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Thread: Keto on Clen cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    St Louis

    Keto on Clen cycle

    Ok guys can one take Ketofen 1-2mg nightly, starting the very first day through an entire 8 week cycle of Clen? Or should i just stick to 1-8 Weeks of Clen and Weeks 3-4,7-8 of Keto? Or if anyone else has any other way please feel free!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Ok, for starters I am a Newbie, I have never ran Clen, But I have read a great deal about it and absorbed alot of information along the way. With that being said someone might be able to confirm what I am about to say. With that being said lets get onto the question at hand.

    Clenbuterol should not be ran for any longer then 4 to 6 weeks due to the effects it has on the heart. You could be going into dangerous territory there otherwise. Ketotifen should be started after the first two weeks. Adding Ketotifen into the mix will cancel out any downtime you would of otherwise had during the duration of the cycle. Which will allow you to run Clenbuterol for the full 6 weeks. 1 mg/ml ( not sure if your cycling liquid or tablets) of Ketotifen nightly for the remaining 4 weeks should suffice.

    I hope this helps and best of luck, however again I have never ran Clenbuterol and I would wait for someone to confirm what I have just said who has experience with the product.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    I'm taking the combo of the two right now. Here's what I do. Note, this is my first go with keto added and only my third or fourth go at clen. When clen is used alone I ladder for two weeks on. Two off then repeat. With keto you can run it straight without stopping. Although I wouldn't surpass six weeks.
    My clen ladder peaks at 140 or 160mcg without keto. But with it I find that I can run steady at 80-100mcg every day without a taper up or down. And the keto I just take 1mg before bed every night. Because of the nature of keto it allows for smaller doses to be run with the same or even greater effect

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    So in a sense, if not clear. I would start the keto a day or two before the clen. Run it every day the entire time. And any off time if you plan on running it again a week or two later

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