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Thread: Newbie-need advice

  1. #1

    Newbie-need advice

    Hi Guys,

    can some please give advice on this cycle, Im 36, first cycle, been training for years, diet is good, 5'7, 150lbs and approx 15% BF

    my cycle,

    week 1-12 500mg a week, test e, 2xweekly shots, 250mgs each, mon/thurs.
    week 1-6 Dbol 30mg/day ( might bump up to 40mg, see how i go)
    week 7-12 Winny 40-50mg/day

    0.5mg Arimidex/day

    PCT 2 weeks after last test e shot, nolvadex and clomid ( still nned advice on how much etc )

    any thoughts to what gains i can expect during cycle and what i can expect to keep?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    drop the dbol and winny.

    Clomid alone for PCT is fine for this cycle at 50 mgs a day for 4 weeks.

    you'll keep how ever much you maintain with a bulking diet through pct. I would get labs after your PCT, you might be low enough to get on TRT.

  3. #3
    So you think just run test e 500mg/week for 12 weeks?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk View Post
    So you think just run test e 500mg/week for 12 weeks?

  5. #5
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    I would try to get down to 12% BF before you start your cycle.

    Easy reasoning. The less extra you have to eat to gain muscle aka 50 grams protein 6x a day plus your macros to be 1k cals over maintenance to bulk, will save you a big bill, the bill at the grocery store.

    plus the less fat you'll feel when you reach 15% at the end of the bulk rather then the 18% you could reach starting at 15%
    Last edited by Justhav2p; 02-13-2013 at 01:08 AM.

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
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    150 is a bit light, even for 5'7"

    Anyway, I recommend you wait until you can pack on some more mass naturally so you have a decent base to build off of. But if you insist...

    Drop the dbol and winny. No need for multiple compounds for your first cycle. Just use Test E as you outlined above. That way you can see how you react to test only. Adex should be dosed at 0.25 EOD.

    Consider HCG as well, this will help prevent testicular atrophy and speed up your recovery.

    PCT clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolva 40/20/20/20

    Again, I recommend you add on more wight before running this cycle. Can't emphasize the importance of a proper diet. Check the nutrition section and get your diet straightened out first so you don't waste time and money on this cycle.

    Good luck.

  7. #7
    sorry guys, closer to 170lbs, usually work in kgs!

    A lot of what Ive read on here suggest an oral at start to kick start things as test e might not kick in for a couple of weeks,
    thanks for PCT advice

    you think even addding Dbol at start will hinder things?
    or maybe drop DBOL and ad the winny for last 5-6 weeks?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk View Post
    sorry guys, closer to 170lbs, usually work in kgs!

    A lot of what Ive read on here suggest an oral at start to kick start things as test e might not kick in for a couple of weeks,
    thanks for PCT advice

    you think even addding Dbol at start will hinder things?
    or maybe drop DBOL and ad the winny for last 5-6 weeks?
    You don't know exactly how your body is going to react to a high dose of test. You don't want to start taking a big cocktail of steroids to start with because if you get a negative side-effect, you want to know exactly what is causing it. And it'll help you with deal how to treat it if you do have a problem. Besides your first cycles are going to be some of your biggest gains if your diet and training are down pat. There is no need in taking extra drugs. Remember this, sometimes less is more.

  9. #9
    anyone else's thought's on running dbol/winny with test e?

  10. #10
    I would have thought 500mgs/week of test e was only a moderate dose?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk
    sorry guys, closer to 170lbs, usually work in kgs!

    A lot of what Ive read on here suggest an oral at start to kick start things as test e might not kick in for a couple of weeks,
    thanks for PCT advice

    you think even addding Dbol at start will hinder things?
    or maybe drop DBOL and ad the winny for last 5-6 weeks?
    Whats the rush! This is your first run and it should be TEST ONLY! No dbol or winny can compare to TESTOSTERONE!!!

    Listen what austinite said!!!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk View Post
    I would have thought 500mgs/week of test e was only a moderate dose?
    Compared to pro-bodybuilders who shoot a couple grams a week, it's a low dose. But compared to your natural test level, it's a lot.

  13. #13
    Thanks guys,
    there is no rush, but i wont be able to do a 2nd-3rd cycle etc, so just wanted to get most out of this one.
    running test e for 12 weeks/500mgs a week, what gains can you expect during and post cycle?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk
    Thanks guys,
    there is no rush, but i wont be able to do a 2nd-3rd cycle etc, so just wanted to get most out of this one.
    running test e for 12 weeks/500mgs a week, what gains can you expect during and post cycle?
    Your gains depends on your diet!

