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Thread: a question about 2nd cycle

  1. #1

    a question about 2nd cycle

    hi. i had been training natural for two yers, since this winter i had my first cycle. 6 weeks: sustanon 250mg per week up to 500, then reduced 250 again. the same thing with winstrol. no oral. the body reacted very good, but at the end no dramatic result in gains, ebout 4 kg lean muscle, so i'm thinking about having my second one. some suggestment about a stronger therapy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    An Linne Rosach
    Were you running sus at 250 then you took it up to 500 how long were you at 250 and when did you put it to 500 ? , and a six week cycle isnt long enough , for your next cycle you might want to try test-e for eight to ten weeks and see what you get from this, did you do a PCT after your cycle? if so what did you do ? also 4kg of lean muscle after six weeks sounds good to me
    Last edited by scorpion62; 02-22-2013 at 04:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You need to do a ton more research before touching gear again, did you even do a pct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stekka View Post
    hi. i had been training natural for two yers, since this winter i had my first cycle. 6 weeks: sustanon 250mg per week up to 500, then reduced 250 again. the same thing with winstrol. no oral. the body reacted very good, but at the end no dramatic result in gains, ebout 4 kg lean muscle, so i'm thinking about having my second one. some suggestment about a stronger therapy?
    This doesn't surprise me. And there is no way you put on 10lbs of LEAN muscle with that "cycle." You may have gained 10lbs total, but not lean muscle.

    Like Redz said, youre a long way form doing AAS properly and responsibly.

    Stick around and read the stickies and Education Forums. They will help learn what to do properly, how to combat sides, and what a proper PCT is and why you should always include this.

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