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Thread: .... help for a friend on a dbol only cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    .... help for a friend on a dbol only cycle


    My friend is currently doing a dbol only cycle as he sh*ts himself over the thought of pinning...

    He has not been taking an AI as he started before recieving all of his products... He is a few weeks into cycle and due to get his adex on wednesday..

    He has been told to 'hammer' the adex into him by the guy selling them to him!!!!

    I do not think this is the right thing and have expressed my concern to him as Adex is a very powerful medicine and who knows what could happen taking a few tabs at once...

    I have told him i will ask the experts on here so I am asking what dose of Adex should he take upon recieving the Adex???i was thinking just start as you would with 0.25 EOD as normal... Correct me if im wrong

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    what are his stats and exactly how long has been using dbol and at exactly what amount?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    He is 27, about 12-14% bf,

    170lb, 5'9

    Hes been using it 3weeks, hes done 3 dbol only cycles before, he has Nolva only for PCT also!!! think he has 50 x 20mg tabs

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Oh and 30mg of dbol per day!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    personally i would just tell him to stop and run a standard clomid nolva pct

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Ah there is no telling this guy, he honestly wont listen....

    Im just trying to help him out as much as i can so that he doesnt ruin himself even further...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnymctrance View Post
    Ah there is no telling this guy, he honestly wont listen....

    Im just trying to help him out as much as i can so that he doesnt ruin himself even further...
    The only good advice is for him to stop and pct. He needs to learn more before he causes further damage to his endocrin system.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    he is 27 and doesnt have access to google?

  9. #9
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    Dec 2012
    I did dbol only cycle with no AI and only letrozol & nolva for post "tomoxifen" and ate like a horse on my post and after and kept all gains plus more..lost a lil definition but that's easy to get back... I have a sore lump n my nipple tho, my friends are ok aswell but he runs the risk for a lil gyno

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayIsPumped View Post
    I did dbol only cycle with no AI and only letrozol & nolva for post "tomoxifen" and ate like a horse on my post and after and kept all gains plus more..lost a lil definition but that's easy to get back... I have a sore lump n my nipple tho, my friends are ok aswell but he runs the risk for a lil gyno
    thats surprising you kept your gains from a dbol only cycle, good on ya man

  11. #11
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    Ok i hear what you are saying about your friend, and if he won't take the good advice to stop using dbol alone, I feel it's still a good idea to give him advice about his AI. Please understand that the advice given before far supersedes the advice i will give, but the advice I will give may only stop him from over-using the anastrozol (arimidex).

    As you know, d-Bol does aromatise causing gyno, acne, high bp, water retention etc. This is a cause of heightened estrogen because dbol metabolizes into methyestrodiol and doesn't bind to the androgen receptor well. Having said that, it would be wise to run arimidex at a standard .25mg EOD and not surpass this amount unless symptoms of high estrogen persist. Front loading adex will only cause estrogen crash, and any adjustments above the stated dose should be done gradually and cautiously. If gyno is already present, this will not reduce or reverse it. For that he would need letro.

    Just let your friend know he's playing with fire. He should always run a test base. Most people I know are scared to die from a tiny bubble in the needle... This isn't likely and it is believed that one would need 30-60 or even 90mL or air to potentially die from a bad injection.... And some would go as far as saying it would have to be 90mL air directly to the aorta or jugular lol.

    good luck

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by thex95 View Post
    thats surprising you kept your gains from a dbol only cycle, good on ya man
    but with gyno as a reprocussion. worth it?.......

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Ok i hear what you are saying about your friend, and if he won't take the good advice to stop using dbol alone, I feel it's still a good idea to give him advice about his AI. Please understand that the advice given before far supersedes the advice i will give, but the advice I will give may only stop him from over-using the anastrozol (arimidex).

    As you know, d-Bol does aromatise causing gyno, acne, high bp, water retention etc. This is a cause of heightened estrogen because dbol metabolizes into methyestrodiol and doesn't bind to the androgen receptor well. Having said that, it would be wise to run arimidex at a standard .25mg EOD and not surpass this amount unless symptoms of high estrogen persist. Front loading adex will only cause estrogen crash, and any adjustments above the stated dose should be done gradually and cautiously. If gyno is already present, this will not reduce or reverse it. For that he would need letro.

    Just let your friend know he's playing with fire. He should always run a test base. Most people I know are scared to die from a tiny bubble in the needle... This isn't likely and it is believed that one would need 30-60 or even 90mL or air to potentially die from a bad injection.... And some would go as far as saying it would have to be 90mL air directly to the aorta or jugular lol.

    good luck

    Quote Originally Posted by Justhav2p View Post
    he is 27 and doesnt have access to google?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justhav2p View Post
    but with gyno as a reprocussion. worth it?.......
    didnt say worth it just surprised he kept his gains

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by thex95 View Post
    thats surprising you kept your gains from a dbol only cycle, good on ya man
    yup a lot are surprised, my friends loose their gains but never get gyno...I kept all mine and got a bitty lump in my right nip
    Quote Originally Posted by Justhav2p View Post
    but with gyno as a reprocussion. worth it?.......
    yup only my right nipple..pea sized lump and very sensitive ganna go get BW done and see were im at and possibly run a standard off cycle letro & tomox "PCT" and try and reverse it..wish me luck!

  16. #16
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    feel like the only way I did is by pretty much doubling my macros during and after PCT...still followed diet plus what ever else my hungry as$ wanted

  17. #17
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    my buddy just ran a letro cycle with luck. .... good luck.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Justhav2p;6373***
    my buddy just ran a letro cycle with luck. .... good luck.
    I did on my post and it was all good..but the thing it its so strong I think it killed it to much because I didn't slowly taper off..i just quit after the gyno started to subside and suffered from a good ol' estrogen rebound

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