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In short Clen:
- does not burn muscle
- can be effectively run for longer than 2 wks with the TDogg cited caveats (benadryl also works well for many)
- is both optimally & safely taken at a plateau of 120-160 mcgs ed.
You should be eating enough to grow or maintain, depending on your goal. Let your midsection be your barometer. Regardless of the goal, if you're adding fat to your middle (abs, obliques, lower back) while on an otherwise clean diet, rudimentary math dictates that your overall caloric intake is too great.
If you're looking to lose weight, you'd administer the same principle, except muscle (and more accurately 'muscle quality' as it may be covered by subcue fat) becomes your barometer, i.e. reducing caloric intake too severely will cause too much muscle loss as they, like you, require nutrition for sustenance.
Generally speaking (not for extremes like bulking or pre-contest dieting) for both gaining and losing, the addition or subtraction of 500 calories per day is considered metabolically sound, i.e. won't cause metabolic stall or overload. That's 3500 cals a week, which as you know is tantamount to a total variance of one pound. Hence, the expectation of negative feedback loop participating change (that which is deemed by your body as sound, unlike getting a cold, fasting, DNP use, etc.) is one pound per week. The only exceptions are obesity, extreme obesity, and morbid obesity, e.g. of the Biggest Loser caliber.