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Thread: SEVERE acne months after cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    SEVERE acne months after cycle.


    A cycle of test C 750 10 weeks.

    Pct clomid nolva 100 100 50 50 40 40 20 20
    PCT ended December 15th 2012.

    During PCT my acne got worse, i stopped wearing tank tops becouse it looked real bad.

    In the middle of PCT my face broke out, i had to start wearing make up to hide it.

    Every since PCT stopped my Acne has gotten worse, and worse, and worse.

    2 months after PCT is over my back/shoulder seem to be clearing up SLIGHTLY.

    However my face is so insanly bad i have stopped going to the gym, make up are not even close to being able to cover it up. I am a guy btw.

    I dont dare to go out in public. I even cant bare to look at my own face in the mirror.

    Tried all kinds of treatments, products that dries skin out. I dont eat a single piece of junk food, tons of veggies and fruit and drink alot of water, vitamines everything that helps your skin.

    Tanning? No help

    Cant afford a dermatologist..

    My acne is EXTREME on my face.
    I thought it should start to clear up a few months after pct.. Its getting worse every day

    My face looks like this

    I dont want to post a picture of myself, i would just get real pissed of by looking at it myself

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Hi Dan,
    I too have suffered from this. I have had severe nodular acne several times in my life.

    Accutane is the only thing that fixes my issue. It's not without risk and sides but, for me, it's been well worth it. Please take some time to Google the compound and research it so you have an idea how to dose and what to expect. It clears my skin COMPLETELY over several months.

    The product I use is called "Isosolute".
    Best of luck.
    Last edited by Thunderforge; 02-21-2013 at 04:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hong Kong
    hi Dan,
    In the past I suffered of severe acne even though I was not on cycle, the only medication that helped me was accutane/roccutane which is "isotretinoin" in the oral form. I was followed by a dermatologist through out the entire protocol which should be between 15 to 20 weeks at 0,5 to 2mg/kg. I think I started at 40 mg and I increase every month till 80mg/day for a period of 8 months total (it was probabily more than adviced on the medication packet) but I was constantly followed by a dermatologist with blood work every 2 month to check the condition of my liver.

    Well this medication is expensive but it is the only one that worked for me. best of luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Have you had blood work taken to check your estrogen levels?
    You could be experiencing a rebound causing you to break out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    Bro did you just post a source??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Just to add some additional info..

    Relief From Steroid induced Acne

    Apparently this is suppose to be the bomb too..

  7. #7
    I suffered from acne during cycle and PCT. I found that the topicals were only have marginal relief. You have to stop the sebaceous glands from producing the oils rather than trying to clear it up once the infection takes place. Accutane was helped me. After having said that I would say that you need to exhaust the topical solutions before you go to accutane. It will have its own sides.

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