    And you will do 2nd cycle

  15. #15
    so adex at .25mg EOD is fine? i was reading that some suggest .5mg every day?

  16. #16
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    Dec 2009
    EOD is fine, most people don't even need adex, it's just a pre-caution if you see your getting un-wanted sides inject .5 every day, I've personally never used adex, always had nolva and letro on hand incase, but never had to use it yet. thank god

    and gaspasco dbol can compare to test, I'd take dbol over test any day if it didn't mess up your whole endo system,

    and most people say don't stack dbol with test as a first cycle, yet dbol is the one aas, that has been used since the 1900's and is still on the market as one of the most popular gear.
    best part about it, is if you actually get a side effect that's undesirable dbol has a quick half life, so you can stop it?

    so good cycle take all the pre-caution and enjoy it.

    oh and I forgot didn't see you had HCG, but you should have that on hand so you can use it at the end or during incase you have a painfull shrinkage, and it's good to use to restart those bad boys up post-cycle
    Last edited by CanYouDigIt; 02-13-2013 at 04:48 AM.

  17. #17
    cheers for your input,

    Just trying to get everyone's opinion and advice as Ive heard others say, like you that dbol with test e is ok, can run it for first 5-6 weeks etc. id like to do that.

    but i guess everything works differently for different people.

    hopefully someone on here can advise me if they have used a similar cycle
    12 weeks test e
    week 1-5 dbol, week 7-12 winny

  18. #18
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    Sep 2012
    It is ok 2 run dbol with your test but you will have 2 c how your body reacts 2 the test u wont now if it's the test or the dbol that gives u a reaction. If u got 1 thats why test only first cycle test is the base of every cycle so u have 2 b sure your ok with it thats why the guy's r telling u test only.

  19. #19
    Thanks clarky,

    Think if first few weeks go ok with test e alone, will add the Dbol.

    Some most seem to think that 0.5mg eod of arimidex is ok to keep estrogen levels at bay?


  20. #20
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk
    I would have thought 500mgs/week of test e was only a moderate dose?
    You would be wrong. Depending on age, general health, and other factors, most men produce 40-60mg of testosterone naturally per week. So a 500mg/wk dose is considerably higher than normal production levels.

  21. #21

    I know it's high compared to natural levels, but I was trying to say that 500mg/week seems a reasonably average dose when on cycle

    I've heard others say 250mg/week does not really do much, and heard pro's or guys on 5-6th cycle etc can do up to 2000mg a week.


  22. #22
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk

    I know it's high compared to natural levels, but I was trying to say that 500mg/week seems a reasonably average dose when on cycle

    I've heard others say 250mg/week does not really do much, and heard pro's or guys on 5-6th cycle etc can do up to 2000mg a week.

    True, but few people are pros. 500/wk is plenty to start. I'd leave the dbol. I know people like to use it as a kick start but test alone will give great results at 500/wk provided your caloric intake is greater than your TDEE.

    .25mg of adex q.a.d (EOD) shall suffice. Start with your first dose, the day of or immediately the day after. Adex acts quickly and has a relatively long half life (~48 hours). It negatively affects your lipid panel so less is more and .25mg should limit aromatization.

    There will be other cycles. There always are. I don't know of anyone who does one single cycle.

    Best of luck. Keep it safe. We're here to help not hinder.


  23. #23

    Thanks for advice, so many opinions out there.

    .25 arimidex eod seems pretty standard and like you said, 500mgs/week will hopefully see me some nice results.

    Most have agreed to drop the dbol at the start,

    Would winny for last 5-6 weeks make much difference? Maybe 30-40mg/day


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk

    Thanks for advice, so many opinions out there.

    .25 arimidex eod seems pretty standard and like you said, 500mgs/week will hopefully see me some nice results.

    Most have agreed to drop the dbol at the start,

    Would winny for last 5-6 weeks make much difference? Maybe 30-40mg/day

    Keep winny for another cycle IMO. Winny works much better with low bf as its often used to cut and dry out. I'm not a huge fanny of winny because it has caused a lot of joint issues for me and I've found other substances I prefer for cutting.

  25. #25

    What's TDEE?

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyinhk

    What's TDEE?
    Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Represents the minimum number of calories needed to maintain your current body weight. You must eat above this TDEE to gain muscle.

  27. #27

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