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  1. #1
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    no results on cycle!!!!!!

    Alright ya'll I just ended my 4th week of this cycle
    d-bol 35mg/day
    test cyp 400mg/w
    QV EQ 400mg/k
    I weighed 145lb when i started now im roughly 149-151. Im not seeing any results. I am eating as much as i possibly can and i trust my source any feedback?

  2. #2
    Needtobeswoledup is offline Associate Member
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    Your gear will barelly be kicking in right now(besides the dbol ) and you've gained 5lbs. Give it 2 more weeks. Also check your diet make sure your getting enough protein and eat eat eat.

  3. #3
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You should feel the results of the dbol . They would be very noticeable. Are you sure your gear is real?

  4. #4
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    5 lb gain is probably water from the dbol ...the real gains should start any day if your gear is real.

  5. #5
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys Like i said i trust my source. Hes my freakin workout partner, but i do not get into his 'buisiness' I do not ask Qs about who he gets it from and all that because its none of my buisiness. So i posted this on here before i go to him to ask whats up. (hes a elitefitness member hehe) could ya'll tell if i gave you a description of the bottles

  6. #6
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    4 weeks of d-bol and only 5 lbs, dude, in my first week of d-bol at 40mg/ed i gained 6 pounds !!!!!!!! your diet alone should also be gaining you weight IMHO, best of luck man !

  7. #7
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    Do you look different in the mirror? I gained 0 lbs on my first dbol /deca cycle but looked way bigger in the mirror and got hella stronger. I was replacing fat with muscle.... dont go by the scale as much as the mirror bro. if in the next few weeks you can't see a visual difference I would question the authenticity of your gear and/or the quality of your diet.

  8. #8
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    No i don't think i look bigger in the mirror. Maybe and JUST maybe a little bit more vascularity but thats it. I know that i can't turn into a monster off just 10 weeks of gear........but c'mon on my frame i should be getting notice a little. My best friend who sees me every day says that he can't tell a difference at all. Im really just confused

  9. #9
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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  10. #10
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    Give it another couple weeks bro...
    i am thinking your d-bol might've been bunk but you should feel the cyp and eq kicking in hard within the next week or so.

  11. #11
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    Like Rickson said, you should "feel" the results of the d-bol as well as notice increased weight. D-bol in general produces noticible effects w/in the first 1-2 weeks. You should have increased pumps and just feel jacked. You may need to increase the d-bol dose. What type of bol and cyp do you have?

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by Endurance
    i trust my source. Hes my freakin workout partner, but i do not get into his 'buisiness' I do not ask Qs about who he gets it from and all that because its none of my buisiness.
    Hmmm bro no offence here, but as far as I am concerned if you're sticking that stuff in yourself it pretty well does make it "your business". I make darn sure I know where my gear is from and who made it and how it got to me. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

    As the other bros said, it does take 3-6 weeks to kick in, but the dbols you should have felt within days, specially at 35mg/ed. You know a dbol pump when it hits you, your muscles feel like they are going to explode!


  13. #13
    longhornDr's Avatar
    longhornDr is offline Member
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    Post an example of what you eat everyday.

    If your dbol is real you should have put on a good deal of water if nothing else.

    In the first week of my current cycle I put on about 12 lbs of water and am using less dbol than you are.

  14. #14
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah its crazy. I talked to my source last night and when i told him i have only gained 5lbs he bout shit his pants(ive been away for 3 weeks) he said that i should have put on at least 12-14lbs in this amount of time. I have loeffler reforvit dbol and QV teston test cyp 200mg/ml and QV Boldenone EQ 200mg/ml. Diet Usually 4 eggs in the am w/cold cereal then 2 hours later usually like an 8 piece from chick fila then lunch i have some type of sandwich from 'the grill' with fries and salad. then i have a dinner with some type of meat and veggies then later i have either 3 tacos or a 1/4lb er and fries. Not the best of diets but hey im a student you make the best of what you have right. what do yall think

  15. #15
    wannagetstacked is offline New Member
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    your diet isnt the greatest even for a student,if u wanna gain u gotta clean it up and up the protein, u can't beat a good steak or 4 a day to build an anabolic environment,don't let the roids go to waste,get in 7-8 sources of protein a day at 30-40 grams each,invest in a protein shake

