Originally Posted by
crazy mike
I'm going into my 5th week of Tren A at 50 mg ED with Test prop 50 mg EOD. Last week my temper started to get out of control. I am very irritable all the time and yell at the drop of a hat. I'll add that I'm bi-polar I, intense case for all my life and have been on meds all my life. I've had manic rage episodes most of my life but have had good control for the past few years. ANYWAY...last week a nieghbor calls the police for a disturbance (me) and they come to see me. They start at me , I'm on my front stoop. They honestly had it wrong (serious mistake) so that's why my anger went from 0 - mach 5, . They tell me to sit down, "hey F Y don't tell me...I'm on my Fvckin stoop, don't tell me sh*t. They tell me to unball my fist, well one thing and another THEY SAT ME DOWN...oops, all when ok then. Now I'm in a parking lot last night with my wife...us your imagination! so this guy and gal stop and get into my bus... WOOOO...WHAT ??? I caught myself as they a few others stared. I remember this tape, lights action camera, guns, bracelets and a hard night in a cold place. I gotta go slow n easy. Stop look listen, speak softly the Tren is getting to me. The test cyp was not like this. ...crazy mike
You guys know I'm 61 ........cm