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Thread: Existing gyno before first cycle. Treat first? Please help

  1. #1

    Existing gyno before first cycle. Treat first? Please help

    Hey guys. I am about to do my first cycle of test e 500 or 600mg with dbol 40mg Ed. Also gonna run armidex .5 eod with it. Pct clomid and nolva.

    My question is this. I went from 135lbs to 165lbs in the past 2 years of lifting. All natural other than a cycle of Superdrol pills about a year ago. My nips are puffy and only hurt if pressed on but there is no real lump or anything behind them. But they are puffy and I hate it bc you can see them when I wear a thin shirt.

    Should I run letro for 2 weeks and get this to go away before I start my cycle? Or will the armidex take this away while I'm on my cycle?

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks for reading. And as far as stats I am 23 years old. 5'11 165lbs trying to get to 180-185. Not sure of my body fat % but I'm pretty lean. I'm naturally a skinny guy with low body fat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    If you don't try to get it straightened up now, you are just asking for problems starting cycle. Too many people worry about dealing with their gyno after they start. Why? Handle it now and save yourself any possible problems.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Hey man!

    165 is not too much of weight even for your height to start AAS.

    You need to build solid base with hardcore training and A LOT of food.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    5ft 11 at 165 dude I'm 5ft 7 and I'm 195 you need to eat gear isn't gonna keep weight on your bones get your diet down you need calories in your life not Gear your not at your proper wight for your height and make sure when you get there to have you bf down before you jump in anything

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Good job on the gains in 2 years...30 lbs is great! Just keep doing what your doing....adjust your diet in the nutrition forum and the 20lbs you seek will be no prob without endangering your still developing endocrine system! Give it time and play it safe...your on track. Give it at least one more year natural and see what you can accomplish! Get that 20lbs and then look at adding AAS to the mix!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Take care I the gyno first. And while you're doing that handle your business in the diet and training areas too. Put on some weight and consider AAS a bit further down the road. Of ou could put on 30lbs in 2ys there's no reason you can't put on another 10-20 this year and think about steriods next year

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