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Thread: Questions/looking for advice on 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Questions/looking for advice on 2nd cycle

    Hi Guys,

    Im looking for a little advice on my 2nd cycle. Here is a little of my background info:

    31 yrs old
    195 lbs
    ~15% bf
    I think I have a pretty good diet (at least for someone who travels for work). I take in a lot of lean protein, vegetables, and try to get clean carbs. And I usually supplement protein drinks or bars between meals. And, I kill myself in the gym 3-5 times a week - about 2 hour sessions. Im looking to gain lean mass, and Im not in it for any competition.

    My first cycle was 250mg of test sustanon once a week (ok, whatever its a "crap" cycle, but i did get good gains - about 15 lbs and lost 5 of it in my "PCT").

    I'm looking to step it up, but I don't want to go too crazy as I am getting fairly decent results from low dosages.

    Here's what Im considering:

    Week 1 - 12
    400-600mg test-E or test-C (depending on what is available) weekly.
    Caber at .5mg E2D
    1mg Finasteride ED (for DHT)
    40mg doxycycline ED (for acne)

    Week 14 - 17
    Nolva 100/50/50/50
    Clomid 40/20/20/20

    I feel like I want to stack something with it. A friend suggested running tren with it, but Im thinking that is overkill. Is there something else I could run along side the test that I could benefit from with minimum side effects? Maybe EQ or Winstrol?

    I am prone to gyno so I was thinking of running caber or clomid through the whole cycle. Which would be better? And should i start them at the beginning of my cycle or somewhere in the middle?

    I'd prefer to pin just once a week as i do travel during the weekdays and can't really take anything on the plane with me.. (since i have tools in my luggage, they get searched a lot). So would doing a 1-1.5ml pin in each cheek (so a total of 2 pins, each loaded with 200-300mg test) on Sunday night be effective/safe/physically tolerable?

    Thanks for reading! I do admit I am a novice, although I do feel I have done a decent amount of research thus far. Tweaks and corrections to my cycle would be very appreciated! All comments are certainly welcome, but please go easy on me!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    I'd drop a few more % bf first bro, and leave tren/winny/EQ alone for the time being. A 12 week test E only cycle @ 500mg a week is a good choice for someone of your experience. No need for caber on a test only cycle, just acquire some A-dex or Aromasin to combat your gyno concerns. Dropping some bf prior to cycle will help with gyno prevention too. 2 shots a week is your best bet to keep blood levels stable, for example Monday morning and Thursday night. PCT looks fine but inclusion of some HCG is recommended for the duration of your cycle.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    I'd drop a few more % bf first bro, and leave tren/winny/EQ alone for the time being. A 12 week test E only cycle @ 500mg a week is a good choice for someone of your experience. No need for caber on a test only cycle, just acquire some A-dex or Aromasin to combat your gyno concerns. Dropping some bf prior to cycle will help with gyno prevention too. 2 shots a week is your best bet to keep blood levels stable, for example Monday morning and Thursday night. PCT looks fine but inclusion of some HCG is recommended for the duration of your cycle.
    Stan Mcquay.....Oh man please don't worship that guy...Does he still claim to be natty ha ha ha...

    Sad part is...He doesn't even look good for how much substance he takes....Synthol is written ALL over that guy, might I add in a bad way! Good thing all the hormones he is on in the new era hides his stupid ass shoulders filled to the BRIM with synthol.....Let alone his chest...

    Okay, I don't care about Top Ifbb pro because they know we all know they are using and it is a big cat and mouse game EVERYONE knows...

    But to straight out claim natty ha ha ha...And on top of it, claim natty and abuse hormones/Synthol and still look like sh*t....Never RESPECT that, EVER...

    Sorry, that is just straight truth and everyone knows it...

    Here is your PRIME EXAMPLE FOLKS...Look how STUPID his shoulders look...NO, THIS IS NOT GOOD DEFINITION...The way it PEAKS out at the sides is NOT NATURAL or even due to the use of hormones..That is SYNTHOL to the BRIM ladies and gents....Picture is smaller then I liked, but for those that know it is EASY to see...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Stan Mcquay.jpg 
Views:	2877 
Size:	5.7 KB 
ID:	132970 Here is another one for you! Click image for larger version. 

Name:	StanMcStupid.jpg 
Views:	1853 
Size:	23.0 KB 
ID:	132971

    See how soft and swollen (Not like ripped, swollen as in a BEE STING) his shoulder looks? And the way it PEAKS is SUPER SUPER UNNATURAL...This is not only synthol but also ESICLENE. It LITERALLY almost goes to a point...And you can see that in the second picture...Get this GARBAGE CAN OUTTA HERE
    Last edited by calstate23; 02-03-2013 at 09:35 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    do 500 mgs a week of test 12 weeks. weeks 1-4 50 mgs dbol. AI, PCT, HCG, your g2g

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