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Thread: Very Depressed after break up are steroids a good idea

  1. #1

    Very Depressed after break up are steroids a good idea

    My gorgeous wife has left me after nearly 7 years, Ive never been so down in my life, I did a course about about 9 years ago and loved it but was in a good place emotionally , now I'm a bit of a train wreck , lonely and very down I have friends and family but miss her alot she was alot younger than me and Im trying to get used to the fact that she's not around even though she left over a month ago , I don't want to go on me*s because they can really f**k you up and I have heard coming off them can put you back in even deeper, Im tempted to wait , but have some and I'm equally tempted to give it a go , any opinions please?

    I don't want to talk about what happened/why etc , she has gone and she ain't coming back , just want to talk about possible mental issues from taking them.

    Thanks in advance , much appreciated!!!!!
    Last edited by Gav_999; 02-18-2013 at 08:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This is lounge material bro!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I would concentrate on killing weights at the gym for a stress reliever but I would not suggest AAS under these emotianl circumstances!

    Im very sorry for your situation!!!!!

    Like SD said...this is a better topic for the lounge....

  4. #4
    I'll get it moved

    jing jai

  5. #5
    OK Thanks guys and sorry for posting in wrong place , peace

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I would not use AAS during any time of emotional distress, while on your anger may be increased, but more likely problem is that when you finish the cycle and are dealing with recovery issues it will make things a lot worse.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I would not use AAS during any time of emotional distress, while on your anger may be increased, but more likely problem is that when you finish the cycle and are dealing with recovery issues it will make things a lot worse.
    I agree. It may boost confidence while on cycle but you need to make sure you are not only physically in the ought place, but also mentally in the right mindset for AAS. It's a big step that requires a lot of concentration and complete dedication.
    Sorry for your circumstances man. Best of luck and hold your head high

  8. #8
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    Jan 2012
    you know the answer to your question all ready.......NO

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Stay away from aas for a while bro. You would be putting hormones in your body when you are already depressed. Not a good idea. Things will get better bro train hard!!

  10. #10
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    I went through something like this last year though I really initiated the whole end of the marriage. I have not been on for almost a year, I am going to go on now though. When it all went down at first I was a party animal, wreckless and emotional, adding steroids to that couldn`t have helped me. Be strong, life can throw you curve balls you never even imagined possible just keep your head up so you see them coming.

  11. #11
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    I say test takes care of a lot of things. But that's just me.

  12. #12
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    If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad.

    I don't honestly feel emotionally "different" when I'm on gear as opposed to when I'm just on my TRT dose. I don't think it'll honestly change you one way or another. What I do think though is getting yourself caught up in the gym and training can definitely take your mind off your problems at least for a little bit. And that should help you out quite a bit.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gav_999 View Post
    My gorgeous wife has left me after nearly 7 years, Ive never been so down in my life, I did a course about 7 years ago and loved it but was in a good place emotionally , now I'm a bit of a train wreck , lonely and very down I have friends and family but miss her alot she was alot younger than me and Im trying to get used to the fact that she's not around even though she left over a month ago , I don't want to go on me*s because they can really f**k you up and I have heard coming off them can put you back in even deeper, Im tempted to wait , but have some and I'm equally tempted to give it a go , any opinions please?

    I don't want to talk about what happened/why etc , she has gone and she ain't coming back , just want to talk about possible mental issues from taking them.

    Thanks in advance , much appreciated!!!!!
    What are your stats?

  14. #14
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    mixing torn emotions and hormonal changes are not usually advised... you could just use this anger as motivation in the gym. Start studying proper diet and training techniques to get your mind off the past and destroy the weights

  15. #15
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    Where they take my ass
    I'm sorry for your situation brotha. I'll send some prayers your way

  16. #16
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Quote Originally Posted by Gav_999 View Post
    My gorgeous wife has left me after nearly 7 years, Ive never been so down in my life, I did a course about 7 years ago and loved it but was in a good place emotionally , now I'm a bit of a train wreck , lonely and very down I have friends and family but miss her alot she was alot younger than me and Im trying to get used to the fact that she's not around even though she left over a month ago , I don't want to go on me*s because they can really f**k you up and I have heard coming off them can put you back in even deeper, Im tempted to wait , but have some and I'm equally tempted to give it a go , any opinions please?

    I don't want to talk about what happened/why etc , she has gone and she ain't coming back , just want to talk about possible mental issues from taking them.

    Thanks in advance , much appreciated!!!!!
    People do steroids for a lot of reasons. You just hit on one of them. But think about it. Your life as you have known it is forever changed. You are bound to be going through an emotional roller coaster. And nearly everyone when on cycle feels much better than off so it stands to reason you want that feeling right now to help deal with your bummer mood. But it's the wrong reason to go there. Just my 2 cents. Like a few have already touched on, hit the gym more or get involved in something you like to do and focus on it till you get over the break up. But this bad feeling will eventually fade. It's part of life. Surround yourself with friends, if they are true friends they will help you through your low times and help you recover from them. True friends are great to have.

