Hey guys. I am about to do my first cycle of test e 500 or 600mg with dbol 40mg Ed. Also gonna run armidex .5 eod with it. Pct clomid and nolva.
My question is this. I went from 135lbs to 165lbs in the past 2 years of lifting. All natural other than a cycle of Superdrol pills about a year ago. My nips are puffy and only hurt if pressed on but there is no real lump or anything behind them. But they are puffy and I hate it bc you can see them when I wear a thin shirt.
Should I run letro for 2 weeks and get this to go away before I start my cycle? Or will the armidex take this away while I'm on my cycle?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks for reading. And as far as stats I am 23 years old. 5'11 165lbs trying to get to 180-185. Not sure of my body fat % but I'm pretty lean. I'm naturally a skinny guy with low body fat.