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Thread: Next Cycle (Knowledge and advice needed)!!

  1. #1

    Next Cycle (Knowledge and advice needed)!!

    8% BF

    Just fiished my PCT from my last cycle (Test E 500 mg weekly and Tren E 300 mg weekly)
    Put on nice size and about 15 pounds.

    Seems mild compared to most cycles, this isn't that great so I was looking into a new cycle. What are your thoughts?

    My goal is a "aesthetic" physique. The physique with the tiny waist, ripped abs and big frame, arms, back, shoulders ETC. (Steve Cook)

    I've kinda looked into Test and Primo. I don't know much about primo though.

    All input appreciated!
    Last edited by Athlete127; 02-02-2013 at 11:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    i dont know what to say , you are only 22 and you did Trenbolone, get blood work done 4 weeks or so after pct and see where your levels at before thinking of designing a cycle...
    i dont know what is the need for compounds like tren at 22

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Do you understand all the health risks you are taking at that age? Just to "look good"?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Do you understand all the health risks you are taking at that age? Just to "look good"?

    Yes, I get blood work after each cycle. I also know the risks involved but thank you.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich View Post
    i dont know what to say , you are only 22 and you did Trenbolone, get blood work done 4 weeks or so after pct and see where your levels at before thinking of designing a cycle...
    i dont know what is the need for compounds like tren at 22
    I didn't plan on doing the cycle for a bit, just getting it lined out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    8% BF

    Just fiished my PCT from my last cycle (Test E 500 mg weekly and Tren E 300 mg weekly)
    Put on nice size and about 15 pounds.

    Seems mild compared to most cycles, this isn't that great so I was looking into a new cycle. What are your thoughts?

    My goal is a "aesthetic" physique. The physique with the tiny waist, ripped abs and big frame, arms, back, shoulders ETC. (Steve Cook)

    I've kinda looked into Test and Primo. I don't know much about primo though.

    All input appreciated!

    Adding 15lbs and staying at 8% BF is by no means "mild", 15lbs would be nice gains regardless of bf.

    If you had been eating a bigger calorie surplus your gains would have been better, it's not the cycle thats your "problem" its how you eat.

    How long was the cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Calgary Alberta
    Another thing to add, with tren you may not gain as much weight but its probably going to be a dryer weight with less water. That and you could of lost some bf along the way.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ma_fighter View Post
    Adding 15lbs and staying at 8% BF is by no means "mild", 15lbs would be nice gains regardless of bf.

    If you had been eating a bigger calorie surplus your gains would have been better, it's not the cycle thats your "problem" its how you eat.

    How long was the cycle?
    My bf is normally around 8 or 9 by the way I eat. I haven't ever been able to get to where I want which is 4

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Are you trying to bulk or cut? I'm confused..

    You say you want to gain more weight, but at the same time you say you want to cut your bodyfat in half?
    Dude, do ONE THING AT A TIME, it's just going to yield better results.

    Bulk, and dont worry about gaining a bit of extra fat, you can cut that off again later.

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