My gorgeous wife has left me after nearly 7 years, Ive never been so down in my life, I did a course about 7 years ago and loved it but was in a good place emotionally , now I'm a bit of a train wreck , lonely and very down I have friends and family but miss her alot she was alot younger than me and Im trying to get used to the fact that she's not around even though she left over a month ago , I don't want to go on me*s because they can really f**k you up and I have heard coming off them can put you back in even deeper, Im tempted to wait , but have some and I'm equally tempted to give it a go , any opinions please?
I don't want to talk about what happened/why etc , she has gone and she ain't coming back

, just want to talk about possible mental issues from taking them.
Thanks in advance , much appreciated!!!!!