Hey all could do with some advice on my cycle, Im 22 210lbs 10% bf and goals are to reduce bf to 6-8% and then build some lean mass. iv ran several cycles in the past and have experience using tren so this isn't my first time. Originally my cycle was planned as follows:
Test e 600mg 1-12
Tren e 400mg 1-10
anavar 75mg 1-12
proviron 50mg 3-12
As my goals will be to lean up and reduce body fat I would rather do test prop and tren a but this would end up costing more than I can afford.
After reading up about the use of test e and tren e i've seen lots of people recommending to run tren e at a higher dose say 600mg and the test e lower at say 300mg. the theory behind this is that the tren is the stronger compound and as tren and test compete for the same receptor the excess test will be converted to estrogen and thus giving more sides.
Because of this I wondered if this was the better way to run the cycle:
Test e 300mg 1-12
Tren e 600mg 1-10
anavar 75mg 1-12
also if test is that low 300mg I could afford prop so could do:
Test prop 300mg 1-12
Tren e 600mg 1-10
anavar 75mg1-12
What are your opinions on this, which cycle would you recommend?
Very much appreciate any advice, Thanks