  16. #16
    novicemarine's Avatar
    novicemarine is offline Junior Member
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    More tuna. I've never done a cycle and I eat at least 8 cans a day. I shoot for 14. Then I'll eat all that other stuff if I'm cheating or something... but the tuna isn't even included in my diet, really. I consider it given for the day. I try to get in about 700g of protein throughout my diet at 240-245lbs and I try for at least 3000 calories. At 10 cans a day (my avg) I'm putting down 1800 alone on tuna. Then I'll add in all the protein shakes, regular, small portion meals, usually 6/day. But there didn't even seem to be enough there what you said for a full off-cycle diet. You can buy a case of 48 cans of tuna for about $22 bucks at the most. It should be a lot cheaper at Sam's. I buy 3 cases at a time and go through them in about 2 weeks. But I have a naturally huge appetite. And you being a student, may find it harder to find that kind of time. I eat a can every half hour on the half hour, hungry or not, in class.

    Oh, and it's hard to make friends smelling like fish. I've seriously had 2 girls in the past month tell me they'd hop on me if I quit eating tuna. Needless to say, I'll live without them.

  17. #17
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    I agree. Your diet isn't too hot. I highly reccomend you hit the bros in the "DIET" section of this board for some advice. Great info in there.

    For a starter, if you weigh 150lbs, you should be ingesting AT LEAST 200 to 300mg of protein per day. Sounds esay? It ain't. Start calculating and logging what you eat. You'll be surprised.

    You could use all the gear in the world, if you don't have a proper diet and enough protein, you're just wasting it.


  18. #18
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    Oh yeah... I just remembered how much cholesterol tuna has. As I'm kind of new to steroids , I'm thinking it's only logical to assume that with the high blood-pressure from most types, and the high cholest. levels of tuna, it might not be a great idea. But I'm silly like that and will probably just eat more when I start my cycle.

  19. #19
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys for all the help. The last 3 weeks i have had finals and i have been in the process of moving so needless to say my main focus wasn't on eating 6x a day or getting 8 hours of sleep....priorities. But i am settled now and i just got back from the store with 2lbs of pork, chicken, fish, and steak. 5lbs of basmati rice. ya'll are getting the picture. I also started my weight gainer 2200 i can only drink half at a time because it is so filling but still. So can i expect with this change to start seeing some change or am i destined to remain pissed for forever

  20. #20
    novicemarine's Avatar
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    Yeah, I had trouble putting down a lot of calories when I first moved to a hot environment (FL is hot as balls) but you have to build yourself up and nearly gag forcing down the cals/protein. It's hard, like red said. It's a very focused effort... dieting. The diet forum is great, I always read and figure out new stuff, but find myself so overwhelmed that I'm pretty much too belittled to put my 2 cents in there. I'm no genius and I can tell you, TUNA's the answer my man. Nasty stuff, but lots of useable protein. Good luck!

  21. #21
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    thanks guys im hoping this shit kicks in. I don't know how many more 23G 1 1/2 pins i can go through for no results

  22. #22
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro, I kinda know how you feel...I have never really gained weight But I am bigger and have more definition. my bench seriously went up almost 40 pounds!!! You have to fine tune your diet..

  23. #23
    chinups Guest
    I have gained no a single pound I started third week of dbol . But I look in the mirror and see that I have changed. I started and my cardio and diet and it has been perfection, so sometimes weight is not everything. The mirror tells the truth....
    Last edited by chinups; 05-13-2003 at 09:33 AM.

  24. #24
    kman's Avatar
    kman is offline Anabolic Member
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    get rid of the fries.................... work on the diet.. big time.....

