Im looking for some advice for my Anadrol and Test cycle. Age 27 5-11 14 stone about 15% bodyfat. I have run a Sus and Dec cycle at 500 Sus and 400 Dec a week for 12 weeks, good gains but no PCT. Left it about 6 months then started another cycle practically the same but ran it 14 weeks PCT was clomid only. My last cycle was Test only cycle at 600 Test a week for 14 weeks, i gained really well from this cycle, PCT was clomid and Nolva and i kept some good gains from this. So as for this cycle im about to start (once i have my PCT sorted first) I have done a lot of research on Anadrol before i considered using them, the only reason i am using them in this cycle is cos my friend gave me 100 of them so thought id give them a try. My cycle is going to be x2 anadrol a day, one in morning and one at night for for 1 to 5 weeks, test at 600 a week for weeks 1 to 14... PCT will start 14 days after last pin and would be..

clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10

Is this enough for pct? I intent to keep researching on PCT before i start but this is part of my research too.
Any replies appreciated cheers