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02-04-2013, 09:01 PM #1
Seeking Advice for my 1st Cycle- Test P/Winny 10Weeks
Hello All,
I've been registered to this forum for awhile now. Never posted before just used it for a lot of education on working out, dieting and aas. After all the reading and learning, I think its a good time to try a cycle for the 1st time. My stats are as followed; age-30, height-5'9, weight-187lbs, bf-16%. Been working out off and on since i was 15yrs old, with this past yr be serious in the gym and diet. I had my blood work done last week, still waiting for it to come in. I will be posting the workout I've been doing as well and would also like input on it. I decided to go with a Test Prop/Winny Cycle for 10 weeks, with the entire course(aas + pct) running until the end of April(that way i'm gtg in time for the summer). All opinions and input is greatly appreciated.
Weeks 1-8: Test P 250mg 2 x week - Should the doseage be higher or more often since its a short ester?
Weeks 1-10: Liq Adex .25mg EOD
Weeks 7-10: Winny oral 50mg ED
Weeks 13-16: Liq Nova 40/40/20/20 - Is this to long to run since the cycle is 10w, should it be just 2w?
Weeks 13-16: Liq Clo 20/20/10/10
Thanks in advance to all that reply
02-04-2013, 09:47 PM #2
Welcome back.
1. Test prop needs to be pinned either daily or EOD. Run 100 EOD for your first run.
2. Ldex dose is good, but you can stop at 8 weeks.
3. Drop the winny, keep it test only so you can gauge your reaction to it. Introduce secondary compounds in future cycles.
4. PCT needs to start 3 days after last injection. I prefer nolva 100/50/50/50 and clomid 40/20/20/20
5. Also consider HCG on cycle, 250iu's twice weekly to help you recover faster and prevent testicular atrophy.
Good luck.
02-04-2013, 10:44 PM #3
02-05-2013, 02:07 PM #4
Thanks for the info. I decided to go with test P because i can run it shorter and incorporate winstrol . But since you suggested i drop winny, I'll just run test E instead so I dont have to pin as much... HCG will be added.
I thought PCT started 2 week after last pin?
Thanks for the help
02-05-2013, 06:38 PM #5
PCT starts 2 weeks after if you use Test Enanthate . But if you use Prop, it starts 3 days after.
02-05-2013, 08:22 PM #6
Ahhhhhhhhhhh I was sooooooooo looking forward to your next thread entitled " Damn that hurts" Prop in a vigin ass ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo weeeeeee
Good choice on switching to eth
02-05-2013, 09:52 PM #7
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