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  1. #1
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Problems during cycle

    Hi all.
    So I’ve got the following problem.
    Cycle: 500 sust E3D and 350-500 tren A EW (bumped up).
    I started cycle at 80kg, with maybe a 14-14,5% of fat.
    The first week I went up till 84Kg, then I dropped to 83.5kg, and today I’m starting week 6, and I’m still at 83,5kg
    I dropped fat, but I can remember this summer, I was completely cut by week 3, now, I’m still there without much vascularity.
    My diet now is a little bit more carbs than in summer, because its ment to be a bulking cycle, and the quantities, of AAS are doubled.
    (this summer I made 250 sust EW and 275 tren A EW)
    Obviously, there’s something failing. I’m not bulking right, and I’m not cutting also. I found out, I started with a good tren, then I changed vial with different batch, and it was underdosed, cause night sweats stopped suddenly.
    Was doing 50mg ED and now I bumped up to 65-75mg ED, to have the same night sweats.
    That was a big part of fail of cycle, because I’ve lost 3-4 weeks doing underdosed tren.
    Obviously, I’ll do less tren too, because I loose in every shot 25mg that sucks.
    I’m taking 10mg exemestane ED, to control estro, I know when I was doing 15mg, I got more cut, but I want test to do its job.
    Or maybe I should upper exemestane.
    I have 2 weeks left, what could I do to arrange that and end with a good result, despite the problems I had?
    Should I buy more tren and shoot very high doses, like 100mg ED?

    In summer I was doing half the gear for only 6 weeks, and results were amazing, now I don't even see difference between the start and now

  2. #2
    Brick's Avatar
    Brick is offline Member
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    I read the first 4 sentences or so but stopped because you said you doubled your doses because your 'bulking' or some other bro science mumbo jumbo

  3. #3
    Stosh_112's Avatar
    Stosh_112 is offline Productive Member
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    How much longer are u planning on running this cycle.? If i were you i would just blast the rest of the tren @ 100mg EOD and finish off with a couple wks of sust E3D. Stane at 10mg a day should be sufficient. I wouldnt go any higher unless u see sides.

  4. #4
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I'm starting week 6 today, so normally 3 weeks left.
    the problem with tren is its heavily underdosed, so to get the same results of 50ED I gotta shoot at least 75ED. and calculating it will be only 14 days, so i'll loose 1 week.
    @ Brick: I doubled the dose, because 250 sust and 275 tren A EW is very little, although I had amazing results, but was just curious with a "normal" dosed cycle.

  5. #5
    Brick's Avatar
    Brick is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX
    I'm starting week 6 today, so normally 3 weeks left.
    the problem with tren is its heavily underdosed, so to get the same results of 50ED I gotta shoot at least 75ED. and calculating it will be only 14 days, so i'll loose 1 week.
    @ Brick: I doubled the dose, because 250 sust and 275 tren A EW is very little, although I had amazing results, but was just curious with a "normal" dosed cycle.
    If you had 'amazing' results off it then where is the logic doubling it? Did you think you would get Captain America results? Doses do not need to be bumped cycle to cycle

  6. #6
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, I thaught to transform into Captain America, because my logic was amazing results + bulking diet + double dose + 2 more weeks.
    Maybe its only a question of BF, I mean, this summer I was at 76kg, now I'm at 83,5kg, I want to bulk, but maybe I should drop some carbs and get lean.
    Tren should help me to avoid muscle loss, but at the same time I'll stop bulking. or I should go on like this, hope that with the extra tren I loose some more fat in the next 2 weeks, and build some more muscle. my goal was 85kg lean, but I think I won't reach with this cycle. It would be amazing, 9kg lean for an ectomorph, but I should aim to 80kg lean, 4-5 kg would it be a good result for an 8 week cycle like mine?

  7. #7
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    BTW during the weekends, could it be a strategy to shoot only 50mg to save some tren ? I rest during weekends, saturday and sunday, cause gym is closed, so I could shoot only 50mgED and monday 70?? or doesn't it make any sense??

  8. #8
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    People (not just you OP) need to realise its not the steroids that decide on fat loss etc.
    These are not magic pills your taking
    You want to cut you got to get that diet and training correct and hit the cardio
    Don't rely on teen to do it for you.

    If your bulking yet again diet and training dictate how this happens not aas!

    There are 2 common things in every cycle which make your cycle what it is

    Without these you got nothing
    Please don't rely on steroids for fat loss

  9. #9
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    People (not just you OP) need to realise its not the steroids that decide on fat loss etc.
    These are not magic pills your taking
    You want to cut you got to get that diet and training correct and hit the cardio
    Don't rely on teen to do it for you.

    If your bulking yet again diet and training dictate how this happens not aas!

    There are 2 common things in every cycle which make your cycle what it is

    Without these you got nothing
    Please don't rely on steroids for fat loss
    This ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Hi all.
    So I’ve got the following problem.
    Cycle: 500 sust E3D and 350-500 tren A EW (bumped up).
    I started cycle at 80kg, with maybe a 14-14,5% of fat.
    The first week I went up till 84Kg, then I dropped to 83.5kg, and today I’m starting week 6, and I’m still at 83,5kg
    I dropped fat, but I can remember this summer, I was completely cut by week 3, now, I’m still there without much vascularity.
    My diet now is a little bit more carbs than in summer, because its ment to be a bulking cycle, and the quantities, of AAS are doubled.
    (this summer I made 250 sust EW and 275 tren A EW)
    Obviously, there’s something failing. I’m not bulking right, and I’m not cutting also. I found out, I started with a good tren, then I changed vial with different batch, and it was underdosed, cause night sweats stopped suddenly.
    Was doing 50mg ED and now I bumped up to 65-75mg ED, to have the same night sweats.
    That was a big part of fail of cycle, because I’ve lost 3-4 weeks doing underdosed tren.
    Obviously, I’ll do less tren too, because I loose in every shot 25mg that sucks.
    I’m taking 10mg exemestane ED, to control estro, I know when I was doing 15mg, I got more cut, but I want test to do its job.
    Or maybe I should upper exemestane.
    I have 2 weeks left, what could I do to arrange that and end with a good result, despite the problems I had?
    Should I buy more tren and shoot very high doses, like 100mg ED?

    In summer I was doing half the gear for only 6 weeks, and results were amazing, now I don't even see difference between the start and now
    Its you and your diet who is failing, not the AAS.

    Re evaluate your diet and TDEE, then make the necessarily changes to reflect your intended goals.

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You are doing way too much aas for your level.Just beacuse you are not having sides doesnt mean its no good.I will have nite sweats for like 2 weeks.Then skip a week all this out of the same jug.Like said you need to fix your diet and quit releying on too much aas to do the work for you.You really shouldnt be using tren on your 3rd cycle.There is really no need bro.

  11. #11
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I think tren is very suited for my genetics and for my goals.
    And BTW, its the first AAS that i knew, because of a pro BB who talked to me about that compound.
    I think everyone should base his diet and his supplements on goals and genetics.

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I think tren is very suited for my genetics and for my goals.
    And BTW, its the first AAS that i knew, because of a pro BB who talked to me about that compound.
    I think everyone should base his diet and his supplements on goals and genetics.
    I dont know where you get your info from.But thats not how it works.And why is it when someone does something wrong.They always have a Pro that told them.Good luck bro!

  13. #13
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Take a hard look at your diet bro. With the right nutrition you can be vascular with or without gear

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