Hi Guys,
Im looking for a little advice on my 2nd cycle. Here is a little of my background info:
31 yrs old
195 lbs
~15% bf
I think I have a pretty good diet (at least for someone who travels for work). I take in a lot of lean protein, vegetables, and try to get clean carbs. And I usually supplement protein drinks or bars between meals. And, I kill myself in the gym 3-5 times a week - about 2 hour sessions. Im looking to gain lean mass, and Im not in it for any competition.
My first cycle was 250mg of test sustanon once a week (ok, whatever its a "crap" cycle, but i did get good gains - about 15 lbs and lost 5 of it in my "PCT").
I'm looking to step it up, but I don't want to go too crazy as I am getting fairly decent results from low dosages.
Here's what Im considering:
Week 1 - 12
400-600mg test-E or test-C (depending on what is available) weekly.
Caber at .5mg E2D
1mg Finasteride ED (for DHT)
40mg doxycycline ED (for acne)
Week 14 - 17
Nolva 100/50/50/50
Clomid 40/20/20/20
I feel like I want to stack something with it. A friend suggested running tren with it, but Im thinking that is overkill. Is there something else I could run along side the test that I could benefit from with minimum side effects? Maybe EQ or Winstrol?
I am prone to gyno so I was thinking of running caber or clomid through the whole cycle. Which would be better? And should i start them at the beginning of my cycle or somewhere in the middle?
I'd prefer to pin just once a week as i do travel during the weekdays and can't really take anything on the plane with me.. (since i have tools in my luggage, they get searched a lot). So would doing a 1-1.5ml pin in each cheek (so a total of 2 pins, each loaded with 200-300mg test) on Sunday night be effective/safe/physically tolerable?
Thanks for reading! I do admit I am a novice, although I do feel I have done a decent amount of research thus far. Tweaks and corrections to my cycle would be very appreciated! All comments are certainly welcome, but please go easy on me!