  17. #17
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    Oct 2004
    Dude... load up on test and find a 19 year old Asian girlfriend. Then send pics to your ex-wife (of both you and the 19 year old) with a

  18. #18
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    Yeah man that sucks. I didn't go through what you went through but me and my girl broke up as I was finishing my cycle and it jacked me all up. I kinda shutdown for a couple weeks. Still went to the gym but defiantly didn't eat right and my mind was a mess. I have found that getting in the gym and ripping it up helped a lot

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Dude... load up on test and find a 19 year old Asian girlfriend. Then send pics to your ex-wife (of both you and the 19 year old) with a
    holy shit, fvck my answer, this is the way to go!!!... Dan you need to write a "how to respond to lifes shit" manual for dummies

  20. #20
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Dude... load up on test and find a 19 year old Asian girlfriend. Then send pics to your ex-wife (of both you and the 19 year old) with a
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    holy shit, fvck my answer, this is the way to go!!!... Dan you need to write a "how to respond to lifes shit" manual for dummies
    Dan can write it, Ill provide the pictures. lol

    Works for me. OK she was almost 19.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Tough situation. Surround yourself with friends and fam. Stay busy. For every door that shuts, another opens.

  22. #22
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    For me personally the best thing for a break up would be a nice cycle of prop/npp to boost my mood and confidence. I wouldn't run things that effect my head like tren but the added confidence and super high sex drive from some test and npp would help me. that's me though and I have enough experience to know how these hormones effect my mood and emotions.

  23. #23
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    Jul 2012
    How old are you? The reason i ask is if you're having a difficult time emotional, which can often cause a lot of stress in your life, you're probably a prime candidate for TRT. I went through a very tough spot in my life almost 4yrs ago and we're talking some major things several of them all at once. My hormones went ballistic...basically I stopped making most everything, it was almost like my body just shut down. The depression was unreal. I was already dealing with depressing things but the hormone problems didn't help. Anyway, IMO there's nothing wrong with getting yourself checked out and if you're a candidate TRT would probably be a welcomed addition to your life. Anyway, just clicked on your profile....says you're 40....should've looked there before I started typing....anyway, most guys your age are prime candidates to some degree regardless of life situations. Screw the idea of average levels, you want optimal levels.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    What are your stats?
    *Yawn...still waiting.

    I believe the question is, 'should i begin a cycle?' Not, 'i feel so insecure and emotionally wrecked, can you help?'

    Need stats for a responsible answer bro. Then start a thread in the Boo Hoo Forum. Lots of that going on lately - join the rest of the crowd.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    *Yawn...still waiting.

    I believe the question is, 'should i begin a cycle?' Not, 'i feel so insecure and emotionally wrecked, can you help?'

    Need stats for a responsible answer bro. Then start a thread in the Boo Hoo Forum. Lots of that going on lately - join the rest of the crowd.
    Responsibility is boring

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Responsibility is boring
    Especially driving sober..

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Especially driving sober..
    I don't always drive.....

    But when I do I'm plastered drunk and lighting the wrong end of my cigarette.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    you know the answer to your question all ready.......NO
    Exactly. Is this a serious question?

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I don't always drive.....

    But when I do I'm plastered drunk and lighting the wrong end of my cigarette.
    I never obey traffic laws..

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    I never obey traffic laws..
    Haha when I'm on my bike I don't. If I see lights all I have to do is downshift and twist the throttle.

  31. #31
    Thank you for all the responses, I am reading through them now.

    Im 40 , 5'11 , about 18-20% bf ( not 100 sure ) , about 83kg , I dont look bad but could do with an extra 6kg , This aint a boo hoo thread this is some serious shit!

    Thanks again!!

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Good advice on post #17. Good example on post #20. hehehehe

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Dude... load up on test and find a 19 year old Asian girlfriend. Then send pics to your ex-wife (of both you and the 19 year old) with a
    He won't make it out of PCT.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Dude... load up on test and find a 19 year old Asian girlfriend. Then send pics to your ex-wife (of both you and the 19 year old) with a
    Best advice so far!

  35. #35
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FB.jpg 
Views:	1211 
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ID:	133621

    ^^ this is "I"

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    just saw ur pic.. yeh what Dan said!

    except try and get two of em!

    realistically i believe this post needs some revision: if u hadnt apready planned on running a cycle i dont think doing so as a reaction to ur circumstances would be the greatest idea. i would also not recommend it if u had not been hitting it hard in the gym consistently for awhile either.

    i think it could do u some good to get in better shape and find a good outlet in the gym, not to mention by doing both u may end up meeting a good chick to take ur mind off this situation. we all know theres nothing better to help deal with a break up than another hotter girl..
    Last edited by --->>405<<---; 02-18-2013 at 09:19 AM.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    I sure had juice when I was going through my divorce. But, I would just stay on and not come off. PCT would be very tough when already dealing with deep emotional issues.

  38. #38
    Generally not advised if in a bad place emotionally. That being said if you have experience you should know how you react. I for one have a very mild pct, no issues at all. For me a good way to get over an ex is to add some lean mass, and a hotter chick. The fantasizing about how glamorous it will be when yoiu meet up with the old bird in all your glory is all the motivation you should need!!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gav_999 View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FB.jpg 
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ID:	133621

    ^^ this is "I"
    Incidentally Gav, we have saying on this site..'pics or it didn't happen.' And im referring to your "gorgeous wife" statement.

    So, got any pics?

  40. #40
    nah man that would be too much to have peeps ogling over her sorry , If you dont beleive me thats fine , if she was a £ruffun" things would be so much easier right now.

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