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Thread: Input on next cycle dbol,prop,tren,mast

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Input on next cycle dbol,prop,tren,mast

    Ok I'm 27 195lbs 12% bf

    Did 4 cycles before

    Now I'm planning

    Dbol 40mgs Ed
    Prop 100mgs eod
    Tren 50mgs eod
    Mast 50mgs eod

    Now I need help with on cycle and pct support

    I have aromasin, adex, nolva, hcg, clomid, proviron, finasteride, clen

    Lmk thanks in advance

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bstacked View Post
    Ok I'm 27 195lbs 12% bf

    Did 4 cycles before

    Now I'm planning

    Dbol 40mgs Ed
    Prop 100mgs eod
    Tren 50mgs eod
    Mast 50mgs eod

    Now I need help with on cycle and pct support

    I have aromasin, adex, nolva, hcg, clomid, proviron, finasteride, clen

    Lmk thanks in advance

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    How long are you planning this? And are you running the dbol the entirety? Not sure if you're going to see anything with the mast dosed that low at 12%.
    Looks loke you have everything you're going to need.

  3. #3
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    Jun 2012
    Dbol wks 1-4

    The rest 1-12

    What should I take while on never tried tren
    I have the AIs and serms but Not sure which to take and how much while on not really prone to gyno havnt Needed any ai while takeing dbols or test cycles but what I've read about tren with gyno and prolactin is something I want to avoid thanks btw for the fast responses much appreciated

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Bump c'mon bros throw me a bone

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Hey man!

    Prop shouldn't be ran more than 8weeks, the gains start to hinder.

    If your tren is ace, I would do 50-75eod and run it with prop for 8weeks.

    Drop the dbol IMO.

    Agree with warmouth, 50mg eod of mast is not enough, and you should be lower than 12bf to see much of a change.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    To combat prolactin sides it is good to have Caber or Bromo on hand just in case though that tren dose is pretty low.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by redz
    To combat prolactin sides it is good to have Caber or Bromo on hand just in case though that tren dose is pretty low.

    Do adex 0.25eod or aromasin 12,5mg eod and keep caber on hand.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Yea all the gear is short ester for reasons being I never dealt with tren of I have a negative feedback while on I can drop it and be ok in least amount of time about 2 days as for the time frame maybe ill run dbol only for 4 weeks then jump on the rest for 8 weeks cause I also read tren is good for 8wks 12 wks is pushing it.

    I'm running dbol cause I don't get bloat from it I love the stuff
    My main concern is on cycle support what ai and or serm should I run with tren? I don't want gyno or milk in my chest lol I'm not prone to gyno. I havnt needed to take any AIs on cycle to date but tren is another story I'd rather be safe than sorry thanks for input

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  9. #9
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bstacked View Post
    Dbol wks 1-4

    The rest 1-12

    What should I take while on never tried tren
    I have the AIs and serms but Not sure which to take and how much while on not really prone to gyno havnt Needed any ai while takeing dbols or test cycles but what I've read about tren with gyno and prolactin is something I want to avoid thanks btw for the fast responses much appreciated

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    I wouldn't run test p for 12 weeks for starters. An AI is a must regardless of gyno prone or not. Gyno is the least of estrogen related side effects. Its the side effects you don't "see" that is dangerous. Take the AI. Having caber or prami on hand is responsible as well while using any 19nor. I cant stress enough the importance of controlling your estrogen. Throw "gyno" out the window. Way to many other sides that are far worse. With the propionate ester, after 8-10 weeks, the risk to reward isn't worth continuing. This is why short esters are being used anyways, no? Effect come on faster and you can get off faster. If you plan on a long cycle, use long esters.

  10. #10
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    Jun 2012
    Was typing didn't see last 2 replys until I posted ok sounds good ill get it thank in advance is there anything else to watch out for while on tren?

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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Use the aromasin on cycle.

    use the the HCG all the way thru cycle at 250iu 2x per week

    use the nolva and clomid for pct.

    Is your tren enanthate or ace? this will be what makes the decision of how long you should be on.

    hopefully its Ace so you can drop the cycle to 8 weeks. no need to run a short ester compund for 12 weeks as you would a long ester... normally only run the long 12 weeks ester because it takes 2 weeks to raise levels. Short esters can be raised in as little as 2-3 days. Thus we dont need thos few weeks to kick stuff in...

    also the tren prop and mast is kinda odd for me to be ran with dbol but i guess thats your choice. ( id drop the dbol if it was me and save it for a long ester cycle to help jumpstart things usually on a bulker.

    and yes, mast doesnt do much unless your single digit bf%.

    if it were me. id drop the mast and dbol and up the tren and run it for 8 weeks.

