ive seen some crazy cycles in my days but i think this one tops them all
this guy is totally serious and runs this cycle, granted he is a true vet at this this sport and a monster.. like he said, this is for a seasoned frame. this would shut down almost anyone
"This is a short 10-week, high volume, high intensity, high dose cycle designed to pack serious size onto a seasoned frame for an athlete who wishes to command quick muscle memory----in other words, a vet who took some time off and wants his 20" guns back quickly in preperation for a show (or a serious date). It incorporates VARIOUS Testosterone esters, as Test is the centerpiece here, but also implements an intensive regimen of Trenbalone as well.
Please note:
Test E.....1000/wk...(5 bottles)
Teast Prop....100/ed...(6 bottles)
Sustanon......500/wk....(2 bottles)
Tren E.....500/wk.......(2 bottles)
That's 15 bottles
I will not entertain "PHILOSOPHICAL ARGUMENTS" about "flaws" in this cycle---unless you have a documented, approved, and federally-funded research study showing me where this cycle is not conducive explosive growth-----and we all know that ain't gonna happen. This is a cycle that I love to repeat at least twice per year, with minor tweaks here and there, and again...is NOT for NEWBIES."