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Thread: Diet with Clen: Calorie deficit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
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    Diet with Clen: Calorie deficit

    Hey everyone,

    I do not have a lot of posts here, but have been researching on here for almost a year now and have found that this site seems to have the most educated posters out there.

    Anyway, I am curious about what diets my fellow clen users subscribe to for successful cutting cycles. I've used clen with limited success (best results were when I was 16%+ BF) and would like to see what has worked for other peeps. Clen use in my last two cut cycles were limited on BF reductions. Within my understanding of clen is that it has a mild anabolic effect. Can this be taken advantage of and be effective at combating catabolism with a diet that produces a calorie deficit?

    My usual program is heavy protein, light carbs, mod fats. All carbs eaten in the morning are either fruit or whole grain. Carbs in the eve are veggies. All fats are mostly (80%) healthy fats; such as avocados.

    while on a clen cycle, employing the use of a calorie limited diet to accelerate fat loss, but retain gains from taking advantage of the anabolic characteristics of Clen.

    I ramp up to apprx 100 - 120mcg of clen; totaling 2 weeks on.

    Have ran T3 before, but care not to use it.

    Age: 27
    Height: 6'6"
    Weight: 225lbs
    Body Fat: 12.5%
    Lean body Mass: 198lbs

    Ultimate Goal (not necessarily in one Clen cycle)
    lean body mass: 220lbs
    Body Fat 7.5%
    Body Weight: 236lbs.

    Weight can flex upwards with gains, BF goal still the same

    -I appreciate the input everyone!
    Last edited by skyjetcptn; 02-13-2013 at 02:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
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    If Clen isn't interesting, tell me to shove it peeps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Clen can have a significant effect on your metabolism and you may not be taking in enough calories. People underestimate how powerful clen can be; it's easy to end up in an overstrained, catabolic state if you're hammering back beta antagonists and not eating enough. I have to bump up my caloric intake when taking clen, regardless of my exercise level.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    So what is actually your diet? Very open imo.

    Clen max dose Id recommend 120mcg's. 2wks on/off is fine. Can run straight if you use keto at end of week two. Increase water, and pass. Also invest in tourine pills.

    Why didnt you like T3?
    Last edited by t-dogg; 02-13-2013 at 07:49 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    So what is actually your diet? Very open imo.

    Clen max dose Id recommend 120mcg's. 2wks on/off is fine. Can run straight if you use keto at end of week two. Increase water, and pass. Also invest in tourine pills.

    Why didnt you like T3?
    I run keto or beny at the end of the cycle to clean the slate... Plus it helps me sleep. T3 ran with the Clem gave me heart palps... Freaked me out.

    I'm huge on potassium and L taurine. Cramp like hell if not.

    On to diet... Typical regime:

    Take NO2 & Creatine
    Chase with Liquid Clen (lion) in water
    50g of protein 7 boosted with L glutamine

    8oz OJ or Naked Juice
    Costco egg beaters (99% egg whites)
    Oatmeal or whole grain toast (usually dry or with soy bean butter)

    50g of protein7 maybe with a table spoon or two of peanut butter

    Can tuna: rinsed well to combat sodium.
    With avocado slices or olive oil based Mayo (no sat fats and not more than 1.5 tbls)

    50g pro7

    NO2 and Creatine
    30 min...

    Either A couple Mahi Mahi filets or 12 oz of chicken breast grilled or pan fried with olive oil
    Salad with an olive oil and balsamic dressing

    50g pro7

    Builder bar or two


    Usually a heavier meat like pork or beef.
    With grilled veggies (asparagus/green beans/etc)

    One more 50g pro7 with L Glutamine Boost.

    -potatoes, rice, sucrose, or other simple carbs rarely make it into my diet for the exception of my juice or fruit in the morning. Carbs are consumed much less when cutting: mistake? I've heard several theories.
    Last edited by skyjetcptn; 02-14-2013 at 12:09 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Western Australia
    iv heard from a few randoms round in the gym say that clen also does a lot of muscle loss, anyone able to shine some light on this for me?

    Soz for jacking your thread op

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bevsta123 View Post
    iv heard from a few randoms round in the gym say that clen also does a lot of muscle loss, anyone able to shine some light on this for me?

    Soz for jacking your thread op
    clen itself is not catabolic

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Yeah I'm sure I read it had mild anabolic characteristics

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Western Australia
    so if i were to eat my maintenance cals (instead of being in a cal def) whilst on clen and doing mild cardio would that result in achieving a lower bf% whilst losing minimal muscle?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    In short Clen:

    - does not burn muscle
    - can be effectively run for longer than 2 wks with the TDogg cited caveats (benadryl also works well for many)
    - is both optimally & safely taken at a plateau of 120-160 mcgs ed.

    You should be eating enough to grow or maintain, depending on your goal. Let your midsection be your barometer. Regardless of the goal, if you're adding fat to your middle (abs, obliques, lower back) while on an otherwise clean diet, rudimentary math dictates that your overall caloric intake is too great.

    If you're looking to lose weight, you'd administer the same principle, except muscle (and more accurately 'muscle quality' as it may be covered by subcue fat) becomes your barometer, i.e. reducing caloric intake too severely will cause too much muscle loss as they, like you, require nutrition for sustenance.

    Generally speaking (not for extremes like bulking or pre-contest dieting) for both gaining and losing, the addition or subtraction of 500 calories per day is considered metabolically sound, i.e. won't cause metabolic stall or overload. That's 3500 cals a week, which as you know is tantamount to a total variance of one pound. Hence, the expectation of negative feedback loop participating change (that which is deemed by your body as sound, unlike getting a cold, fasting, DNP use, etc.) is one pound per week. The only exceptions are obesity, extreme obesity, and morbid obesity, e.g. of the Biggest Loser caliber.
    Last edited by magic32; 02-15-2013 at 09:45 AM.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

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    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    In short Clen:

    - does not burn muscle
    - can be effectively run for longer than 2 wks with the TDogg cited caveats (benadryl also works well for many)
    - is both optimally & safely taken at a plateau of 120-160 mcgs ed.

    You should be eating enough to grow or maintain, depending on your goal. Let your midsection be your barometer. Regardless of the goal, if you're adding fat to your middle (abs, obliques, lower back) while on an otherwise clean diet, rudimentary math dictates that your overall caloric intake is too great.

    If you're looking to lose weight, you'd administer the same principle, except muscle (and more accurately 'muscle quality' as it may be covered by subcue fat) becomes your barometer, i.e. reducing caloric intake too severely will cause too much muscle loss as they, like you, require nutrition for sustenance.

    Generally speaking (not for extremes like bulking or pre-contest dieting) for both gaining and losing, the addition or subtraction of 500 calories per day is considered metabolically sound, i.e. won't cause metabolic stall or overload. That's 3500 cals a week, which as you know is tantamount to a total variance of one pound. Hence, the expectation of negative feedback loop participating change (that which is deemed by your body as sound, unlike getting a cold, fasting, DNP use, etc.) is one pound per week. The only exceptions are obesity, extreme obesity, and morbid obesity, e.g. of the Biggest Loser caliber.
    Awesome reply.

    Thanks man!

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