  25. #25
    GETTINBIGGER is offline Junior Member
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    Dude I am just a rook to the gear but hey It has to be your diet. I am a very very hard gainer and I am in week 6 right now and am up about 25 lbs on a very similar cycle to yours. I used only 25mg ed dbol in week 1 and 30mg ed weeks 2-4. I didn't even start the test till week 2. If anybody knows how hard eating is I do. But hey why would you take the risk of putting all the chemicals into your system and then not do it right??? Boy you need to eat. I am probably going to get flamed for this but here is what I have eaten today.

    wake Up 7am

    7:15am 2 cups skim milk with 2 scoops protien mix. 1 tbsp flax oil& multi vitamins

    8 am 1 cup oatmeal plain or with fruit
    5 eggs ( only 2 yolks) 5 sausage links, 3 strips bacon, hashbrowns, 2 pieces light rye toast, 2 cups skim milk & a bunch of vitamins

    10am 1 cup sknim milk and ---detour bar(if you have'nt had one they taste like snickers)

    12:30 Pizza and I chicken sandich no mayo 1 cup skim milk & lemonade
    7 g flax seed oil caps & chromium

    3pm I'm now drinking a premade myoplex. about 350 cals and 42g protien

    5pm I have a turkey sand in the fridge and of course skim milk to mix w/ 1 scoop <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> 22g/scoop

    8pm in the gym I drink this carboplex stuff for energy mixed with .5 gallon water

    9:30 my post workout shake--53g protien --Myoplex deluxe with strawberry and blueberry and sometimea bannanas.

    10:30pm about ---chicken breast and white rice about 30 mins b4 bed. If i don't eat real food I can't eat in the morning---this I eat everyday before bed

    I have never taken he time to figure out what the calories and protien and carbs are but its working and its all I can eat for now. It gets easier every day. So keep eating more ed. I had not had milk in 2 years and now i drink about 5 gallons a week. Skim of course. Its a lot better than Mt Dew. Just eat and eat and eat. If you start putting on fat then cut back on carbs and keep eating the protien.
    My 1st Cycle (currently on week 6)

    Week#1- 400mg Deca & 25 mg dbol ed
    Week#2-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo(Galenika/YU)&30mg Dbol ed
    Week#3-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo & 30mg Dbol ed
    Week#4-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo & 30 mg Dbol ed
    Week#5-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#6-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#7-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#8-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#9-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#10300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo

    Probably adding winny in weeks 8-12 @ 50mg ed

    Currently Up 25 Lbs still growing and eating like its pussy!!
    Last edited by GETTINBIGGER; 05-13-2003 at 04:36 PM.

  26. #26
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    thanks guys for all the responses. When i got my gear it was still packaged and everything every bit of it was. Plus it seemed to match up with what is on each of the websites pics. Anyhow i am eating a hella lot better now that i am settled down. Clean too. just hoping and as far as the mirror goes. It doesn't lie and it tells me that nothing has changed. Thanks bros

  27. #27
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    ok todays and yesterdays meals
    6oz grilled chicken
    beef strogonoff over noodles w/steamed veggies
    basamati rice and 6oz steak
    big plate of lasagna
    weight gainer shake
    In that order about 2 hours apart a piece Im back in the groove

  28. #28
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    Hi Endurance,

    I'm doing a kinda similar first-time-ever cycle (300mg T En+400mg EQ/wk). I'm still working on pushing my gr protein/lbs bodyweight to 2 from 1.5.

    First thing, I think it's gotta be really hard for anybody to make gains when they're both going through finals and moving, even on gear. If you're not getting lots of rest, it's not possible to get good results. (I used to wonder why I made such poor gains back in college now I know exactly why -I never slept!! I gotta have 10hrs/night min to make any gains myself. If I can't get that I don't waste much time in the gym or I'll overtrain in no time.)

    Second, you still need to take a harder look at your diet -like the bros said check out the "Diet" section and do more general research. Beef stroganoff and lasagna are both pretty gross, if you ask me -really high in saturated fat and not esp hi in protein. I know canned tuna's handy (in water not oil!) but even the Albacore kinda sucks IMHO. I'm into nukable fish and am currently consuming massive amounts of Mahi Mahi, which you can buy in frozen steaks along with a lot of other kinds of low-fat fish that nuke from frozen beautifully. Halibut is great but I'm allergic to it. I love fresh salmon but it's pretty hi fat so I can't eat as much as I'd like. But there's still Orange Roughy, Tilapia, Scallops and other stuff out there.

    In any case, you've got to count your grams/ protein every day to make sure you're getting enough -you should be pushing for 300g if you're 150 lbs. Or 1.5g/lb bodyweight minimum.

    That's my .02 for ya. Good luck and get some rest!

