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Thread: Hairloss from juicing in 60's-70's and now

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Hairloss from juicing in 60's-70's and now

    I wonder how come almost all bodybuilders of 60's and 70's had a full head of hair and now you can barely find a bb with a full head of hair these days. I know back then no one used tren, winny and others, but test still causes hairloss from DHT conversion. Heres one old pic of bb'rs as you can see every one has a full head of hair =)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	z_009bb2ee.jpg 
Views:	2457 
Size:	288.7 KB 
ID:	133025

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    arnold is still good to go

  3. #3
    i would say its also a lot to do with what we eat nowdays to, aswell as toxins in the air/estrogen aswell tbh

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sixfootseven View Post
    arnold is still good to go
    So is Stallone although he wasnt a bb, but def used gear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    true, back then action hero actually meant something

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    Guys... anabolic steroids do not cause hair loss.

    Hair loss is hereditary. Anabolic steroids will only trigger MPB if the individual possesses the genetic trait necessary for hair loss, in which case the androgens (and the stronger the androgen is) will simply trigger that gene. How susceptible to such a trigger is dependent on the individual's genetics as well, as some may respond horridly with hair loss to very small doses of the weakest androgen, while others must only use the heaviest of androgens such as Trenbolone before they experience any sort of hair loss.

    Perhaps many of the bodybuilders you are referring to did not possess this genetic trait just by virtue of chance. I do not possess it. Many people do not. Genetics are what causes male patten baldness, not anabolic androgenic steroids.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    What Atomini said is 100% correct.

    Also, they did use Tren back then. I don't understand where this idea that they didn't came from.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    What Atomini said is 100% correct.

    Also, they did use Tren back then. I don't understand where this idea that they didn't came from.
    Precisely. I was going to mention this as well. There is a lot of historically inaccurate information in this thread that needs to be corrected.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Guys... anabolic steroids do not cause hair loss.

    Hair loss is hereditary. Anabolic steroids will only trigger MPB if the individual possesses the genetic trait necessary for hair loss, in which case the androgens (and the stronger the androgen is) will simply trigger that gene. How susceptible to such a trigger is dependent on the individual's genetics as well, as some may respond horridly with hair loss to very small doses of the weakest androgen, while others must only use the heaviest of androgens such as Trenbolone before they experience any sort of hair loss.

    Perhaps many of the bodybuilders you are referring to did not possess this genetic trait just by virtue of chance. I do not possess it. Many people do not. Genetics are what causes male patten baldness, not anabolic androgenic steroids.

    I've read somewhere that no matter what genetics you have...if there a lot of dht in your scalp/hair your hair dies and falls out.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by abzlove View Post
    I've read somewhere that no matter what genetics you have...if there a lot of dht in your scalp/hair your hair dies and falls out.
    Absolutely and utterly COMPLETELY FALSE information.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    GTA, Canada
    Also remember that androgens and genetics are not the only factors in male pattern hair loss. Other factors include:

    - chemicals
    - stress
    - emotional states
    - consistent brushing against the scalp (from hats and headwear)
    - burns
    - chemical burns
    - changes in hormone fluctuations that are UNRELATED TO ANDROGENS

    And many other factors.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by abzlove View Post
    I wonder how come almost all bodybuilders of 60's and 70's had a full head of hair and now you can barely find a bb with a full head of hair these days. I know back then no one used tren, winny and others, but test still causes hairloss from DHT conversion. Heres one old pic of bb'rs as you can see every one has a full head of hair =)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	z_009bb2ee.jpg 
Views:	2457 
Size:	288.7 KB 
ID:	133025
    Also a lot of those dudes were white...A lot of pros today are african amercian who prefer to shave their head...Although some may be bald, but it would be impossible to tell unless they grew out their hair....The same goes for the white dudes today as well...They have their head shaved...Different era different style...that was the "Hippie" era where people liked to grow their hair out..

    If you look at the top 16 finalists of the 2012 Mr. Olympia you will see pretty much everyone has their hair..Maybe like 2-3 don't

  13. #13
    But I do believe there is a big difference between triggering male pattern baldness to occur EARLIER even though it would have happened later on in life and triggering the gene that may NEVER be triggered at all...Thus, meaning some could have the gene to go bald but they never do...

    For instance, looking at women they may hold the gene for baldness but most will never lose their hair UNLESS for instance they triggered it with anabolics...

    Therefore, I believe there are some individuals that may have never lost their hair if they never used anabolics...

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