  12. #12
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bstacked
    Was typing didn't see last 2 replys until I posted ok sounds good ill get it thank in advance is there anything else to watch out for while on tren?

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    Never run tren, but sleeping pills should be helpful what I heard

    Don't forget to include HCG 250iu twice a week since day one, until 3-4 days before PCT start.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth

    I wouldn't run test p for 12 weeks for starters. An AI is a must regardless of gyno prone or not. Gyno is the least of estrogen related side effects. Its the side effects you don't "see" that is dangerous. Take the AI. Having caber or prami on hand is responsible as well while using any 19nor. I cant stress enough the importance of controlling your estrogen. Throw "gyno" out the window. Way to many other sides that are far worse. With the propionate ester, after 8-10 weeks, the risk to reward isn't worth continuing. This is why short esters are being used anyways, no? Effect come on faster and you can get off faster. If you plan on a long cycle, use long esters.
    I hear you I'm gonna switch to dbol alone 4wks and run the rest for 8wks not gonna start it till I get everything down

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  14. #14
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bstacked View Post

    I hear you I'm gonna switch to dbol alone 4wks and run the rest for 8wks not gonna start it till I get everything down

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    Don't run dbol without test!

  15. #15
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    Jun 2012
    Ill also say that id run dbol with another cycle. It normally used to kickstart the waiting time during a long estered cycle. You can do it fine if you so choose, there would be nothing wrong if you did. You would have a "dryer" look with just the prop. And prop doesn't have the wait time, so youll start seeing results in a week or 2. It comes on quick.

  16. #16
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    All short esters just in case of sides gonna run for 8wks check out my first post for what I currently have on hand

    Btw I always run hcg 2x awk while on made that mistake the first cycle I ever did and used it pct lol took me forever to bounce back... It's only funny now cause everything's ok that's why I'm on hear asking for everyone's input on it cause I never dealt with tren and I'm not trying to make any mistakes I've read up on it but I wanna know real people reviews and things to watch for/avoid/and or take
    So far

    4wks dbol wk 1-4
    8wks prop,tren,mast 4-12
    Hcg 250 2x wk
    Aromasin 12.5 eod

    Should I take caber or just have it on hand and would .5 Ed or eod be sufficient

    Pct same as all other I'm assuming

    Also is gas reflux and issue with tren I've heard a few people say this

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    Last edited by bstacked; 02-22-2013 at 09:41 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    Why bother with dbol at all... This cycle is more of a lean mass/cutting cycle, why bloat up on dbol?

    Mast is really a single porpose compound... Won't notice much until you are deep into the single digits and doesn't yield much a couple weeks after you are off cycle.

    Prop and tren 8-9 weeks is more than you need for this cycle

  18. #18
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power
    Why bother with dbol at all... This cycle is more of a lean mass/cutting cycle, why bloat up on dbol?

    Mast is really a single porpose compound... Won't notice much until you are deep into the single digits and doesn't yield much a couple weeks after you are off cycle.

    Prop and tren 8-9 weeks is more than you need for this cycle
    I don't bloat on dbol

    All short esters just in case of sides gonna run for 8wks check out my first post for what I currently have on hand

    Btw I always run hcg 2x awk while on made that mistake the first cycle I ever did and used it pct lol took me forever to bounce back... It's only funny now cause everything's ok that's why I'm on hear asking for everyone's input on it cause I never dealt with tren and I'm not trying to make any mistakes I've read up on it but I wanna know real people reviews and things to watch for/avoid/and or take
    So far

    4wks dbol wk 1-4
    8wks prop,tren,mast 4-12
    Hcg 250 2x wk
    Aromasin 12.5 eod

    Should I take caber or just have it on hand and would .5 Ed or eod be sufficient

    Pct same as all other I'm assuming

    Also is gas reflux and issue with tren I've heard a few people say this

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  19. #19
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    R.I.P My friends
    Well, it's good you are respecting tren, it's not a toy... 350/wk for a first trial will be more than sufficient. Should hardly see any sides but great results.

    Caber is good to have on hand, but if you don't see sides, no need to take.

    PCT should start 4 days after stopping the cycle and should not require more than a standard protocol.

    Get bloodwork done within a week or two of ending pct

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power
    Well, it's good you are respecting tren, it's not a toy... 350/wk for a first trial will be more than sufficient. Should hardly see any sides but great results.

    Caber is good to have on hand, but if you don't see sides, no need to take.

    PCT should start 4 days after stopping the cycle and should not require more than a standard protocol.

    Get bloodwork done within a week or two of ending pct
    Thanks bro, I don't take anything I put in my body lightly..
    life is to good to risk especially when it can easily be avoided by knowledge I really appreciate all the replies. I def got alot of useful info thanks again people

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