invincible
Last edited by >Good Luck<; 02-02-2013 at 02:20 PM.
That's exactly what I meant... Because I'm young you automaticly assume that(bold above). FYI, I never used aas because people here EXPLAINED me(not judged), because that's when people try scare us instead of EXPLAINING that people go on their own. By knowing what I risked I was able to take a descision and I choice to wait. Nobody needs comment like, You are too young!!! RUN AWAY FROM AAS!!!. And I know that almost all of the community here explain them but what I find pitiful is when they never stop using the age like an arguments like you just did... A 21 YO even if he risk alot is still mature enough to take that descision AS LONG AS HE KNOW WHAT HE IS RISKING.
Yes, I'm 19. And Yes, I care about long terms consequences. I have few person close to me that I like and respect who did that mistake and are now on TRT. I don't want that to happen to me.
Stop pretending the age is everything, Yes the risk are greater and I will never disagree with you, but the risk can be acceptable for some people. And you have no right to judge them.
We all have our reason to do what we do.
You want to give advice. It's nice of you! But don't go farther than advice. Do not insist. And it's better a 21YO cycling knowing what he do than a 30YO having do idea of what he is doing.
You have the right to disagree and I'm done with it.
Ok bud. Go read the comments this guy is making to others before you put your hero cape on. Im also doneOriginally Posted by qscgugcsq
Im thinking about the benefits var could bring on my next cycle but its expensive stuff so i hear!
Is 80mg too much for cutting? or will there be added benefit given money is no problem?
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