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  1. #1
    flex321's Avatar
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    anadrol and dbol..

    hey fellas...I posted this over at and realized that I wanted the opinions from some of the guys over here....I know more of you here, and you seem to give straight answers.

    Over there they have good people but people give mostly opinionated answers and not whats best.

    heres the link to jump to the thread...

  2. #2
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    y would u do d-bol and anabol ? just do the d-bol, anabol is hard to keep gains, even if u use atest or primo and winny.

  3. #3
    flex321's Avatar
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    Originally posted by gundam675
    y would u do d-bol and anabol ? just do the d-bol, anabol is hard to keep gains, even if u use atest or primo and winny.
    huh? anadrol isn't that hard to keep the gains bro. I'll be taking liquidex to reduce the water weight. Most people say it's hard to keep cause they think losing the water that they gained from it was muscle.

    I wasn't asking what I should take. If I could do a full 4 weeks of anadrol to kick start I would.

    My questions was if it worth taking 2 weeks of anadrol then 2 weeks of dbol . Or would this not be effective cause each is only taken for 2 weeks?

    again I have 51 dbols and 16 anadrols and I'm low on funds so I was thinking of taking them like I stated above.

    I don't mean to get excited and jump down ya throat. since it might seem like thats what I am doing.


  4. #4
    big swoll's Avatar
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    ive never really heard of people running it like that....dbol for 2 w's and adrol for 2 w's...i would just try to get some more stuff before you run your cycle

  5. #5
    flex321's Avatar
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    Originally posted by big swoll
    ive never really heard of people running it like that....dbol for 2 w's and adrol for 2 w's...i would just try to get some more stuff before you run your cycle
    I don't have the cash for my stuff...

    on elite someone said it's not done but he didn't see a problem with it. Said it's like jump switching up esters.

    so I guess it would be the same as compared to someone taking enanthate then switching two cypionate

  6. #6
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    my advice is to wait...

    why is it so important that you begin this cycle now? look at the big picture here bro...if you hold off and get some more gear you can have a much better cycle than this 4 week oral only crap.

    because funds are tight it may take awhile to begin, but anyone will tell you that you will have more noticable and permanent results by waiting.

  7. #7
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Anadrol and dbol are different drug so it is not like changing up esters. You could do it but I would wait until your financial situation was a little better personally.

  8. #8
    flex321's Avatar
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    you guys got me all wrong...I'm not doign an oral only cycle.

    I have 30 amps of sust.

    I'm going to do 750mg/wk for 10 weeks.

    I'm only using the anadrol and the dbol for a jumpstart, only because I have them and it's either I do them or don't use anything to jumpstart with.

    I would think it makes sense to use them...It might not be as useful as if I took a full 4 weeks of just the anadrol but taking it how I stated is my only option.

    it won't have a negative effect if I take it like this will it? and exclude a waste of money from a negative effect, cause if I take them of if I don't they won't be seen again. If I don't take them they will just sit there.

  9. #9
    Rickson's Avatar
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    I don't see any negative just possibly not as much positive. You can do it with no ill side effects.

  10. #10
    flex321's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Rickson
    I don't see any negative just possibly not as much positive. You can do it with no ill side effects.
    yeah but it's a tiny benefit to the cycle. if I didn't do this it would be no slight increase in the cycle.

    thanks fellas.

  11. #11
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    this is pointless. just as the dbol is really kickin, you'll be stopping it. running anadrol next will be just as much of a waste for 2 weeks only.

    rickson is right, these are two totally different drugs, so running them btb has no carryover, or benefit. i think you'll be more dissapointed than anything else.
    but, hey.........its your call, and your cycle.

    peace I4L

  12. #12
    flex321's Avatar
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    ok thanks. I still have a bit to decide on what to shot for. Maybe i'll just leave it out.

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