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Thread: Cycle questions!

  1. #1

    Cycle questions!

    Hey guys nice to finally be a member! Now lets get down to it, I want to start a cycle before summer here and am looking to do this correctly with no hiccups and thought this site was best to go to for advice. I am 5'10 175 and I am looking for a beginner cycle that will bulk me up before summer also to avoid getting man tits and bad side effects im willing to invest some money to do so. I would like to have a plan so that I know what I need to take each day for the allotted time so there is no confusion on my part (I tried talking to people I know but it always seems that its not good info and that there winging shit and i know the pros here will know there shit) But yeah all the help will be well appreciated because honestly i know little about this so thanks in advance! Have a great day!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    You're still a bit young...and a bit light. How long have you been seriously lifting?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North east England
    Before cycle advice can you tell us a bit more about yourself
    What is your goal? Bulk, cut or recomp
    How long have you been (serious) training?
    How's your diet? Do you know your TDEE?

    I'm just asking for the background because you said you don't have a clue which is very honest and commendable

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