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Thread: Alcohol while on steroids

  1. #1

    Alcohol while on steroids

    Im on a sus & deca cycle and was wondering would 1 day if drinking alcohol have a big effect of my cycle??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sohailj3
    Im on a sus & deca cycle and was wondering would 1 day if drinking alcohol have a big effect of my cycle??
    I never drink on cycle, just a personal choice. A drink here and there won't kill you but bingeing a few times a week will have a neg impact not to mention the added cals and sugars. IMO

  3. #3
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    Holy crap. A couple here and there i don't think it will affect your cycle. But some hard core drinking I think , well for me and I've witnessed others is not good and can fvck with your head. It can for some help to induce a violent temper which alcohol does so much of the time. it is just a negative ingredient that could be avoided. Most people don't know when they have crossed that violent line until it has been crossed. Then what, could be to late. I
    m just saying, for me a bad idea, and I've seen others, but not the rule ?? ...crazy mike

  4. #4
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    You'll be fine if its a few or once a week. I went through some bullshit and drank a pint of whiskey a night for a week and a half while cycling a few months ago. It won't kill ya other than make you have a crap workout or screw with your water retention / body fat. Haven't drank since I wouldn't suggest it

  5. #5
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    Neiter are 17aa compounds meaning they aren't liver toxic. But if you're serious enough to take AAS you should take your diet serious enough for a few months to avoid alcohol. Just my $.02. I'm not judging you for drinking while on I'm just saying if you're risking your HTPA then you may as well do everything you can to make theymost of that risk.

  6. #6
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    We get these threads in bunches a few times a month. Moderation is key.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sohailj3 View Post
    Im on a sus & deca cycle and was wondering would 1 day if drinking alcohol have a big effect of my cycle??

    I drink while on cycle unless I am taking orals. I see no harm in it at all.

  8. #8
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    edited comment....I love body building!
    Last edited by Novyman; 02-20-2013 at 10:20 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Novyman View Post
    and how about the mary jane? how will that effect a cycle ?
    No recreational drug talk. Not my rule, but the forum rules. Need to delete it if you can. Sorry.

  10. #10
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    Why people drink when using is beyond me. Your diet should be perfect...
    Alcohol is empty cals.

    It won't kill you though, do I think it's stupid I waste recovery time ( you won't get good sleep , common misconception that boozin helps you sleep better. )

    But personal opinion it's stupid and wasteful. You might as well come off gear and get your diet and priorities right, no need to drink to be social or whatever else.

    ( not being rude to OP I just have a strong opinion towards this )

  11. #11
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    To have a few here and there is ok. But really, if you want to cycle right, have it planned accordingly and stay sober for a few weeks to give your cycle all you can.

    And yeah, knock off the recreational drug talk!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    To have a few here and there is ok. But really, if you want to cycle right, have it planned accordingly and stay sober for a few weeks to give your cycle all you can.

    And yeah, knock off the recreational drug talk!
    Told ya.

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
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    Everyone is different. Heck, we used to drink and party heavily in my younger days and still gained and looked good. I don't drink anymore, but if I did... I probably wouldn't do it again because although I felt good, it certainly hindered my progress. Like stpete said, keep it to a minimum, if you plan on getting on stage at some point, keep it out of your diet.

  14. #14
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    10-12 weeks without a drink is easy but i do know plenty of people that get hammered every weekend and it shows

  15. #15
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    Look at it like this "beer belly" comes natural to some that drink a few or a lot imagine getting that while on aas as stated its cals carbs and sugars but in a bad way. I drink h*** i might drink a lot in some peoples eyes but on cycle ive drank maybe twice at most with one or two inbetween. I drank about 10 ton and did my third shot ton but im not near drunk wasted whatever and i prob wont have another single for a few weeks cause im more worried about real gains while on then filling my belly full of booze while im on and gaining fat. Ive read plenty of these threads about booze while on a cycle and alls the same. Will it hurt no. Will it give you the best out of the money that youve spent and risks you put your body through while on. No. Make your own judgement but im with the rest occasionally while on yes fine but not to your norm. Good luck

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bdos900 View Post
    10-12 weeks without a drink is easy but i do know plenty of people that get hammered every weekend and it shows

    That's their problem. And they're probably scared to death to go get some blood work done. Liver and pancreatitus enzymes thru the roof.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post

    That's their problem. And they're probably scared to death to go get some blood work done. Liver and pancreatitus enzymes thru the roof.
    Their problem is they dont listen ill say blood work they'll say why? More money then sense really. Oh and they dont train legs

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
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    If your training hard, intense and eating to feed the growth and your fully dedicated and motivated to building as much muscle tissue as possible why would you even consider it, especially if its just one drink why even bother when its easy to drink something what would benefit you instead.I wouldnt drink on cycle because my mind set is focused on the job in hand whether thats bulking or cutting I wont divert away from it.

  19. #19
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    Alcohal is crap. It's catabolic and makes people soft mentally and physically. Its been shown to decrease tissue quality in studies. This is why drinkers look like shiit. Look at there face, there bags, wrinkles, bloated noses, red cheeks, highly blushable skin and often bloodshot eyes. If it does that to skin, what's it do to muscle, idk. I rarely drink, but when i do(twice a year?)My body doesnt like the stuff. I drink and i wake up sweaty 5 hours later because my bodies like wtf is this shiit, get it out. Im 32 and look 22, and all my friends drink. I tan quite a bit and still look younger than all them.
    But...what else do we know. Alcohal is bad for the liver which means, a few things. A.) You're liver wont clear out estrogen very efficiantly.B) will also convert more test to estrogen C.) Will lower the fatburning enzymes of the liver and D)Lower your IGF-1 levels because the liver is where growth hormone is converted to the active IGF-1.
    And if your doing orals, it will only compound this. This all equates to less muscles and more fat.
    Are you that married to the bottle that you can't give it up for 10 weeks to get awesome results? Everyone else you hang out with can't make that wanna look like them? A steroid user should have more of an elite mindset than to even consider something normal like weekend drinking on cycle. You want an elite physique or not?
    If you do drink...take extra liver supps, milk thistle etc to lessen the damage.

  20. #20
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    A few beers isn't going to kill you. But why even bother? You know you could get a ginger ale on the rocks and nobody at the pub will even suspect you're not drinking alcohol. I personally don't drink at all whether or not I'm on cycle. I never enjoyed the drunk feeling and I really hated the hangover feeling.

    You should just sit down and think about your priorities though. You decided to do a cycle because you wanted to make the commitment to the gym. Getting lit at the pub with your buddies is counter to the whole thing. But whatever, it's your life.

  21. #21
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I gave up all drugs and alcohol.......well almost all. Feel much better having just one cocktail with a good meal no more than once or twice a month.

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