guys i was told about this website, would like to know if this people are legit and safe to order from??
guys i was told about this website, would like to know if this people are legit and safe to order from??
Last edited by nuttyproffsser; 02-02-2013 at 07:17 PM.
No no no, gnc in the mall. That's where you want to go!
sorry guys im a newbie on this.....but yay or nay on this site??
I plead the fifth. This is not a source board.
This site is great. Good people here.
i understand....i read the post on...... SOURCE CHECKS 101.....i guess it takes time to get the proper help.
thank again.
You are correct sir. We do not give sources. Source checks however can be provided later on. Definitely go threw a trustworthy member.
By asking about sources opens a door for you. A door where if anyone pms you trying to sell you stuff. Report immediately. Do not be scammed!
Np. Please edit the site out on your first post mate.
You can always use google, forums with sponsors to source a source..... sometimes you can find a legit source but they take 3 months to get your gear deliverd cough cough.
yes i did a little search on google and theirs negative feedback on them....sometimes 6 months to deliver gear and sometimes they take your money and run with it, i guess that the risk u take. but their also positive feedback on them, looks like a 50-50 with them....keep your orders small under 100 in case u get the shaft.
thanx for all the help guys.
this is great site!!!!![]()
cough cough some sites have been in business since the stone age and are highly respected that they are in such a back order they take 6 months to deliver.
There are domestic sources that ship without the worry of customs and get to your door 3-5 business days after ordering and are less expensive as international sources.
Do your homework.
thanx for the info....i will try to be more of a active member, until i get pointed to the wright direction...i been member sense 2011 but have not been a active i have give it some time, in mean time will read up on the stickies get as much knowledge 42 now i dont have time on my side...i want to get the ball rolling as soon as possible.
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