  29. #29
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    thanks johnsomebody my favorite is tilapia. And i eat a portion that contains 18.5 grams of protein about 3x a week

  30. #30
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    Yeah, I haven't tried it myself yet but you should really look at eating two of those at a time at least to get your protein up, even three. At 150lbs. you really need to be pushing for 300g/day to get the most from your cycle. I
    Just for an example I just downed two Mahi Mahi steaks (22g/protein each) on grilled onions with 23g soy protein and 10g wheatgerm in OJ for lunch. That gave me 77g protein for one of my 6X/day meals at really low fat. It takes time to figure out what works and I'm still working on the whole diet thing myself too.

  31. #31
    LewdTenant's Avatar
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    you said you had a hard time with the cycle because of your priorities. If you are taking drugs you should make sure that nothing is going to interfere with your cycle even if it means taking it in the summer only or perhaps not at all.

    count your calories on paper. It is the only way to see if your dietis on point. I had a buddy in the gym tell me he eats all day and could not gain. I told him to track down what he ate for 2 days. It was pretty pathetic what he came up with...put it on paper


  32. #32
    LewdTenant's Avatar
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    hope you are drinking 1-2 gallons of water per day also. it's what muscle is mostly made of and water is required in every metabolic process in your body.

    drink it from a one galln container so you can track your drinking just like you do with the food

  33. #33
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    Alright i am tacking my calories and my protein. I am at roughly 4k a day (give or take about 200). Its literally making me want to throw up but im doing it all the same. Protein is in the upper 100's. Its really hard to get that high but im still working at it. I would eat cans of tuna but i can't stand to even smell it.

  34. #34
    GETTINBIGGER is offline Junior Member
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    You are eating 4000 calories/day and only 100g of protien???? Can't be something is up with that. Grab a small note pad and write down everything you eat ed. Go to and there you can all nutritional values for everything. Buy some protien and mix 2 scoops with 2 cups skim milk 3x/day. Each scoop has 22g 110cals and the milk has 9g/cup & 90 cals.. Thats 62g protein/shake and 400cals each. Thats an additional 1200 calories and 186g protien/day.

    If you are truley eating 4kcals a day gear or no gear you will grow. Either fat or muscle either way you will grow unles your a 300lb man. Especially with those cals, they must be all carbs.

    Track what you eat and add the 3 shakes a day w/ skim milk and check out netrition and let us know what you are coming up with then.

    My current cycle end of week 6

    1-4 dbol at 30mg ed
    2-10 test eth at 500mg
    1-10 300 deca

    Probably adding winny at 50 ed for 5 weeks to the end.

    Currently up 29lbs feeling great and eating like its pussy
    Last edited by GETTINBIGGER; 05-18-2003 at 11:43 AM.

  35. #35
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    will do Ill track today and tomorrow

  36. #36
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    Well, Endurance, I'm still adjusting my diet like crazy and I'm in week 3 so I know how you feel. From what I'm reading now, 2gm prottein/lb bodyweight may be overdoing it -better to shoot for 1.5.

    Here's another great source of info for a nutritional breakdown of just about everything...

    It's by the USDA, it's real simple and best of all, no ads!

  37. #37
    Big Presser is offline Junior Member
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    Bro you should question your gear... I'm 3.5 weeks in a similar cycle and up 12 lbs and a shitload on all my lifts. If your Dbol is real you will have PAINFUL back bumps. If youre not getting these it aint real. And UP the protein you really need more.

    Good luck bro.


  38. #38
    Endurance is offline Associate Member
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    alright i have eatin at LEAST 3500cal a day for 10 days and ive got my protein lurking between the 225-300grams mark. Everything should be in order. The injectables are real because of what i have found on the site. There is actually nothing that shows from the bottles that they are not legit. The dbol however is different then the ones they have on the site but it was wrapped and packaged too and why would my source give me good test and eq and bullshit dbol. I have no clue what is going on. Im at the end of 6weeks today. Im trying to throw in a little more dbol right now to see if i can at least get some water weight from it. who knows

  39. #39
    johnsomebody's Avatar
    johnsomebody is offline Senior Member
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    How is it going, Endurance?

  40. #40
    hellapimpin's Avatar
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    good luck dude...

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